What is some cool chemistry that I can do at home?


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Helium tank straight to your mouth, keep until you pass out, you'll wake up with a lower voic e

check /b/ for their crystal forming recipes

Produce ethanol via fermentation and then distill it / dry it

microwave a spoon and hold him under cold water

Can I drink that?

Also, I know you phaggots are going to say shite like "ammonia + bleach lulz". Don't bother.


Vinegar+baking soda=volcano

No ethanol is poisonous because of the extra ch3 group (like methamphetamines and amphetamines) instead drink methanol. That is what they use in alcohols.

>hehe xd


>Can I drink straight ethanol?
No you dingus. What do you think abv is?

That depends on how much you're willing to spend.
If you spend enough your "experiments" might actually earn your some profits [spoiler]and years in prison[/spoiler]

Hint hint***

Try the Golden Book of Chemistry Experiments by Saxon

Forgot OP. You can find it for free online pretty easily

mix bleach and acetic acid (vinegar) in your toilet bowl and watch it go as clean as a whistle

for an actual answer, look into doing growing crystals. This guy makes some cool ones.


Thanks lads

Drug overdose

Fill your bathtub with lye. You can figure out the rest

sand and water to make mud!!!

take a cup of hydrogen peroxide and add a cup of blood (from steaks or ground beef works) and watch the foam explosion

OP listen to and enjoy your future blindness

Here's how you make some crystals. This recipe was published in a peer reviewed journal. The authors recommend using everclear

>Take caustic soda (1/2 glass)
>Fill the rest with water
>Drink but keep it in your mouth for at least 30 sec before swallowing
>Gets whiter teeth
>Healthy liver
>Improve cognitive skills

soda bottle + HCl 10 mol + tin foil + shake and throw

dont try those on /b/ out

Gummy bear and potassium chlorate
Oscillating chemical clock
backing soda and vinegar

Yeah, just don't use fruit with pectin in it, you'll make methanol. Also don't drink ethanol that is over 95% pure, it denatures proteins





Though I can't really find fault with the science on this one, I will say their lab method isn't exactly safe.

I once got told how to make gun powder. The final chemical product is a solid, similar to slate, that you need to break up and granulate yourself. Sounds dangerous as fuck. A single spark could blow you up.

This will kill me, right?

>This will kill me, right?

Oh yeah.


Its not that hard.. You add sulfur to rocket candy and there you go


You can do lots of computational chemistry. Look up ORCA, GAMESS, or Firefly

Woaaahhhh!!!! Wiggid!!!

get the kosmos and thames 3000


Stop trolling.