Common Core

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for the MILLIONTH time /pol/ common core is not a specific plan handed down from some central office but simply a broad directive of which teachers are left to their own devices in an attempt to adhere to

furthermore if you're truly stumped by those meme images you find on Facebook about common core you're a mathlet

>I'll never use math!
What's up with that anti-intellectualism, you'll never use anything you learn on high school and a good proportion of things you learn in primary school. Go bug english or something, I've never used that.

school needs to be like 3 hours a day and cover math and reading/writing.

with those two tools, kids can figure everything else out on their own via the internet. think about what you actually needed to know in order to successfully get through your first year of college. its not much. if thats where we are trying to get kids to, then there is no fucking reason for kids to be in a classroom fro 8 hours a day, 9 months out of the year for 12 years.

I don't give a fuck about American """"""education""""""

>nearly impossible math

school has 3 primary purposes
>instill in people a respect for authority and the ability to do repetitive laborious busywork so that as adults they will be able to do such work for 40+ years for an employer
>instill a sense of patriotism to ensure that they will do that work in this country and not in some other country, and so that they will be more likely to participate in wars
>convince them that school is an absolute requirement if you are to get anywhere in life and instill a groupthink mentality so that they will never challenge the system that is in place

Go back to sleep O'Brien.

>he doesn't know school is basically daycare for deranged hormonal teenagers

It's to create a pool of workers that can become technicians, engineers, and scientists that can drive the high tech USA economy that produces the most advanced weapons and has personnel competent enough to operate them.

Elite schools produce people who become managers that run the central planning apparatus that is the financial sector. Many scientists are brought into this sector to provide further efficiency.

Artists and "freethinkers" are used to generate propaganda and present the information of the technocrats in a form that is politically useful. These people also provide data on human capital that can be used as parameters to inform decisions. This last tier is the most expendable yet in a democratic society is the most useful.

Citizens that don't fit into any of these categories are used as future organ donors, sustained through the welfare state while alive as they provide minimal products compared to other citizens.

>forcing kids to do things they don't like is problematic
>/nearly impossible/ math
>math isn't needed in /every/ job
>highschool children

'Merica everyone

why can't they just work part time instead?

You don't even know what Common Core is moron.

you had me until organ donors

Ain't no one gonna take organs from a disgusting welfare cashing NEET that are baconators for 30 years straight before keeling over and dying

>Ain't no one gonna take organs from a disgusting welfare cashing NEET that are baconators for 30 years straight before keeling over and dying

Top men are working on it.

Go away /pol/. No-one likes you.

You will use a lot of that in your life.
But only if you want to optimize something or make your life easier.

For example, investing.
Compound interest is a trivial equation, and yet it can make you so much money.
Physics for building stuff.
Chemistry to not die using cleaning supplies (yes, really).
Programming will save you thousands of hours in repetitive work.
And now let's go to math:
Algebra and differential equations for salaries, employees, checkbooks, ...
Statistics for literally everything. Did you know you can actually make money playing fantasy? You need to know statistics though. Probability to know your odds in a casino.

>knowing basic math will make you win money

>kids can figure everything else out on their own via the internet
You've obviously never spoken to someone on the internet. Most people don't make any sort of effort to inform themselves, even when they have close to the entire sum of human knowledge at their fingertips.

Plus there's the problem that past a certain point of ignorance on a certain subject most people can't even recognize their own ignorance on said subject. It's natural that you wouldn't seek to educate yourself if you believe yourself adequately informed already, whether or not that's actually true.

>Compound interest is a trivial equation, and yet it can make you so much money.

The flip side to this is that if you buy something on credit, you can end up paying a lot more interest than you might expect.

>common core

Wait, you mean I have to _STUDY_? In my own time? At home?

Why can't I just go home and watch Youtube™?

And before someone posts that easy problem with the trapezoid...
>Trigonometric functions have a wide range of uses including computing unknown lengths and angles in triangles (often right triangles).

You will only use math in life if you intend to be successful by cuckholding the banks instead of the other way around.