That article hits terrifyingly close to home, but I’ve never used any meth. I have been on about 20 different antidepressants, mood stabilizers, sleeping pills all that. I’m not sure what’s the cause of it, but over the years I’ve gone from being a go getter straight A student to a “meh” person who is way too content with mediocrity. It’s terrifying the word salad and memory fog stuff too (I mean just look at this sentence. I’m even complacent with not fixing it, because it should read “it’s terrifying how I.. shit I can’t even form the thought. I’m trying to wean off all medicine.
DO NOT USE DRUGS! It is absolutely horrifying to see the shell of a person I’ve become. Only the last two or three months I’ve been dedicating myself to vigorous diet, exercise, meditation, note taking, learning a new language, and sleep to recover the body.
Also this has become a LINK shill post because I went from a year of unemployment to 100 hour work weeks so I can earn enough LINK. I didn’t think any external motivation can bring me back.
Nootropics discussion: adderall vs. Dexedrine vs. Vyvanse. Has anybody tried them? Which one works best for work, study...
Sensitivity is everything. That's not the sort of supplement that will give you immediate feedback, but after some extended use the effects are pronounced.
Take choline with it. Sensitivity to caffeine will be a thing. After ten years of use, off and on, the difference is obvious to me.
there is only one true Veeky Forums drug
Have to agree man, ani is great for exams, so is phenylpiracetam but I save it for the midterm/final. Oxi is really good if you take any kind of math class.
I do this crazy thing where I read a book and try to memorize all the facts inside it. Then I walk into the exam and write down what I learned. Its foolproof and its impossible for them to catch you. You should try it OP.
I've tried ritalin and concerta (very similar to each other except in duration) and vyvanse (by far my favorite, much smoother, less of a bad comedown).
adderall I think would be worse because it's shorter acting. Feeling the frequent unpleasant comedown like with ritalin and the compulsion to redose/danger of binging. Unless you can get addreall xr or something, then it might be similar to vyvanse (concerta is basically ritalin xr I think but I still like it less than vyvanse). Was taking pretty high doses of concerta for a while years ago, like 120mg or something daily. all at once. That fucked me up massively and turned me into a robot which was good at the time because it helped me get through horrible depression at the time without thinking much about it but gave me a taste of what I think meth addiction might be like, binging for days without sleeping and just programming until I basically became unsconscious and restart when I wake up (was unemployed at the time and living on welfare). Anyway, the reason I was prescribed it and still am kind of off label is basically to improve my mood (ssri and similar never did shit for me) it it always gave me decent euphoria.
Now I still take it to get through especially boring days at work. Time just flies by when I'm on it.
After all my experience I would never take it as a nootropic. It may make me somewhat more productive while i'm on it (not smarter even if i can feel smarter on it) gives me confidence but also dangerously makes me over-confident and do/say stupid embarrassing stuff. And any gain in productivity while it's peaking (mostly due to better focus/determination) is overcompensated by non productivity in the comedown.
You can get focused bordering on obsession while on it and you need to be very careful to get focused on the right thing. It will not necessarily help you start something you're unmotivated to do like eg if you wanna take it to study. You might even instead accidentally focus on procrastinating more and then do that obsessivey. You might feel more motivated to do something you didn't want to do but still not start it because you feel like you'll still be motivated later which in reality you won't after it wears of and then you may be in a worse situation having wasted time and feeling like shit on top of it.
Also the main reason I wanna get off it completely is that the side effects don't really go away anymore at some point and you constantly feel stressed/restless/tense/nervous.
Though I've never built a tolerance to it. The dose I had in the past months was 30mg of vyvance in the morning which doesn't last quite a whole work day but almost. And always retains the same effect.
None of those are nootropics OP. Look up the definition of nootropic
Damn thanks for that I'll have to try magnesium (or research a bit at least), wonder how much that will actually help to relieve those things. None of the therapists who prescribed me the stuff ever suggested that.
we are ALL in this together my friend. Stinkie Linkies $1000 EOY