How much stronger than biological human females are biological human males?

> Please provide sources.

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Men are much stonger and smarter than females but females are more caring and have more feeling sense and less logic than males

>Women are the things a male lacks, and vice versa
I don't remember that quote well but eh, something like that

Yeah, that's the question, user, I think you misread.

Well i just searched on Google Images
>men vs women strength
All of them are pretty similar so, you got it

But unless your question is something for homework, can't help you there.
Maybe, MAYBE Veeky Forums could help you with this

>Women and men are totally physically equally matched in physical strength.
>Men have much higher muscle to fat percentage, more muscle mass; more muscle attachments, build muscle quicker and have denser bones.
>Totally equal...
Ah, yes, liberalism totally hasn't facaded objective truth.


In deadlift the men's world record holder can lift more than twice as much weight.

Would you like to change physical strength to immeasurable inner-strength?

I would still argue men because they don't cry like women.

And the award for benevolent sexism goes to..

Ah, nonono sorry

I mean't that the images on Google about women vs men strength are pretty similar and that proves that women don't have the same strength like men have
Thanks baby, love you too


Clean & Jerk 263 kg Hossein Rezazadeh
Clean & Jerk 187 kg Zhou Lulu

263/187 = 40.64% stronger

note: this is among competitive athletes, among average men and women it depends on the prevailing lifestyle choices of average men and women in society

where'd his dick go

About 40% stronger, unless you're a weakling. Weaklings should feel bad about themselves.


what if you are a weakling because you took a bullet for the president

Still a weakling

The dude is standing next to a hot, naked woman, and all he can do is wave?




I'm sorry that these are your parents.

the sticky says men put on muscle either 1.5 times or 2 times faster, can't remember exactly
