Would it be possible for a technologically advanced civilisation to build a habitable ring around a star...

Would it be possible for a technologically advanced civilisation to build a habitable ring around a star? I'm not worried about the logistical problems of building (ie resources used, oxygen) I'm more interested in the issues around how it would behave.

The heat and solar flares would prove to be quite an issue, also It seems far more practical to build a space station in orbit around a star.

but surely building a ring would just be like building a massive amount of space stations around a star and then connecting them, so it could be done, right?

It would be possible but stupid.

The surface area and manoeuvrability of a giant ring around a star would make it difficult to dodge debris and solar flares (don't think a solar flare would be easy to dodge considering how fast and massive they are but still), its a far more inefficient use of space because the ring shape means there's more surface area too, not to mention it would have to be unnecessarily large, the amount of time and resources required would be preposterous. Unless being a ring actually serves some other purpose it's just a stupid idea.

Post more lindybeige.

If you need to harness an entire sun's worth of engergy (dyson sphere) you're probably doing it wrong

>thinks climate change is a mass conspiracy

So does the God Emperor. Your move.

i dont know that overrated franchise

I'm talking about pic related ya dunce.

so you're saying trump is a dumb as lindy beige? kek

do you realize how fucking big stars are?

Most of Veeky Forums are liberal retards, just like most of /pol/ are American cultists. Every board has its thrash.

>dat attempt at slipping in a false dichotomy

Thanks I'll go to pol for my Veeky Forums time before bed now. I thought this was the retard board.

>I'm not worried about the logistical problems of building

What i meant wars that i don't think such a structure could be possible

but surely if you had enough resources it could be

I'd say it is not feasible.

>Mass to encircle a star at any non-melting distance is quite large
>a solid ring is unstable and continue to perturb worse and worse
>you could just build a shitload of orbital platforms and achieve just as much as a solid ring could for much less effort

We could lay layers of cobblestone under every highway and the roads would last for thousands of years.

Or we could pound some gravel into the dirt and cover it with asphalt and just fix the potholes and other damage every year.

At the point you could build a ringworld, you wouldn't' want to.

To simplify building a ringworld is like sending a chemical rocket to orbit Alpha Centauri
>The science is elementary
>The engineering is known possible but difficult
>The financial commitment doesn't exist

>Being so autistic that you take someone speaking in hypothetical terms as someone speaking in real honest terms.