This is the perfect woman figure you have to look for after you make it

>this is the perfect woman figure you have to look for after you make it
The best sex you will have will be pumping over a girl with a body like this.
Prove me wrong.

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fuck no fuck you


It's okay, I know there's gay people too in here.

it moved

You're not wrong, but
>Veeky Forums - Business & Finance

As long as it's a pump and dump, sure.

fucking fat chicks is awesome
can't get serious with them though

y tho? want to be miserable? marry a hot chick. Good luck as she makes her fading looks your problem.

That girl isn't fat rofl. You want some girl with a six pack and vascularity?


more pls

what if you put your dick in her big fat ass haha

>saving a thumbnail

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skinnier would be nicer bc she would be easier to hold and cuddle with

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god no. that's the body of a girl who can't look after herself.

Thats a good face sitting body

it’s very true.

cute busty chubs are by far the best lays.

nature proves it out.

Chub chicks with nice boobs can be good, I agree

these are the girls I fuck when I strike out with 7s and 8s on Friday and Saturday nights

then beta losers like you guys fawn after them when they put on 40lbs and wanna smoke your weed and suck your dick all day.

i guess big girls need love too

because fat girls tend to get fatter once you commit to them. Screwing a chick like pic related is fine, but another 25lbs tops shes unfuckable.

and that 25lbs can happen quick too

We're talking like 3 months of not watching what she eats and not working out... and boom.. shes buying hoodies trying to hide her fat rolls

as if that girl was working out LOL

Fucking fat girls is fun every one on a while, and if you do it at her place you know for sure there are some snacks around for afterward.

I almost hooked up with a fat girl one drunken winter night. I actually was making fun of her by calling her Mrs.Clause but she was so narcissistic she didn't realize I was dissing her.

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better off getting a negress with a big ass and tits than some fat sow.

bye bye crypto

That bitch is fat as fuck jesus christ you people are pathetic

Can you imagine the quanity of farts?

Also there is fecal matter in the colon of fat people A LOT OF FECAL MATTER.

would probably melt when she farts the 2 chipotle burritos she had for breakfast all over your cock. fat chicks are gross you're all fags

real talk
literally perfect size

You virgins are deluded
Sure this voluptuous body makes you want to bang her but there is a caveat
I have banged petites as well as sows
The thing with women as fat as her is that her skin is so thick that when you try to put your dick inside her doggystyle, your dick would only go half in as the rest is blocked by that layer of fat
A very big turn off in my opinion. It feels like you are banging a beanie bag, something which has no shape and feel.

how did the room smell when you were done? with the stinky fatty farts and sweaty BO

She did not fart but when you fuck such a fat lady the thought of her farting does cross your mind, something which is a turn off for me while fucking

You don't need any money to fuck a whale.

I like curves but not fucking blubber.

her belly touches her legs while siting
>not fat

>50+% body fat

>belly too big

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Someone just admitted they have a little peepee. Kek


wtf op you disgusting larp

I've never banged girl this big, but after a cocaine fueled wreck of a night I ended up banging a girl that was slightly chubby but still kind of cute.

The sex was really shit, by far the best sex I've had is with small petite girls, it's so much more fun and it's nice to fuck someone who actually has energy and is happy being naked (no fat girl is).

But whatever, horses for courses ya know.

Who gives a fuck lol? She's a woman not a man.

This is OPs girl from a different angle.
Sure she might be a good lay but would you really want to be seen in public with her? There are other girls who are tubby and have better shape than her.

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who dis?

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>Implying you know anything about perfect women.

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Good taste user

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Did few chubby chicks (not fat like the pic thi) they all ok but smell so bad when they sweat.

Half female half hoppity-hop?

Yep every mom is a fat bitch

Half waterbed.