This is the perfect woman figure you have to look for after you make it

I've never banged girl this big, but after a cocaine fueled wreck of a night I ended up banging a girl that was slightly chubby but still kind of cute.

The sex was really shit, by far the best sex I've had is with small petite girls, it's so much more fun and it's nice to fuck someone who actually has energy and is happy being naked (no fat girl is).

But whatever, horses for courses ya know.

Who gives a fuck lol? She's a woman not a man.

This is OPs girl from a different angle.
Sure she might be a good lay but would you really want to be seen in public with her? There are other girls who are tubby and have better shape than her.

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who dis?

Attached: 1505018919.jpg (604x613, 71K)

>Implying you know anything about perfect women.

Attached: randalin.webm (266x476, 2.29M)

Good taste user

Attached: tumblr_on3jxjfyEd1uuawfgo2_1280.jpg (1280x1278, 356K)

Did few chubby chicks (not fat like the pic thi) they all ok but smell so bad when they sweat.

Half female half hoppity-hop?

Yep every mom is a fat bitch

Half waterbed.