Why do you want to be an American Mathematician instead of a German Engineer?

Don't you realize math is a liberal arts degree?

Wouldn't you rather be a quality German/Japanese Engineer?

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idc if it's liberal arts, follow your passion... I'm doing math because it's fun and not stupidly difficult like engineering...

i'd say engineering uses as much math if not more (useful) math than a mathematics degree.

when Veeky Forums talks about engineers, they mean architects

I guess the main reason to do math is if you REALLY like it, same reason you'd major in art i guess


Im a professional Architectural Engineer.

Feels gud. Godlike algebra abilities that blow the minds of those around me.

> Be a German engineer.
> Heard automation is the future.
> Everyone used robots from Kuka.
> Started working in Kuka.
> Chinese bought it.


I don't have much faith in German engineering industry after this.

>as much, if not more

don't most universities stop teaching engineers math after ODEs and vector calculus?

Kuka isn't even that big and will stay in Germany anyway.

There are still Siemens, Bosch, Phoenix or Jenoptik.


A German Engineering degree will usually have a bit more

See tuhh.de/t3resources/tuhh/download/studium/pruefungsamt/po/Plaene_ab_WS16_17/AIW/20160323_Studienplan_Bachelor_AIWBS_7__KohorteWiSe__16_17_1_.pdf

for a typical german engineering curriculum


How do you feel that HAW students are the more wanted ones?

Nothing desu.
I will get my degree, work in my work-student job like I do for the past 2 years and hope for the best.As long I have my practical experience I won't have any second thoughts getting a job. I mean my current 'Boss' already told me that the would love to hire me fulltime.

But I can see why HAW students don't need to struggle afterwards either and are wanted in the industry. Do you study at HAW? What's your major/degree course?


I studied mechanical engineering at the TUHH for two semesters but moved to the TU in Braunschweig.

TUHH was so pseudo elitism with profs trashtalking the HAW and the newish HCU.

After moving back to Hamburg for work. You can hear it everywhere how bad the opinions are about the TUHH - especially in the aerospace industry.

> feel elite because studying in TUHH

That's so retarded, I don't even.

Is University of Munich good?

TU or LMU?

[spoiler]Both are pretty good[/spoiler]

Does ETH Zürich count? They're #6 in Physics.

Rating doesn't really matter for anything not Ph.D and Post Ph.D. related.

ETH has a much better reputation than any German uni. And more difficult curriculum too.

>german (((engineering)))
>using a mechanism to replace the function of an off-shelf part

Rating doesn't even matter for anything else.

A German with a German degree will never have any problems getting into some international research group.
It's more important to find an university which has a research group in the field you want to get into.

Keep deluding yourself.



What is that supposed to prove?

The power of German Engineering


Fancy grad school accepts people from fancy institutions.

Your link doesn't prove anything in that regard.

It's strange because your reddit link shows a bunch of international students from Germany of all kinds of universities.

The joke is that there is no prestige to gain for Germans to have a ph.d. from Stanford or MIT over a German university or in combination with other research institutes - unlike for the Chinese students.

Meh, the intakes in top unis like Harvard and MIT are dominated by students from other top unis. If you don't see it, you're just lying to yourself.

Yup, exceptional German students. Exceptions that prove the rule. The claim somewhere above was:
> A German with a German degree will never have any problems getting into some international research group.
It's more important to find an university which has a research group in the field you want to get into.

I just prove this is bullshit. If this is true, there should be more German students in Harvard etc. Unless you are claiming German students don't want to get into Harvard.
Plain nationalism.

None of German institutions can really compare to top US institutions like Harvard.
Even Bonn.
I see Nazi is well and alive in Germany.

>dat jumping to conclusions

>there are bunch of German students there
>but but that doesn't count

The correct conclusion would be that English speaking universities get students from other English speaking universities. Or are we now claiming that Australia is better than Germany in science?

Though the share of German students is more than just "exceptions that prove the rule".

>full of universities, international research facilities, Fraunhofer and Max-Planck institutes and stuff

Makes one wonder how stuff like Wendelstein 7-X or DESY are even possible in Germany!

Also the same shit with Japan. Japan has even less students in the USA than Germany but they are still successful in science and engineering as well.

>ITT: a bunch of freshman arguing about engineers in academia

top kek son. engineers belong in industry. you are a beta faggot who cant handle competition if you just hide in college your whole career.

Everything can be reduced to the better the own domestic research capacities the less interesting it is for students to move to another country.

>spends more of their GDP for science than any other European country
>but but they suck


>Why doesn't engineering at German Universities rank that high, ever?

Because the graduate students travel to the US to get paid more.
Foreign students earned 57% of all engineering doctorates, 54% of all computer science degrees, and 51% of physics doctoral degrees.

A large fraction of german research institutions (Max-Planck-, Helmholtz-, Fraunhofer Gesellschaft) are excluded from these rankings.
And if you look further into the archives there's somewhere a link explaining why Max-Planck and Fraunhofer would be considered rankwise top-tier in research but why they don't get listed in your average ranking. Protip: They are not counted since Germany doesn't give a fuck about specialisied research faculties at Universities.

>In terms of total research volume (unweighted by citations or impact), the Max Planck Society is only outranked by the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Russian Academy of Sciences and Harvard University.[5]



Makes me wonder if a German scientist fucked him quite hard at some point.

Meh, have you checked the faculties of any science and engineering department in Germany?
All white.

Germans are racist and have difficulties admitting it.

>All white.


STEM faculties are the most diverse one in Germany like everywhere else in the world.

Structural Engineer here.

While I work with Arch-Eng's a lot at my practice - and they're good - I'm always disappointed when I encounter one of you guys at an architectural practice.

Being around retards who add up floor buildup thickness for a living really dulls you. You may be god tier around them, but from the outside you're the monkey smearing shit everywhere instead of flinging it.

Move to an engineering practice if you don't want to have early onset Altzheimers.

>study physical technology at a random German university of applied science
>write thesis about somethg particle accelerator related at Desy
>now I'm called a fucking expert for the engineering aspects of particle accelerators

Sorry, but it's not.
Even if you don buy the racism angle, there other reasons like language barrier. Or lower pay.
German universities also prefer internal candidates.
A lot of the professors did their PhD in the same institution.

Check any department.

>Meh, have you checked the faculties of any science and engineering department in Japan? All Japanese.

>Japanese are racist and have difficulties admitting it.

Hehe, really makes one contemplate...

Japanese people are super racist though

>Therefore not diverse
>Diversity is good

Wtf I hate white people now!

The joke is that Germany is one of the most popular countries for foreign students.

Germany is after the USA and UK the third most popular country for international students.

Yeah and you'll never call them out on it.
>The academia of a country having faculty mainly of that countrys nationality and therefore(in a sane world, assuming no mass scale ethnic replacement) ethnicity is not racist you fuck.

What are you? A brown who screams for westerners to give your people gibs even at the cost of their own? Or some ethno-masochistic, white guilt pussy?

A brown? I'm Russian.

>ethno-masochistic, white guilt pussy?
Dude stop, diversity means non-westerners and nothing more. No one is talking about making cambodia or fucking japan more diverse, it's all about getting non-european descended peoples into european or majority european-descended nations. What this means inevitability is making the proportion of actual westerners in those countries smaller. It's ethnic replacement.
No other people is doing this towards themselves, no one is pushing this on non-westerners.

>[math]\displaystyle \Delta{U} = \mu C_v \Delta{T} [/math]
>implying no P-V work

I'm from India.

Here we have calls for diversification of Caste.

All the darker browns are now in positions of power based on nothing more than affirmative action.

Lighter Browns are technically under-represented now.

Oh but..... muh /pol/..... hurr durr

But we do.
Koreans and Japanese are xenophobic.
Everyone knows that.

Because of the free tuition.
If you check the data of hiring rate of international graduates in Germany, it's really telling.
Again, just check any science/engineering faculties in Germany. More often than not, 99-100% German.

i Woah, nice digits !

I can't wait to become a japanese citizen tbf
Closed borders, sane immigration and citizenship requirements, will soon become a nuclear power...
Nice, very nice. I'll make sure to push my jap wagecucks to breed too, though with the coming artificial womb and robotic workforce, birth rates, that are rising anyway, is a non-issue.

That's like saying, don't you want to be a Swiss economist, business person, lawyer or accountant.

>mfw I'm a Swiss international lawyer

Civil Engineerights, woo-hoo

Making sure your society is in properly designed spaces.

Just for fun, I regraded a community college field to drain towards a humanities building.

>dat goalpost moving

So what is the hiring rate of international graduates in Germany?

What goalpost moving?
Fact 1: German faculties comprised mainly of Gerrmans. Same as in most non-English speaking countries.
Fact 2: It's difficult for international students to get employment here. Again, same as in other non-English speaking countries.