These are the most cited papers in computer science

These are the most cited papers in computer science

They don't all seem like trivial code monkey shit

Did Veeky Forums lie to me?

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The most cited papers in a field aren't typically what's covered in a bachelor's degree.

part of CLRS is typically covered in an intro algorithms class.

it's because nobody knows what computer science is

the people who are super psyched about going into computer science and becoming professional javascript programmers have no clue what computer science is; they think it's just how to program or some shit

universities DO know what it is, but they adjusted their curriculum to cater to the less inclined crowd (aka javascript monkeys), and pass off programming 101 as "computer science"
many of the javascript monkeys drop out because computer science isn't the art class they thought it would be

because of the above, those who don't know what computer science is get a bad impression because there's so many object oriented social justice losers on the surface and it makes the whole field look bad

and it's obvious that the most cited papers are going to be actual computer science papers - nobody is going to cite java for dummies

>nobody will cite Java for Dummies

never have i been so sad to be wrong

I hope they cited it as a joke


wtf I hate sci/math majors now

oh no how would we have known? academics posting papers aren't code monkeys? MIND BOGGLE

>T H Cormen, C E Leiserson, R L Rivest, C Stein.
>Introduction to Algorithms. 1990


>people cite an encyclopedia of basic results in the field
the horror

I regularly cite my 1st grade arithmetic book too.

You should.

Come back to me when you're done reading CLRS. You might learn interesting stuff

>t. CS major that got buttblasted by CLRS

I'm a cs major that didn't get buttblasted, but there's a lot of material in clrs that is far from trivial. Again, you should read it, because it's kinda shameful to not have taken an introductory course to algorithms

>interesting must mean it was confusing

Short answer is yes.

"CS is trivial and only related to code monkeys" is a Veeky Forums meme. Of course there are plenty of code monkeys that just edit html code and copypaste from stack overflow yet call themselves "engineer", " "computer/data scientists" and so on but they are not the ones that get the shit done.
"CS is for code monkeys" is like saying "fluid mechanics is for plumbers", "botanic is for farmers" or "mathematics are for cashiers".


Saying you learn advanced theory in a CS major is like saying you learn fluid mechanics in a plumbing trade school.