Good Day Veeky Forums brainlett here, can I ask you guys a question please?

After the big bang all matter in the universe was shot out of a singularity, supposedly. Now i've heard that the Universe is expanding and all galaxies are moving away from each other. I've also heard that the Andromeda galaxy is heading right for us, as well that other galaxies are in mid collision? Could someone with the knowledge please explain this to me, I just don't get it sorry. Thanks you for your time and patience.

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the larger the distance the faster space expands, andromeda is close enough to us that we'll eventually collide, even tho there is still space expanding between us.

Ok, but if all matter started from a singularity, shouldn't it be moving away at the same rate? How is Andromeda catching us? is it faster, and relative to what? If you could explain in layman's terms it would help me visualize it better.
Thank you for your response user.

every bit of space expands at the same rate, creating more space to be expanded, so if you have more distance to an object, youll be gettin away faster because theres more space being expanded at once.
its not that everything its moving at the speed of light away from us (duh?) its just, the farther away you are, the faster you "move" relative to eachother.

Also, if youre far enough to something, you're not gravitationally bound to it, cause gravity travels at the speed of light. you get out of its "causality/light cone"

Once the universe began to cool so matter could form, gravity began acting against the initial momentum from the explosion. In some regions of space like ours, gravity has overcome that initial force.

As time goes on, gravity will be overpowered until all that is left is static.

Also, there were two kinds of motion. One is the particles in the universe and one is space itself. See metric expansion of spacetime.

You can think of the universe as a balloon and the galaxies are like two little ants on the surface of the balloon. As you put air into the balloon it expands and the ants on the surface of the balloon move apart. Even tho they're moving apart because of the expanding balloon, the ants can still walk towards each other.
See ant on rubber rope for explanation

Also, an ordinary balloon expanding would accurately represent a 2d universe expanding. But for the analogy to properly represent our universe, it would have to be a 4 dimensional balloon.

One more thing. Doesn't the shape of our universe sorta remind you of a balloon that's been popped in slow motion?

So it's gravity that's causing us to move towards each other? Ok I think I'm starting to get it. I'm still confused about how the Universe is accelerating it be then, shouldn't expansion be slowing down if gravity is pulling things together?
Also thanks again for user or Anons taking the time tonight, I really appreciate it.

If the universe wasnt expanding as fast, yes.
But things that are not that far, can still get to collide with eachother.
Because, the more space there is between you and something, there more space there is to expand, because space expands from everywhere at the same rate, it creates more space that also can be expanded making it exponential.

in the end, there'll be pockets of mass separated by so much space that you cant see them anymore, and your local group witch is still able to collide *and be causally connected to*

The problem lies in the fact that it turns out that the universe's rate of expansion is accelerating as a result of "dark energy". The results are known but the details of the mechanics are still WIP.

In anycase, yes, the handful of blueshifted galaxies, relative to us, will eventually merge together, but eventually the universe will be expanding so quickly that the other galaxies will be moving away from us at, relatively, faster than the speed of light. We will no longer see them, and it will appear that the new, larger galaxy, makes up the whole of the universe. Gravity, like all forces, propagates at the speed of light, so they will effectively no longer exist to us.

Eventually, that same accelerating expansion will tear apart the galaxy, solar systems, atoms, and particles, similarly each becoming effectively its own universe with no outside interaction. But the stellar recycling will come to an end before then, leaving the universe a dark place, until the black holes finally evaporate - by which time the universe will be expanding so quickly that they energy they release will immediately be lost to that same expansion.

Unless we somehow answer Asimov's Last Question before then.

But if you have an hour and want the, slightly dated, pop-sci version, with an intro from atheist-man:

Wow thank you for the excellent responses, and taking the time Anons. I'm going to watch the vids now. If you happen to think of anything else for me, please post it. Have a great night!
Lois boobs for you!

MMmmm... Universal expansion....

We dont understand dark energy enought to be certain of a big rip.
tho there are alot of smart people workin on it, i think the most accepted theory is heat death.
if i dont remember wrong

also... thanks? i guess its ontopic since were talkin expansion here *stupid obigatory joke *

I think when all matter decays into Iron-56, we'll see a big crunch. Magnetism is a much stronger force than gravity. Once iron stars start forming the universe will become one gigantic super magnet and crush itself to death. I only wonder what physics bending properties a universe sized magnet would produce, besides the big crunch that is.

We've more or less verified we live in a flat universe since Hubble, so a big rip is inevitable, unless there's some factor we've not picked up on yet. Though it's currently looking as though we'll get the double apocalypse, in that entropic death will take hold before the big rip.

Basically the lights run down, and then everyone goes their separate ways.

I suppose there's always the possibility, should we expand beyond this rock, that we'll find a solution in that nigh infinite period of time though. There's four fields connecting everything, so surely, there maybe some way to alter the universal constant.

On the other hand, there's also a strong possibility that the top quark isn't stable. We can't be sure without building an accelerator with a circumference of the Earth, but if it is, we maybe living in a false vacuum anyways, and thus, somewhere, possibly in the past or the future, the universe maybe falling apart at the speed of light, and we've just yet to meet our end as nothing more complex than a hydrogen molecule will be able to support itself as everything collapses down to the lower energy level. In which case, all this speculation will be moot.

>Magnetism is a much stronger force than gravity.
Inverse square. Magnetism doesn't have the range of gravity. It does mean individual atoms will exist for far longer than the rest of the universe, but even they will eventually be torn apart, as no force propagates at faster than the speed of light.

>On the other hand, there's also a strong possibility that the top quark isn't stable.
I recall someone citing a scenario where this could be a Fermi paradox solution. That every civilization that reaches an industrial peek sufficient to build such an accelerator discovers that the universe is unstable, and decides to leave.

You can, theoretically, create a universe with sufficient technology and infrastructure to direct insane amounts of energy on par with Kugelblitzed black holes. The flaw in the idea being that there's no theoretical method to move to said created universe, as it'd be moving away from yours at faster than the speed of light (and if you could travel that fast, it might make the effort redundant).

The other possibility cited is that maybe such civilizations are invariably biologically engineered immortals and thus so forward thinking they opt to move inside the event horizons of large black holes to buy themselves more time to work out the problem. (Which, yes, with very large black holes, you can theoretically do without ripping yourself to shreds - though you can't get out again.)

But of course, occam's razor suggests that complex life is just rare as fuck.

>That every civilization that reaches an industrial peek sufficient to build such an accelerator discovers that the universe is unstable and decides to leave.

That sounds reasonable.

>and infrastructure to direct insane amount of energy.
Wouldn't that be the theoretical white holes which is suppose to pump nothing, but energy into the universe it appears in?

Meh, I admit my Google-fu fails me at the moment, due to it giving me too many results for simulated universes, so I can't cite at you, but I do recall CERN stating that, with a large enough collider, you could create an artificial universe. (Granted, IIRC, they said it'd have to the size of the solar system - but we're talking borderline Tier 2/3 fantasy civs here.)

But, yeah, even if you could, it'd be immediately traveling away from you at faster than the speed of light, and effectively wouldn't exist from your perspective... But I'm not the one who came up with the goofy idea.

Wouldn't someone who wanted to create their own universe/did been solve the problem of accessing it?

We're well into fantasy land, but there's no even theoretical method of doing so. Once you leave the realm of even outlandish theory, anything goes. Additionally, if they could do such a fantastical thing, the motivation to create an artificial universe to begin with may go out the window.

Why are you smart people so goddamn selective about which thread to post in?

>with a large enough collider, you could create an artificial universe
I heard this too, he's not making it up.

>I suppose there's always the possibility, should we expand beyond this rock, that we'll find a solution in that nigh infinite period of time though. There's four fields connecting everything, so surely, there maybe some way to alter the universal constant.

This thought right here. This is the _only_ thing that is keeping me alive. Thank you.

Thanks, but dude, get laid.

Besides, it's only your great^nth genetically engineered grandchildren, or the artificial creations thereof, that'll have to worry about this shit.

I get laid about twice a week, but thanks.

damn that cool as shit, where can i get some info about it?

OP here, I was thinking the same thing. Was it because I worded my question nicely, or was it Francines tits? Not sure lol either way I'm happy to have learned so much tonight. Thanks again to all Anons who took the time.
P.S. I watched all videos posted start to finish

it was francine's tits

ps i didn't listen to the last question all the way through (been meaning to read it) because it sounded too negative/depressing in the beginning

i need hope to live

It's just like real life. If you're smart or valuable in any way, you gotta be selective.

It has a happy ending, kinda, sorta.

It's, of course, dated - we didn't know, or even suspect, accelerated expansion back when it was written, but it's a fun story.

HA! cheers!



doesn't this guy brush his teeth??? He can do complex maths. COMPLEX MATHS!!! But yet somehow, for some reason, he doesn't understand the concept of BRUSHING . ONE'S . TEETHS



His superior intellect has made him aware of the fluoride jew?

*shrug* "Intellectuals" are rather notorious for lacking in hygiene. I suppose one could be generous and say that intellectual pursuits often lead to social detachment, but it'd be more apt to say, "fucking nerds."

Also, he's a brit.