So can you electrocute the gay out of faggots or not?

Please tell me you can
/pol/ standing by

I am looking to see if I can hormone the gay in heterosexuals or not.

So far I've gotten many companies to do it adding hormones to the water and such. I obviously drink water from my own factory that takes it from a river one of my ancestors bought from the US government centuries ago. I want to see if I can turn every man into homosexuals and all women into sluts through hormones so that then I will be the only heterosexual man left in the earth to fuck all the needy women.

Please stop developing your anti gay technology or else I will need to deal with you and your people.


yes you can

technically you could shock them until their brain is zombified - thus making their learned mental illness contained in the frontal cortex unable to contaminate their behavior. Finding the sweet spot, where they are unable to have those desires - yet still able to remain a functioning member of the minimum wage work force is the key.

No, but I think you can electrocute the homophobia out of someone.

Don't know, but you can electrocute the alt-right out of neckbeards.

No you can't because it's biological. The most you'd do is convince a person to not act of their urges for fear of punishment, and that's not going to make them straight, it's just going to make them scared.

I said WATT WATT in the BUTT, I said WATT WATT in the BUTT


No. And the funniest thing is Pence never stated you could. The quote "electric fence pence" supposedly said he could change homosexual behaviour through shock therapy never suggested that. He simply said the state should aim to change *homosexual behaviour that encourages aids*.

Phobic would be afraid of you.

Wanting to electrocute someone--anyone--is hate against everyone, sooner or later, for one supposed reason or another. It sometimes rears its ugly head as retaliation, but it's the same hate..

>He simply said the state should aim to change *homosexual behaviour that encourages aids*.
I could objectively agree that this is a noble persuit.

Take a bath with a plugged in hair dryer, OP, and post the results.

>what he actually said was he wants gay people to stay alive and have a quality of life untainted by aids
>sjws make him out to be the gay punisher

Fuck, they truly are mentally retarded.

No it's impossible. But it's fun to watch them getting zapped.

t. faggot
You're an engineer aren't you?

>scientific board

OP shock yourself and tell us if you still are.

Wait being called an engineer is now an insult here?

In the mind of an autistic math major yeah

The fact we still attach electrodes to peoples temples and push a bunch of electricity through peoples brains, because in controlled conditions it "doesn't cause harm", and that this is RECOMMENDED BY THE MEDICAL COMMUNITY should give everyone pause.

it always was.

Big Bang theory is the best show ever amirite? Bazinga XD

Also Veeky Forums was created in 2013
