I'm not gonna make it lads

i'm not gonna make it lads

I sincerely hope so.

Do you also have pancreatic cancer?
I'm pretty sure I have it myself. Have been unable to feel hungry for the last couple of months, but of course doctors won't screen me for cancer because I'm 25.

Switch to a diet of only fruit. It worked so well for Jobs.

On a serious note, if you do have pancreatic cancer, good luck. It's going to be a long (or possibly very short) road ahead.

any other symptoms?

No, you fucking do not have pancreatic cancer.

I thought I was dying of cancer of AIDS like 2 weeks ago, so I stopped eating frozen, processed bullshit every day and started exercising.

Now I feel pretty fucking great. Try eating whole foods and doing some pushups for a couple weeks.

>but of course doctors won't screen me for cancer because I'm 25.
Doctors are such faggots. I had this fucking hernia for about year and a half. Showed the fucking symptoms for it, and the whole time they thought I sprained my abs.

It's fucking easy to convince doctors to refer you for a scan if you know what to say. No doctor wants to get sued.

Btw if that's your only sympthom I can say with 99.999% certainty that you don't have pancreatic csncer.

Codspeed user

op here

loss of appetite was pretty much my only symptom and i've just been diagnosed with stage iv pancreatic cancer with mets to liver and spine

> Docters are such faggots

This, I have Crohn desease and since a half year I have pain and nausiousness in the stomach area continously.
They think it is nothing, I can clearly feel something there that is pressuring and irritating the area.
It feels like a fucking interrogation everytime I speak with the docter, as if I'm lying about my symptoms.

But I'm also to blame, I should play their game better. Exaggerate, keep complaining, otherwise nothing will happen.

Just sad, that this is how the system works at the moment.

big whoop, i might have pinworms. do you see me making threads about it?

>not knowing that steve jobs also had AIDs
ayy lmao

How many of these threads are you going to make?

We've told you time and time again, you don't have cancer. You're making it up.

Did you actually get diagnosed? By a real a actual doctor, in person?

Yeah me too, I just know I have pancreatic cancer because I get diarrhea occasionally. Stupid doctors won't scan me because I'm only 13 and I need a note from my parents.

I got diagnosed by a genuine Iriqois medicine man after emailing him pictures of my chakras.


Your autistic bitch ass probably isn't communicating your concerns properly.

Where did you get diagnosed, WebMD?

that looks like a penis

write shit down and go to a fucking doctor and tell them your problem.... you can ASK for shit to be done and they should do it...

>But I'm also to blame, I should play their game better. Exaggerate, keep complaining, otherwise nothing will happen.
>Just sad, that this is how the system works at the moment.

That's because other more dumb people ruined the system for you.

They are flooded with people that read WebMD articles, sneeze, and then think that they have cancer.

Find a solution to the Reimann Hypothesis and then claim a solution in the margin of your paper, but die before writing it.

>this thread again
Holy shit op, fuck off

what was your symptoms?
how did this progress?

t. worried user

no appetite
abnormal bowel habits
vague abdo/back pain
new onset diabetes (didnt realize at the time)

it didnt really progress for 5 months, then i started getting liver pain due to the spread

grey poo?

no, alternating constipation/diarrohea

Holy fuck i keked hard

I might make an appointment with a doctor.
Just to be safe.

>no appetite
>'orrible stinking poos
>lower back pain
>stomach pain
>pain in liver area recently
>grey poop recently

oh yeah pains under collarbones, in groin, in armpits which when i look at body map was lymph nodes

fingers crossed im just being a little pussy and its just a virus or infection

Cut it off, it's a worthless organ anyway.

Life without a pancreas is pretty miserable. It's not like losing your spleen or appendix.

First of all, you have diabetes, and it's the most brutal version of it, worse than most cases of juvenile diabetes, which usually has some small, though inadequate, amount of insulin production. They call it "brittle diabetes", and it leaves you little room for error in managing your blood sugar.

Secondly, your digestion goes to shit. The pancreas makes a lot of important digestive enzymes, which are needed to break down your food. So you need to take enzymes with every meal, and if you take too much, they'll break down your intestines instead.

Note the interaction of the two problems: you have to manage your blood sugar carefully, and you can't digest food normally. This is a shit-and-broken-glass sandwich.

how long have you had symptoms for? and depending on what country you're in you may have diffficulty getting your doctor to investigate further as i assume you're young, here in the uk i couldnt get a doctor to give me scan, had to go private

bit late for that, may have saved me a year ago