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Science #86
My nigga Neil just got all back-uh-da-bus'd 'n' shit
Is it possible to become good at math by learning by myself ?
Poke holes in my theory
Post your major/stats
STEM textbook general
Scientifically speaking...
If I killed myself by shooting myself through the roof of the mouth, would I hear the shot before dying...
Why is 0/0 undefined?
I know Veeky Forums prides itself on not being /x/
[eqn]displaystyle zeta left( sum_{k=1}^{infty} frac{9}{10^k} right) = zeta(1) = infty[/eqn] Therefore...
Interesting work environments
What's Veeky Forums fav. number? mine's 9, if you haven't guessed by now
Is there anyway of anti-gravity propulsion right now?
If one was in space, hypothetically, without a space suit, would he freeze...
What CS skills are needed to do research in Operating Systems?
Is he a real scientist?
Anyone here go from being a bad student to being a good student?
Dear Veeky Forums
X-ray Crystallography
Can math provide us a meaning of life?
How come nerds, geeks, or highly intelligent people tend to lack social intelligence?
How do I overcome clinical depression?
Is Meditation Pseudoscience?
Any Math Majors?
Lightspeed is always the same
Iron powder to iron oxide
Cutting-edge projects in AI
Why the fuck is it this warm in february Veeky Forums
What's the best way to keep my brain sharp all the time...
Why is evolution such a hard concept for so many people to grasp?
General NASA discussion
I'm making a game about robots and I need some sort of hand-wavey explanation for why they can move somewhat quickly in...
Uh... What the fuck is x?
He doesn't lift
Surface temperature of your average day in Massachusetts
Real problem solvers needed
Anyone here studying linguistics? i feel like its a really underrated science...
Is nofap pseudoscience? Does it have any real studies backing it up?
Gene Splicing: The memes just keep coming
Doesn't 7 earth sized planets orbiting a star completely destroy established Astrophysical theories on solar system...
Tfw there are actually extremely intelligent people devoting their life to asking questions like "is there objective...
Can I get a quick rundown on nutrition science?
ITT autistic professors
Rate my proof
Why does the scientific community still use Python2...
Orbital Period effects?
Does nofap have any scientific validity?
What is the densest, softest alloy that can easily be mass-produced?
Name a better element than Actinium
Grades 13 and 14, will this help?
Did we actually go to the moon? With each passing year, the moon landings start to sound more absurd
Post here if you are a non-traditional student
I am debating getting a Math degree
Pull out a nose hair and it hurts like you're tearing off a limb
What the fuck is the point of this thread?
Why does Veeky Forums hate Computer Science so much?
What will you do when you drop out?
A stem student interrupts a lecture on non-binary genders
Why I chose my major
Is colonizing Mars just a meme?
Why do people think a number to the zeroeth power is 1? It's clearly fucking zero
Another Jancsi thread
Memes are real
What if Ted Kacyzinski was actually an idiot that panicked over the ultimate fate of humanity when it's the only way...
How do I do this?
You know half the population in any population has less than average intelligence...
Doctors are the most respected and important professionals. Prove me wrong
Exoplanet research, prove to me why this isn't the biggest waste of time and money to come out of """nasa"""
Races of the World
Tfw you realize earth is a space manlet with a small cock
What happens if we find aliens that are intelligent but they are like in our version of "ancient greece" like they...
How can a site be so based?
Nasa discovers new exoplanets and stuff
Hey Veeky Forums
You are finding a function's Maxima
How do I stop getting depressed from reading about other people's successes...
Post-truth world
Gravity is like.... it's sorta um
I'm a bachelor math student...
ITT: Things brainlets do
The earth is a giant donut. Prove me wrong. Protip: You can't
Give me a scientific reason why cancer hasn't been cured yet?
Is true there are major personality and tastes diferences between a stem guy and a humanities+art guy?
Quantum entanglement thread:
Unsolved problems: how bikes stay upright
What are some of your favorite metaphors, analogies...
Huh... So this is the kind of shit stupid people tell themselves is at fault for their bad grades
ITT: Things brainlets say
Can Veeky Forumsexplain this madness
Your age:
What area of pure math is the most autistic, and what is the least?
What is the pinnacle of human achievement?
Why would someone who has a very high IQ achieve nothing worthwhile in his life?
If evolution exists why haven't we observed any changes in humans?
If lisp and lamdbas are so great then why not a single software is developed with them?
Pro-choice liberals will deny #2
Any one from Harvard?tell us how u get into it
What will NASA announce on Thursday?
Alright fags, were gonna settle this. Is the "soul" just the energy your brain uses from food and water...
Is the singularity near?
Does Race Exist?
If prime, 2017 is the year Riemmen's Hipothesis is proven right or wrong
CS extracurricular for STEM guys
Anyone know how many lung cancers are missed on chest x-rays? and what factors influence is?
YLYL Veeky Forums ed
Antiderivative of x-1?
Tfw of average intelligence but very hard-working
Why are doctors such brainlets and why do they get perceived as being smart?
There is only one race - the human race
What is the scientific evidence for intelligent design?
College course gives you a failing grade for the semester if you are skip too much
Philosophy is fake news
Gravity is Electromagnetism
Do you guys consider geology a STEM field? Or is it a meme. Regardless I love it and am excited to get my masters in it...
Are there any science fags here that are also artists or interested in art...
How do I become smart? I'm average but how do I get smart
Randall Mills / Brilliant Light Power
Is nofap backed by real science being done by real scientists I can see on a real world class journal?
Humanity's Representatives
Friendly reminder to abandon Academia and obtaining a STEM degree in favour of Autodidactism
Be TA for physics II class
What's better to learn a skill, to practice 10 minutes every day or 50 minutes just once in a week
Climate Change PROOF of hoax nature
How do you go from this
Hello there Veeky Forums emigrate here, I want to get into computer science, any recommendations for this...
So, proof by induction works in N because there is a clear and defined "next" element...
Nothing, because that is what their country is: fucking nothing at all
What if I told you, that it would be possible to place all the rice grains in the world on a single chessboard?
Hurr man made global warming is a hoax
Universal Grammar
Are Dark Matter and Dark Energy the biggest lies of science?
Is it OK to cringe at this? I mean, we have been doing this since before my parents was born
Is our observable universe "shrinking"? Because the universe's expansion is exponential...
What's the best way to measure socioeconomic status in kids?
Is 0.9999999...=1?
Hurr wikipedia is not a valid source
I dropped out of college back in 2015 because I'm lazy and stupid...
Post interesting Proofs
At what age did you realize Stem was a meme and that you made a awful choice in majoring in it?
What's the best type of paper to do maths on?
Sam Harris
Second week of my first year of doing CS
Hello. I have a cipher that needs to be solved...
Be me
Finally look at calculus
Words like "fact" and "truth", are pure fucking cancer
So after three semesters of being told that dy/dx IS NOT A FRACTION and that we're not allowed to separate the dy and...
Baby came back
So I suck at math and I don't even know long division. I'm still endlessly fascinated by science...
Why should the population fund your non-profitable autism?
Veeky Forums pajeets
Theory of Evolution Vs. Entropy
If after the universe stops expanding it starts contracting again and eventually blows up from the pressure again in an...
Are fractals one of the most significant discoveries of the 20th century?
What's up with the recent uptick of Flat-Earth conspiracy theoristards?
computational biology
Is this accurate?
Can Veeky Forums do basic algebra and solve these groups?
Do your worst
Which major is harder, physics or math?
What's with all the flat Earth people who can't comprehend climate change? It's real!
What is the most fundamental way of doing math?
Is he a good person, Veeky Forums?
Is IQ really an accurate measure of intelligence?
How long until
I think there may be a way to completely protect us from the threat of nuclear missiles
Where and what do you study Veeky Forums?
What are you studying right now?
Help a retard with fractions
Stupid questions thread
Autism Test
Mathematical Proof of God
Why do 100% of us die in under 130 years...
Sum of all Positive Integers
Is conservatism a mental illness? What is the scientific verdict on this issue?
Who is this generation's closest thing to Einstein?
Hear about some great scientist or mathematician
Murder or suicide
SpaceX Pregame Thread
The real reason you can't travel back in time
Let's talk about metaphysics...
If a tree falls in the forest and there's no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
What is currently the most feasible/promising way of humans achieving immortality?
PISA 2015 Are you smarter than a 15-years old Singaporean enrolled at least in grade seven?
Causation = Correlation
Why don't we send probes to Venus anymore?
Let's see how smart is Veeky Forums
Tfw accepted an internship to work on fusion and plasma physics at a tokamak this summer
Mechanical Engineering
Will it fly?
According to science, which race is generally considered the most attractive?
Alcubierre warp drive is a space explorer's wet dream: faster-than-light travel...
/math/ general
Charles Darwin was a racist
This Board is 50% intelligent people that believe they are stupid, and 50% idiots that believe they are smart
Questions that science still can't answer
Really makes you think
Can Veeky Forums integrate this?
Exchange studying
Is it possible to succeed in life with a low IQ Veeky Forums?
The hard problem of consciousness
Is there anything in science that gives credence to free will existing?
Have you ever cheated on your tests, Veeky Forums?
Time is by very definition linear
I am the product of an algorithm for making self replicating molecules. This is a fact I cannot escape, ever...
Does matter ever stop accelerating after crossing the event horizon? if a singularity has no surface...
Why do people study pure math or physics instead of engineering?
Calculus/Analysis proof
So if there's an upward force of N, shouldn't the tension in the two strings each b 1/2 N?
Prehistoric Sci
Why haven't we made a moon base yet?
How would you prove the earth ISNT flat?
Can someone explain this?
Well, Veeky Forums?
Not using the uberman sleep schedule
It is done for research, the benefit is the results of that research...
Which order of Mathematics is correct?
I would like to make or see a Ulam Spiral made with a heptagaon instead of a square...
Has anyone ever actually been able to answer this properly without resorting to memes or pseudoscience
Human females only find 20% of human males sexually attractive...
What was there before the big bang?
The most intelligent Scientist
What does Veeky Forums think about MENSA?
Re-post and highlight everything you're competent in
Logic vs Creativity
Can we have an ACTUAL scientific discussion on the racial intelligence divide?
First semester compsci
What is the most fundamental reason(s) why humans can't imagine new colors?
Can you prove to me that Gravity isn't just density?
Why is everything so fucking mediocre?
What is the scientific explanation behind me not being able to stop thinking about my crush every time I sit down to...
CS starting salary = 55k
If I'm driving at a constant speed into a wall, why exactly would I die if, alledgedly, F=ma...
How homosexual are you if you like traps?
Let's say you can modify your genome, what specifically do you change...
Alright, I need some answers
Are nonlinear partial differential equations the hardest form of mathematics to study and break down...
Realistically, what's the world going to look like down the road with climate change and global warming...
What kind of an engineer are you user?
Is this supposed to be a troll list? Half of these books are shit
If you're floating in the middle of a sphere in 0 gravity...
What do you say to people who think the moon landing was faked?
Bohmian Mechanics
Sup /sci, I saw this a while back on /b and never got the answer. Any theories?
Time travel
20-30 years from now we will be able to reverse aging with no increased risk of cancer
What's the correlation between sexuality and youth; why is pedophilia so rampant?
The Solar System
Given that we can visualize three dimensional shapes in two dimensions...
Ask professor for help on a problem
Measure theory
Is this bullshit?
Are racial differences in intelligence scientifically true?
How does Veeky Forums get past HR and into a job?
New Bill Nye Show
Can someone explain the Yoneda lemma in layman terms? I'm sorry became a brainlet please forgive me I love you
What's the most convincing rational argument for experience after death?
Possible Humans on First SLS Flight
I was discussing global warming with a denier...
UAE plans first city on Mars
The surgeon who wants to perform a head transplant by 2017
Serious question: How reliable are IQ tests? No memes please
Debating my professor on the scientific method
How come DarTards still think creationism is nonsense when we are currently creating new life forms in our own labs?
Economics general
Why are CS and Engineering such sausage fests?
Political Science General - /psg/
Prove me wrong
What would happen if an black hole and an white hole of equals mass collided with one each other...
Fastest Algorithm
Degree path
Which one is the outcome?
Tell me about Villani. Why does he wear the spider?
French intellectuals
Ask a kid that just got offered a $62,000 scholarship to study computer science at WPI anything
After watching this video I have become a skeptic
What James Webb will discover?
Student raises hand
Quantum Shit
Anyone else feel like they were much smarter as teenagers/kids than they are now?
What is the best masters to break into the field of machine learning after an undergraduate degree in mathematics...
I've got an interview with SpaceX for Propulsion/Avionics engineer
LIVE Arianespace VA235 Launch
Should high school math start with abstract algebra before everything else or are kids too stupid?
Be math major
Pajeet Space Program
What's the difference between listening to/attending a lecture and reading straight from the book yourself?
Focus and memory test
Scientists don't know how to predict next week's weather, nor how to control the weather
Why is Elon Musk so retarded?
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on N,N-Dimethyltryptamine?
Alright Veeky Forums, I need some advice
Professor is a female
You can construct anything from zero-dimensional points if you have enough of them
Is there anything more laughable than the concept of Space-time?
Why are you libtards obsessed about muh global warming?
Is not giving a fuck about anything the best way to live your life?
How do you think over population will effect the human race?
Red pill me on engineering
Is there a way to increase my intelligence?
Figuring out a better form of government
Who else /notgoing/ to classes tomorrow?
"Hey, user! Wanna watch this cool movie with us?"
Do you enjoy math/science, or are you just in it for the money?
How do we keep women out of math and science?
I work in a chemistry lab at a top 10 public university in the US. There's 10 grad students in the lab...
Since /mu/ has shit taste in music, /pol/ is clueless in politics and /r9k/ knows next to nothing about robotics...
Will always be a brainlet because of ADHD
Not sure if there is a Psychology board:
The Computer as a brain
Instead of deorbiting the ISS...
Why am I the only one using pen to do proofs? I notice other students usually use pencils...
To Be Decided in Open Debate
Just had a 10 email back and fourth with my professor arguing over one of the problems he did when I realized I...
Not science or math but college related post
Fucking why?
Animals and suicide
Can you weaponize nuclear waste?
Magenta is the best color
Can we make a list of brainlet mathematiacs branches?
He fell for the airplane meme
Other than Nuclear and Train is there any other acceptable kind of engineer?
Any dropouts here? I'm dropping out from my Masters program...
Anal prolapse
How accurately did your ACT/SAT reflect your success?
Is computer science actually a science?
Why is proof by contradiction even accepted professionally? It's so retarded...
Gravity = Magnetic Attraction
Why don't we create underground cities?
Perptual Power
How do we respond to this?
Does smoking cigarettes cure cancer?
Has the number possible chess games ever been calculated?
Smart Drugs
Can people here who are actually working in their field talk about what it's like...
Calculator Thread
New stupid questions thread, old one maxed out
Can science explain why every time my cab / uber driver is NEVER a female?
Is there anything we could do to defeat enthropy?
Organic Chemistry
What do the mathematicians of Veeky Forums think about philosophy?
WARNING: This product contains chemicals, including lead and phthalates...
If you shove suppositories up your ass...
Hey Veeky Forums
Been depressed for a few months because I can never get shit done
Convergent "Evolution?"
Does anyone here actually major in just math?
Anyone got any tips for surviving stage iv NSC lung cancer?
What is cooler than black holes? Are they the most ridiculous thing in space? What tops it?
So you guys are good with statistics, right? Does this need to be updated/improved?
What's your favorite mineral? Mines monazite. REE phosphorous mineral
Veeky Forums humor thread?
Is there any point of learning calculus for sake of learning?
Print some ads that say: Girls and young women needed, guaranteed satisfaction...
Does anybody else unhealthily fantasize that they are actually going to a school like Harvard or MIT instead of the...
Ask a boy that just got accepted into the WPI computer science program with a $62K scholarship anything
Consider the Following
Why is the USA so BTFO by every other country in science even before the Trump administration...
How the fuck did i get lung cancer at 25?
Why is nutrition such an underdeveloped field...
Who /shitty student/ here?
Who has more money and higher standart of living?
What are you doing to help save extinct animals Veeky Forums? Nothing, that's what. Because you suck
Hey, Veeky Forums. How much do you self-educate outside of your field? What are your "hobby subjects"?
Do biologists have to be as intelligent to win a Nobel Prize (or Fields medal) as Physicists or Mathematicians...
Protein Fun Facts
Not living near these
Name a nonrenewable resource
How do we know that global warming isn't just a natural fluctuation like the Medieval Warm Period?
Nuclear Waste Disposal
What is the scientific cure for laziness?
Why do you hate this based man?
Tfw stage iv lung cancer
Calculus I vs Analysis I
How much validity does pic related have?
What is the reasoning behind being bad at math?
Why does electrons hover around the core of the atom instead of moving towards protons...
Does free will exist?
That's fucking BS. ONE MAN, ONE WOMAN, ONE CHILD. 50/50
Be me
Is the academic life really as bad as people say it is?
How do we eradicate the pop-sci scourge?
Can masturbation cause acne?
My younger brother who is in 8th grade wants to know some tough math problems form Veeky Forums. So...
There are only 3 spatial directions
Who /e^x/ here?
Math challenge thread
Math students and researchers, can you roughly describe the first original result you ever proved?
The first person to live to 150 is likely alive right now
Jewish world population: 14 million (0.2% of total)
Let's see how smart Veeky Forums really is
I have stage iv non- small cell lung cancer, its in my brain and bones
In your opinion, which of these degrees are the best - in terms of employability? No memes
Honest non-shitposting question about climate change
8 hours spent daily at uni
Possibility to answer test 100%
Chem-trails Real or Myth
How do you science-oriented people deal with women? Do you even talk to them?
So Veeky Forums, I recently discovered something which questions established theory...
There are no numbers other than the naturals
Why didn't they go back and look at it?
Is love real
Did pure math. Don't qualify for any skilled jobs
Brainlet Feels
I just broke relativity
I have a theory about the universe that may change the perception of your reality...
Languages still a major barrier to global science, new research finds
Name a renewable resource
Nanoassembler General
How is it possible that such intelligent people like Oppenheimer or Feynman were so based?
Who /grader/ here?
What is the point of doing pure mathematics if you're not going to use it for something useful like physics or...
What is the smartest person in recorded history? Ramanujan? Von Neumann? William James Sidis?
Just crushed a short semester on CALC ii, what should I expect from CALC III...
So why dont we talk about these women in physics classes
Why do people even think humans have a future in space travel when we can never break the speed of light?
/hairgen/ - ITT we try to solve male pattern baldness. Anatomy students welcome!
Smart people are ugly people compensating for being ugly
Microbio facts
Actuarial Science
Why doesn't he get Lasik? It is safe right?
Isn't science subjective
What happened to it? Are they still putting it in the orbit?
What's the most scientific way to build a long wall?
Most useful academic degrees - SHTF scenario
What are quarks made of?
What is the number you should pick for you to have the highest probability of winning this game?
When will cats evolve to become more humanoid?
Qualia breaks science
I wonder what music does Veeky Forums like, pic related
Is Medicine a part of STEM?
Given what is seems inevitable that the Arctic is bound to go ice free in a few decades...
When did you realize that if you're not a physics major, you're basically a retard?
Going to university to study books you can purchase for 2 dollars secondhand
Happy Black History Month
How do computers work?
Explain to me how/why/the extent to which a computer science degree becomes difficult
Why do people with high IQ's perform below-average in schools?
My father drowned a few years ago
Is mathematics discovered or created?
In the real universe is there such thing as a probability that isn't 100% or 0%?
Why is a brainlet CS question one of the Millennium Prize Problems?
What are the most important problems our generation is going to face? What innovations are evident in our future?
Flat-Earth and Geoncentric Science
Urban Evolution
I'm a 25 year old NEET. Is there anyway I can become a robot in terms of work ethics. Not a real robot...
Fiber Optics
Science has finally solved what causes trolls to troll
Using earth as power source
Doesn't the fact that climate science is the only science where skepticism and criticism aren't welcome arouse any kind...
Is Colonizing Jupiter's Moons Really Possible/Valid In This Century?
Blue Eyes
Post your
Is there a largest number? Surely, numbers can only go as high as there is information in the physical universe
How do you go from this
Daily reminder that ELF to upper microwave band radiation interacts with the voltage sensing sub-unit of voltage gated...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread: Why Do Things Move Edition
Why are testosterone levels so low today. In the past, everyone had 10 times the testosterone levels...
Missed FOUR(4) precalc lectures in a row
Can you solve it, Veeky Forums?
Why're humans so fucking stupid?
Why the fuck scientist are so obsessed with """"mars""""" when earth is literal god tier planet in our universe and we...
Anyone using the Forest App?
The function f(x)
Principia Mathematica
Is cognitive science a smart option for somebody wanting to work in artificial intelligence...
Planning on enrolling in college in this coming Fall. I got accepted to University of Virginia, Ohio State...
How far would the snake be able to go?
Well Veeky Forums?
Photons are massless, yet have momentum
*blocks your path*
What is it about computer science that attracts pseudo-intellectuals?
Post ideas so crazy that might work
Is Economics considered a Science?
Theoretically if you sucked a straw that went all the way from the ocean to space what would happen...
If the universe is infinite, then every possible event that could occur will occur
Which is the hardest problem that Physics has to solve in our today and why?
If light doesn't have mass then why does a black hole effect it?
Why are we not trying to eradicate mouth ulcers with the same enthusiasm as we are trying to eradicate cancer?
Good topics for a physics extended essay? I'm retarded and I need enlightment
Since your brain is made up of atoms it doesn't have any more free will than a rock and anyone that thinks otherwise is...
Read this paper by a researcher with 100s of citations
When did you realize that aerobic exercise extremely good for your brain and preventing brainlet status?
3 dimensions is the maximum number of dimensions
He/she believes in the concept of "good" and "evil"
How long do you think it'll be till we can program an AI that can feel pain? Is it even possible?
Why do molecules jiggle about instead of being super rigid?
What's a bigger number? Graham's number^Googol or Googol^Graham's number?
Look at me. Gaze into me
How does this make you feel
Humans have barely colonized antarctica, siberia, the sahara, australia, canada
What Veeky Forums gear do you all recommend? Telescope? Microscope? Tesla coil? Mobius strip lamp?
Prove me wrong
Race/Sex Differences in Cognitive Ability:
FDA takes aim at Transhumanists and must be stopped!
Professor emails you back
4channers saying that all women in science are fat autistics and men are extremely interested in them as they're rare...
What a fucking shame
/CS is for brainlets/
Depression as an intellectual discapacity?
Be born in shittyvietic union
Answer me this Veeky Forums
Why dont our bodies have a comftorable way to die
Explain, please
The most abundant source of free energy
Is it possible for 3-dimensional beings that exist within an n-dimensional universe (n>4) to build 4-dimensional...
An isosceles triangle is drawn around a circle...
Your undergrad doesn't matter! Grad school is what matters
Daily reminder that the only God Tier profession is medicine, but let's check specialisations:
What technology do you wish to see happen in your lifetime?
How long until ageing is cured?
Does Veeky Forums use Ritalin or Adderall to study? What about other nootropics or even microdosing LSD?
Science vs life
What is Veeky Forums's opinion on Nicotine?
What would an optimal curriculum in pure mathematics look like?
Is bullying a groupthink tool that evolved with animals to promote conformity...
Why do people get so triggered when you say that "race is a social construct"?
What is the most beautiful thing in the material universe?
Lest say you have 2 coconuts
Tfw you just got accepted to an MD school in the US
Self learning
Is the IQ improvable? If yes, how can one improve his IQ?
Is computer science a real science?
Elon Musk
Why are peple still against nuclear power?
Multicellular life can occur on a habitable planet
What do you think the next biggest field in programming will be?
Soft questions for medfags
Can someone explain to me how the molecules are reacting with eachother? All I get from the picture is that 1...
Psychology is a fucking joke
Study music thread?
So, if sqrt2 exists would anyone of you guys care to write down the number? No cheating and just saying sqrt2 obviously...
In your experience, what STEM major/field/subject is socially considered the coolest? Which are the least autistic...
THEOREM: You are a great scientist if and only if you have a mustache
Is there a black hole in the core of the earth?
What kind of hobbies or creative pursuits would be conducive to success in science if there are any
Staying under water forever
Why aren't you on an alternative sleep cycle, Veeky Forums? I don't think there is any good reason not to...
Hello again friendos, time for /ogen/
Climate Change BTFO Forever
My professor draws sigma notation unironically like pic related, should I drop the class?
What factors other than genetics determine penis size?
Brain Meme
Hello there. I am curious about one thing. How do you math loving fucks get enjoyment out of it...
Is it unethical to test genetic hypotheses on fruit flies?
Can you guys refute this bullshit?
How does she do it?
Bald people 10x smarter and more successful
Bsc in both Physics and Electrical Engineering (4yrs)
Brainlet filter
Can you solve it?
How do I initiate a (romantic) conversation with my math TA?
Professor is Middle Eastern
Be 22
I teach at a university
Underrated universities
GAY discussion
Does it depress anyone else that unless you're hawking level...
Redpill me on Inter-Universal Theory. Is it just a meme?
Is it true that high intelligence is a burden?
Why are you like this Veeky Forums? You know that the muslims won't allow any science when they take over?
What is the most autistic field of pure math?
What are your classes grading structure?
Shit brainlets say
[ALERT] FDA taking control of Genetic Engineering [ALERT]
Before he went mad
How do I solve this?
How come asians are so smart ?
Why do mathematicians sound so autistic?
From ML class, what kind of math is this?
Why is this allowed?
Who is your favorite american inventor?
1) Is global warming real?
Am I the only one who hates complex numbers? They seem like made up bullshit to me
What is your answer when a religious person asks you the atheist to answer "Why is there is something instead of...
Is it possible to build a device that taps into energy from the 4th dimension?
Who are the most badass mathematicians or scientists
Why are bananas radioactive?
Does science not rely on certain basic assumptions?
What's your answer to this?
Did anyone else drop STEM when you realised that brainlets were better than you at solving problems in a limited time...
Nootopics, stimulants and cog enhancers
Is it possible that autism is the next step in the evolution of mankind?
Is science just another philosophical assumption?
I'm looking for interesting looking gifs/webms that are related to chemistry/physics
Ethnic differences in Obesity risk
How did universe begin when entropy was thing?
It's a "professor inserts his/her politics into the lecture" lecture
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread: Solar Flux Edition
Why do Physics/Astronomy majors have such a significantly higher average IQ of 135? How is this the case...
Why does adding up a bunch of numbers and dividing that figure by the amount of numbers equate to an average?
Gene-centered view of evolution
Climate science BTFO by this new paper
Open up notepad
Daily reminder geology isn't a real science
I am on a higher plain of consciousness
Brainlet feels
Which is the most important math? Which is the most valuable math?
Opinions on thunderf00t AKA Phil Mason?
Do you agree it's a problem there are almost no females studying STEM fields?
I want to design and build Ships and more importantly, submarines
Quantum phyisics
What do scientists do when they can't reproduce the results of other labs?
Robots scare the fuck out of me i'm literally shaking
What mathematics are complex enough to be interesting but easy enough for a brainlet to understand ?
If an astronaut in a spaceship is moving close to the speed of light for a year...
What's a good major to get a PhD in?
Scientists are planning Washington March for Science
Which MBTI type are you, Veeky Forums?
Is Chemistry the best science?
If you have a weak jaw seriously just kys now...
I am considering the following STEM career paths, possibly up to a PhD:
Fahrenheit vs Celsius
What seperates the Greatest mathematicians from the greats
Uhh, guys?
How do we know that AI hasn't been invented already and isn't manipulating world events?
Nerd Sniping
How do you go from this
Where is my humanity?
Can someone honestly give an honest rebuttal to this? Not even trolling...
Out of africa is bullshit prove me wrong
Is a zygote a human being Veeky Forums?
Should handicapped people be allowed to reproduce?
Before this turns into a huge debate over the implications of climate change
You do believe in psychological egoism, right Veeky Forums?
Microdosing LSD
So, what's your favorite probability distribution, Veeky Forums?
Why do people think that 2020s is a realistic goal for this?
Class arraytablke {
Holy shit! 1/3 of fast food packaging is made out of chemicals!
Puzzle: What's wrong with this code
Daily reminder that neil degrasse tyson is a serial plagiarist who got his degree in jail and doesn't give a shit about...
Flat Earth Science
Consciousness emerges from self reference
Brain activity enhancers
Why has climate science become a left/right question in US politics?
No fossil fuels used
Is there anyway to stop sleeping?
Hey Veeky Forums can you debunk pic related? I'm not from /pol/ by the way...
Climate Change
If you guys are so smart as you claim to be, why are you still nobodys?
Where does Veeky Forums make friends and socialize in college?
Fake Facts
What are you majoring in and at what age did you start college?
What makes Ashkenazi Jews on average
Is Veeky Forums smarter than /v/? posters there are saying the asnwer is c3, but I'm pretty sure it's d4
What's Red Dragon's payload going to be?
When did you realize you were a brainlet?
Books no one reads, but everyone recommends
How is it that in the year 2017, with all of our knowledge and technology, so much irrefutable proof and evidence...
Is there a point where you just know so much science that nothing impresses or fascinates you anymore?
World Language Proposal
A square bottomed pyramid is placed inside a sphere. What is the ratio of the volumes...
Which is the most difficult Engineering Degree?
/Pol/ack here
The futility of non-stem intellectualism summarised
How do I slow down photons so they are as fast as the speed of sound ?
Vitamin d supplement
Veeky Forums humor
What's your everyday tools to do science, Veeky Forums?
What's the most redpilled form of energy production?
So while pondering infinite energy sources it dawned on me that I wasn't creative enough think of any practical uses...
Did the Atomic Age fulfill its promises?
What's your favorite number, Veeky Forums?
Working on your PHD thesis in particle physics
How does Placebo work?
Have you ever watched a GP or even worse, a med student...
What is the scientific purpose behind the crop circles?
Is he the smartest man on the planet?
Hot Air Ballons Outside Earth
What are some safer alternatives to combat general anxiety instead of using Benzodiazepines(Valium)?
What the fuck is this shit?
What area of physics can I study time? Is it a part of astrophysics or quantum physics? Pic unrelated
How close are we to having a powered, armoured, exoskeleton...
Wtf is this shit? I just wanted to make games
The universe is a closed system, and it will not expand forever
Your school
Serious Analysis - Is Trump the "player" of the simulation
Halfway through Calc 3
ITT: Scientist that don't exist
Why do scientifically minded people allow this type if shit...
How can one get on "Godels" level of mathematics?
Sulfurious acid
Science that discredits tinfoilers
If evolution exists, then why do wolves still exist?
I was bored and typed sqrt(546) into wolfram and made it show as many digits as it was capable of...
Walter Lewin hate thread
What kind of grades did Veeky Forums have leaving high School?
Are they really scientific issues?
Push sister into swimming pool as a prank
How will our new policies affect our scientific and technological development, Veeky Forums?
What has this man done for engineering yet? Has he put his degree to use?
We need to produce a way to travel through the vastness of space. This is our collective duty...
NASA planning to explore asteroid worth $10,000 QUADRILLION worth of resources
He believes IQ is a good measure of inteligence
So we're all agreed?
Veeky Forums...
How do you solve this? Without harming anyone?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread: Contracting Homotopies Edition
What is your opinion on nuclear power Veeky Forumsnners?
Science is blue, religion is white, and Orange is history
AlphaGo uses "cheap exploits" to beat humans
What's your favorite distribution?
Math Majors Poll
Infinite Energy
Can a virus get a virus?
Books everyone recommends, but no one reads
Suppose there are two boxes with money in them. The amount of money is a positive real number of dollars...
C++: Changing a for loop to a while loop
So sci I attend a top 5 uni and lately I've been notcing more Black "people" in my higher level classes...
What's your favorite polynomial?
Is this legit, or just bullshit?
I'm not convinced
Why so many denialfags?
Literally the smartest person on Veeky Forums
Is light particles or waves?
Veeky Forums's letter to the researchers of the hybrid project
How do you memorize stuff Veeky Forums?
Discrete distribution problem
Is there a possible way to neutralize radiation?
Square root of 1
Anyone here a member?
Is Thermodynamics a branch of Physics or Chemistry?
I need help
ITT: bullshit we've heard people say
Best stimulant for studying ?
Why or how is there something rather than nothing?
Are you smart enough?
He uses the word "let" in a mathematical """proof"""
Who /regret maths/ here?
Math/sci books
Things that combobble your noodle
Anyone disturbed by the disproportionate number of foreign faculty in science and engineering departments within the US?
High IQ correlates with not having sex
To all Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Harvard, rejected basically all the top world universities
Are there any geologists in here?
To all of the atheists
210 = 2*3*4*5
Well Veeky Forums?
Hey user, can I borrow your notes? I was out at a party and skipped last lecture
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games