Is this legit, or just bullshit?

Is this legit, or just bullshit?

sound very bogus to me. probably some marketing shill to get grants

Lol when they mentioned perpetual motion any trust I had in it died

Watch your backs.


It is legit. But they won't be able to do anything with this knowledge until they actually ask me what to do with it or how to advance/progress.

It's actually the question I want everyone to ask me ffs, but hey.

this is a pretty nifty meme, friend!

seems legit, it's basically just a thing that resonates in 4d instead of 3d.

upboated xD

What do we do with it, and how do we advance or progress?

fuck outta here

Haha! Finally!

You have to let music into maths! That is how you time your zero's!

Doesn't binary have a rhythm? If you can find the rythm, then you can compress your alogorithm.

Would you like to know more?

Its legit, its just that "time crystals" are a shit name for them and its not really perpetual motion. They have some atoms with entangled electron spin and use a laser to flip the spin, the atoms get into a resonance pattern that despite different excitation periods the resonance pattern wont change. Its pretty much an electronic oscillator, or 555 timer made out of a few atoms, from my limited understanding of it.

Dude take your meds, your schizophrenia is showing.

I am schizo-effective. Most women are. There is no cure for genius :p

There is no cure for women*

Youre not a genuis. You have delusions of grandeur, its a common symptom of schizophrenia. The fact that i can tell from one post that you are mentally ill is a testament to how bad it is. Seek professional help.

And if said professional declares that I am of sound mind? Do we label the professional inept, myself, or your assertion?

Also, why does genius = delusion of grandeur

Leonardo Da Vinci said on his death bed that he was sorry that he did not do more for mankind. Most genius' are of a tortured mind/soul.

Hey, Simon. Different user here. I've noticed you around this board recently and I'll just say this. Even if you've been declared of sound mind and live a normal and healthy life, the truth is you do sound kind of loony when you post. E.g. you talk about having information that the scientists require to advance, but you do so in the way a teenager trying to be dark and mysterious on an anonymous image board would.

So maybe you are a genius and see things most people don't. But it doesn't come off that way.

Also, for an example of real geniuses on the board, check out OHP (OPH?). That dude is awesome.

>circlejerking over namefags
kill yourself

I talk that way because that is how a parent encourages a child to learn. If you only give answers you never learn that there is a journey.

I am sure OHP/OPH will reveal themselves to me whenever they are ready.

you're very easy to impress
OHP knows some things, and then intentionally fucks up his posts so they don't mean anything in order to impress idiots like you

Legit, viewed some papers about them in research publishers but time crystal is quite a goofy name

>this fucking brainlet

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god damn this meme is great