Is computer science actually a science?

Or is a fake science like economics?

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CS does not use the scientific method so it is fake, but not in the same way economics is fake.

Economics doesn't use the scientific method because every economist has a political agenda to push. Computer scientists don't use the scientific method because they barely understand what methods are. No joke, see how many people fail Intro to Java.


Economics yes but econometrics is still a science.

depends on what you mean by "computer science", no one considers pajeet who writes a shitty website for some curry restaurant a scientist. On the other hand, someone working with topics that actually require advanced math can be considered a scientist.

Now that you mention it, it does seem to be more a tool to aid people who do research and study. And most cpu cycles across the globe seem to be used for making thing pretty, shiny and flashy instead of doing useful work "fast."

It's more like mathematics than it is a science. So it's not an empirical science.

I wonder how many times someone's asked this question.

There are branches of computer science that do science wth computers. Computer science is a subset of computer science.

>So it's not an empirical science.
>deep learning
>not an empirical science
you don't know what you're talking about

It's a branch of mathematics.

i don't even know what to say to you

>Computer science is a subset of computer science

Everything is a subset of itself.

>thinks C = c

How about you start with an apology

Codemonkeying? No.
CS? Yes.

>basing the answer on college students and not Donald Knuth
by that metric nothing is a science

>mfw people tell me we don't do any maths in cs

the entire course is the same btw

>we just do le pyton lel stoopid cs ppl

Statistics isn't math

>Basic stats
The statement about CS not doing math stands.

Computer science is a mathematic.

I always tell people it's really just applied discrete mathematics.

how is machine learning discrete maths lel gettoutta here

Le deep learning meme

Yes it's a science, it's right there in the name

Watch the first 2 minutes.

It's actually mathematics.

>jelly asf deep learning is cashing in and making more progress than his entire field

Computational Science (a subset of CS) is literally a part of the scientific method. It is recognized by many as the third 'leg' of science, behind theory and experimentation. Google "Computational Science and Engineering definition".

Additionally, Performance Modeling is an area where the scientific method is used. Machines are incredibly complex and we don't entirely understand their performance. So you theorize the performance of a system based on some parameters, and then test your model empirically. Sounds pretty scientific to me. The only difference you may argue that this isn't measuring a natural phenomena, but that wasn't part of your definition. :^)

But sure, many parts of CS are not science.


Listen, I love machine learning but what you are doing is more akin to arithmetic than it is to the math people say "you dont do math". If you post sheets like these, you are only feeding them.

>akin to arithmetic than it is to the math people say
And by that I meant than it is to the math [people think of when they] say

CS is a jack of all trades at the moment.

Some people consider it a science,others don't.

What is important is that every science depends on CS to advance further,without computers every science would be pretty much 100 years behind and even more.

Some fields of CS are definitely 100% science,for example networks (especially wireless ones) that rely HEAVILY on physics,but at the same time they are not ONLY physics.

Programming is something that a monkey could possibly do,since it's just hitting keystrokes at an interface,however what is the most viable way to program something combines heavy arithmetics and multiple functions(just look at De Morgan's Law),"""logic""",and some times "experiments" where we don't exactly observe something in the universe,rather we CREATE something of our own.

In it's own sense,it's above science since it's not exactly learning how the universe and nature works,which is what most sciences do,but rather is focuses on helping mankind create it's own universe with it's own rules.(Last paragraph was from stoned professor in one of my software engineer courses,still to this day Im complexed if it holds any meaning.

lel stfu bitch

it's not the maths you do in a maths degree because it's not a maths degree. it's applied maths

>Programming is something that a monkey could possibly do,since it's just hitting keystrokes at an interface
Yeah that's why no AI is not even close to writing anything that even compiles even if there are multiple world-class AI labs working on it, right?

Exactly, so your "all hard maths lel" shit doesnt hold up. Go play in the fucking kids pen, you dont belong on a science board.

you're retarded and i refuse to engage with you

Says the gay who opens with >lel stfu bitch

bitch stfu

I meant to say "guy" and I typed "gay" without even thinking, its amazing how the mind decides. Id say Id have a scientific discourse on it but you wouldnt be able to participate cause youve got nothing to do with science.

>its amazing how the mind decides
yeah astonishing that ur mind knows you're the equivalent of a 12 year old from the 2010s who would use gay as an insult

Maybe you cant do science cause you cant read well enough? I bet theres more where that salt came from.

im fuming rn actually

Just dont respond with
>lel stfu bitch
When someone is legitimately trying to talk to you.

lel stfu bitch

computer science isn't software engineering you absolute retard

though software engineering is a part of computer science, just as several other engineering fields are

without computer science, u wouldnt have computers BOOM

That's a very small portion of CS. The majority of CS has a lot more in common with math than it does with science.

keyword : possibly

Mate, you'd see this level of math in a business degree.

there is a fair amount of empirics involved in UI design

"CS" is kind of like physics
Some parts are just math
Some parts are empirical

Computer Theory makes more sense to me than computer science but im no CS major or anything so perhaps "Computer theory" means something else in the field...

Computer science is a subset of "computer science".

Except in CS you can actually do maths, that is design and invent a math formalism to suit your needs, and then proove things about it.

Calculability and complexity theory are big fields, but there's also semantics.

>i don't understand those equations but i saw the word statistics somewhere on the slide so imma call it statistics, mmkay?


btw what is that symbol that looks like two capitol serif I I's after pi?

no it's not. computers just came from discovered alien technology. no one ever had to work hard to get technology to where it is. the government just funds CS departments for decades to fool the russians. nothing of value comes out of it. tens of thousands of CS graduates careers is just for show, who knows how they pay for their house and cars, probably on food stamps too.

Holy fuck for the last time that is not computer science.

Jesus Christ it's getting pathetic.

Guys check out this sick computer science I just found. I saw a physicist using a computer once so it's definitely computer science.

The slide is just an expectation value and Bayes rule, i.e. probability theory 101.

I only see a pi at the end of the last line?

CS is a formal science.


When it was created it was more like a real science but now it's more engineering than anything.

Is linear algebra, real algebra?
or is it fake like trigonometry?

CS phd here, this is ultra babby tier entry level, please stop embarrassing us.

If you remove any math or physics from chemistry, is it still science?

>graph theory
>computer control systems
>parallel optimization

sure, anything that uses math for practical application is fake science

That's a cool image. Spent a good ten minutes perusing that.

it's fake

I'm sure all those fancy algorithms going on in the background of your computer's OS count as computer science.

What was Dijkstra if not a computer scientist? Or the person who wrote the quick sort algorithm, etc.

>Machine Learning
>Data Mining
>'Big Data'
>search/graph algys

>they dont use empiricism
K, nice bait post OP

Lets not even get started on simulation software and graphics programming/anything using Monte Carlo methods/FEM

Without the microscope biology wouldntb e very far

Without a basic brunten the geologist wouldntb e very far

Without a telescope an astronomer wouldnt be very far

These are tools invented by inventors who may have also have been scientists. The inventions are not sciences themselves. Same with computers. Incredible tools but thats all they.

People in computer science are not scientists. They are technicians whose job is to make that tool more robust and more useful.