Science vs life

What's the point of living if our memories just dissipate when we die? Isn't our whole life just a construct of our brains? Why do people take life so seriously when there's really no consequence for any of our actions since death is inevitable, where post-death is a state of infinite nothingness? I know I sound like an existentialist faggot but I'm honestly just trying to figure out how everyone lives their lives without this perpetually on their minds.

Life here is just a vetting simulation. If you live a shitty life now then you don't get to be the control AI for one of God's death stars in the afterlife.

I would be 100% okay with this

Life is what you make of it.

You know how bees dedicate themselves mindlessly to improving their hives? That's us, but the hive is Earth. What is the greater good when literally not a single person will remember it? Why make anything of life if you inevitably leave it behind?

>no consequence
People take it seriously because
A) it's the only life they have and want to make the most of it. I don't know about you but when ever I get only a single chance at something I don't dick around
B) they care about other people and the consequences of their actions on others.

>What is the greater good when literally not a single person will remember it?

I don't see anything wrong with being forgotten.

>Why make anything of life if you inevitably leave it behind?

To have fun while you're alive. Use your time, it's going away whether you use it or not so have fun and let others have fun as well.

>Why make anything of life if you inevitably leave it behind
Why shouldn't you just because you won't last forever?

It's the difference between a musician who makes music to be famous and one who makes it for its own sake.

Everything that you guys have listed so far has an end game. You treat others well so that you will be treated well in the short term. You make music for yourself to make yourself happy in the short term. Who do I live life for? It can't be myself because I won't remember neither happiness nor sadness, and it can't be for others because neither will they. What is the end game of our lives?

You value your life because billions of years of evolution have culled anyone from the population who didn't.

Of course life is ultimately meaningless, but biology has instilled you with emotional responses that ensure you continue to survive and reproduce. Or at least attempt to.

What the fuck is that picture?

you need to understand that death is immense.
it's the one thing in this world that is truly and undeniable sacred, the one thing, that without any doubt is divine.

Death is something that we should dread, rightfully so, because it is a concept we cannot possibly understand. You might be able to describe what happens when people die, but experiencing death is something that is beyond human reason. This is what I mean by divine, something that matches the most important intrinsic quality of God, so in a way we can say that Death is God.

Death is what we live for, death is the destination that we pursue in every living moment, in everything we do.

I know I sound like Heidegger right now, but I don't care.

Holden Caulfield vs Donald Trump

But what idea is it trying to convey?

In an existential faggot, so Holden Caulfield. Donald Trump is president, so Donald Trump. Idk I didn't make the image

>I'm honestly just trying to figure out how everyone lives their lives without this perpetually on their minds
They don't. The vast majority of the human population still believe in some kind of spiritual life after death, and the rest of us just distract ourselves with fun hobbies or interesting pursuits.

Distract yourself until you die. That doesn't necessarily mean being a degenerate hedonist, but if that's how you want to distract yourself then that's fine. You could also distract yourself by devoting your life to curing cancer or doing charity work. Nihilism doesn't always mean hedonism.

>What's the point of living if our memories just dissipate when we die?

Only useless low IQ degenerates would even think this.

I thought what I'd do was, I'd pretend I was one of those deaf-mutes. That way I wouldn't have to have any goddam stupid useless conversations with anybody. If anybody wanted to tell me something, they'd have to write it on a piece of paper and shove it over to me. They'd get bored as hell doing that after a while, and then I'd be through with having conversations for the rest of my life. Everybody'd think I was just a poor deaf-mute bastard and they'd leave me alone . . . I'd cook all my own food, and later on, if I wanted to get married or something, I'd meet this beautiful girl that was also a deaf-mute and we'd get married. She'd come and live in my cabin with me, and if she wanted to say anything to me, she'd have to write it on a piece of paper, like everybody else

Weird i was thinking about poting something morbid like this but then said nah until i saw you post.

Basically i'm looking for an equation and/ chart with to see if we spend more time unhappy then happy in life, to see is life really worth living.

Not that i'm suicidal, just curious

Whats The Point In Seeing If Our Eyes Aren't Real?

I finally understand that quote, Jaden was ahead of his time

Most people do not take life seriously: Look at all the kids from "normal" families suiciding on a fentanyl-laced opiates. Look at all the texting-drivers not caring if they kill a child or themselves.

The rest of the people who see how ugly the masses are endure on hope or an aversion to suicide in fear there is punishment or consequence for it. We fear the unknown.

>he doesn't realize the universe is cyclic and he's going to repeat this life forever


I've actually taken this idea into seriously consideration and quite honestly, I hope this is true. Ideally, we are a computer sim, but if not, that's a nice alternative.

>not realizing we almost find the cure for aging
>not wanting to live forever

i was dealt a shit hand. ugly fat bald and stupid. all i want to do is make awesome things but everything i make sucks. im shit that longs to be water. what can i do?

Go to pol and blame minorities for your problems


Forever ends sometime, which has the same result as it ending soon

I lack the constitution for suicide.

Because knowing that changes nothing.

Dwelling on that thought just takes me in a circle back to the same spot.

just keep trying. talk to some other people who are working on similar stuff. it helps to have peers.
also, knowing that the things you make suck means you have a sense of taste. it can take a long time to grow abilities to match up to your taste.

There is none

Underrated post


That's the point