Anyone disturbed by the disproportionate number of foreign faculty in science and engineering departments within the US?

Anyone disturbed by the disproportionate number of foreign faculty in science and engineering departments within the US?

This isn't to say they are bad professors or I have a personal problem with them(many are great) but I find it disturbing that essentially large swaths of intellectual development in the US is being controlled by what amounts to foreign people. It cant be healthy for the country.

>This isn't to say they are bad professors or I have a personal problem with them(many are great) but I find it disturbing that essentially large swaths of intellectual development in the US is being controlled by what amounts to foreign people. It cant be healthy for the country.

I was for a little bit, but now I am not. That is a big part of how the US thrives.

The other question is, why are there so many? Is it AA?

Because the smart people from other countries want to work at faculties with means and the US faculties with means want smart people.

>I find it disturbing that essentially large swaths of intellectual development in the US is being controlled by what amounts to foreign people. It cant be healthy for the country.
Why? Do you think they'll convert everyone to communism by slipping propaganda into the real analysis lectures?


I don't know what AA means. Oh, nvm, you mean affirmative action?

I think it is just statistics. Have you heard of China and especially India experiencing "brain drain"? Where do you think those people go?

That is the smartest people from 2.6 billion people go to America (and some European countries) to get an education.

Many of those people stay and become professors or work in industry. In fact, almost all of my friends ended up staying in the US.

We are lucky to be able to attract those talented individuals, but that is also kind of how the US was formed and thrives. We like talent, especially from those that are hungry to fight for it.

>We like talent, especially from those that are hungry to fight for it.
Which at the end of the day still leaves their countries in miserable conditions and open to capitalist exploitation.

Indeed. Times are changing though. Those countries started exploiting and will continue to exploit countries of their own. I am looking at you latin America.

Globalism, automation, and capitalism. Yum! Like coffee in the morning!

the very reason people choose to go to America is because there's far more capitalism there, meaning more jobs, better pay, cheaper products, and fucking freedom. Same reason Eastern Germans escaped to West Germany and not the other way around.

>meaning more jobs, better pay, cheaper products, and fucking freedom.
that's not what capitalism means.
>Same reason Eastern Germans escaped to West Germany and not the other way around.
and right wing systems have been just as authoritarian and cancerous as socialist ones have: Chile (under Pinochet), China, Japan and SK are all poisonous places to live unless you're part of the elite.

capitalism means freedom to enterprise, to open a simple business without a ton of bureaucracy and months of paperwork, freedom to employ (or in your childish marxist view, "exploit") people, to innovate and to compete. All of this environment attracts skilled people from all over the world to America.

You're delusional enough to think people aren't being exploited in India, China and around the third world for their labor. You think this system is going perfectly fine even though real wages haven't risen in over 40 years?
>innovation only happens under muh capitalism
lmao, I'm really loving the fucking innovation behind the selfie stick my dude.

It's a national security issue, it's in the interests of the US to keep its faculty american born citizens. what is currently occurring is essentially national subversion but it's politically incorrect to say it.

the problem with these people teaching engineering courses is that they have zero industry experience. they come here on a student visa to do their phd, and then post doc, and remain in academia the whole time.

this creates a constantly growing rift between what the industry expects students to know, and what the students are taught. worse yet, professors from third world countries like india/iran will teach outdated methods that aren't in use wasting precious class time on bullshit techniques, not to mention that they almost all have this scummy used car salesman personality.

the best foreign professors i had were german and russian, but they were both extremely anal about notations and small details.

the "third world" is specifically characterized for having bloated bureaucracy, little to no freedom, a state that is too incompetent and rotten to enforce the rule of law, but nonetheless a fuckton of rules that only exist to be broken through bribery. It's laughable that you use China, a country dominated by the Communist Party, to show how evil capitalism is. As if those people wouldn't be exploited (or worse, starve to death, as it happened to dozens of millions of people under Maoist China) if foreign companies weren't there.

but that's wrong.
The third world is any place that isn't allied with either the US or the USSR.

Well, if the country decided to stop being anti-intellectual, aka not Republican and not Christian, then maybe that might change.

good news, I'm the USA and have decided to become Green.

Just as bad. Just as anti-science in this area. The only realistic approach requires lots of nuclear, and the greens would rather do fuck-all nothing than do nuclear.

>my archaic definition is more valid than your colloquial definition that is generally agreed upon; I'm still right!

The world needs a great catastrophe and a major population decrease before anything can be fixed. Although a lack of religion may fix research obstacles, quality of life would probably decrease. Think about it, niggers already commit disturbing crimes and they do believe in a god and a hell, so no think about how the world would be if these people had no sense of punishment beyond a prison system. I live in Texas and I already hear fucks say "If I wasn't a god fearing man...". In a general sense, large populations need to be lobotomized through religion, but sometimes this back fires take the entire middle east for example.
>tl;dr society is worse off without religion, but science is worse off with religion

>not knowing 90% of all scientific discovery was by Christians

>country founded by foreigners
>disturbed that any part of said country is controlled or dominated by foreigners

Every fucking time...

Every country was founded by people foreign to it you fucking mong.

Or do you think people have just always lived somewhere, forever? Enjoy your travel ban mother fucker.

i think it's troubling that the US isn't graduating more PhDs that were born there

gotta love that burgercation

>I live in Texas and I already hear fucks say "If I wasn't a god fearing man..."
What if the belief that they would do mean things if they weren't religious is part of their religious belief? It's commonly part of the dogma of Christianity, so there's no really telling what their morals would be like if they were non-religious, just from those anecdotes.

you know why? because getting a phd is a complete shit decision 9 out 10 times.

you are paid a laughable wage, regardless of what your undergrad degree/salary potential was, for an average of 5 years. there is no official cap in most programs so a shit adviser can keep you for a decade if he wants. despite your low wage, you still have to pay at least a couple grand per year in fees to the school. you're expect to be in the lab all day, so you're effectively earning less than minimum wage while having no free time to pursue your interests outside of school.

then if, because the attrition rates for phd programs are as atrocious as the working conditions, you manage to graduate you are by no means guaranteed a job. in fact, you won't even compete for the same jobs that your bachelors degree peers qualify for because they will have 5+ years of experience while you have dick. academia you say? good luck pissing away 3 years in a post doc to have a shot at a tenure track faculty spot in some shit university in the middle of nowhere.

getting a phd as a US citizen is the closest you'll get in this country to becoming a slave. why do foreigners do it? because it's their best chance at getting into the US. instead of improving the conditions for graduate students, US universities just recruit foreigners that will agree to bullshit conditions just so they can live in the US.

Edgy, but user is right. What makes the US great in comparison to the rest of the world is the freedom to do business, which is guaranteed by a strong rule of law

This is not always true, and even if the people that founded the current day version of the country weren't the same ancient people, usually the original people weren't displaced by invasion, since we were still monkers in such a primodial period.

>A country built on immigrants
>attracts immigrants

Wow who would have thunk.

You can thank our boneheaded education system. It's tuned for churning out assembly line drones in mass numbers, not for producing engineers and scientists.

Sadly education is going to get even worse with trump and company in power. Expect even more poorly funded public schools and pushing of creationist curriculum. Only the children of those with money will get proper schooling.

I don't agree with this, the university systems are filled with foreigners because there are so many.

Trumps platform is the only chance to reverse it by forcing favoritism towards americans.

kill yourself, you sensationalist retard. i had the misfortune of going to a public school in a liberal utopia city. the material that was "taught" to us was laughable and designed and dumbed down in such a way so that all the spic hordes that can barely speak english can complete it and graduate.

if my parents could have afforded it, i would have been eternally thankful if they sent me to a private catholic/christian school.

I'm not even talking about universities, I'm talking about K-12 which fails entirely at preparing kids for anything intellectual in adulthood. Reducing the number of foreign university attendees isn't going to increase the number of high-quality american engineers because that's not the root of the issue.

What? My post asserted that the public education system is (and has been) broken, and your anecdote seems to corroborate that. What's the issue here?

the main reason K-12 was dumbed down is because these liberal morons think everyone should be able to finish K-12 and feel good about themselves. lefties literally destroyed NA education. I don't know if Trump is going to fix that but at least purging liberalism and cultural Marxism from public education will stop this bullshit phenomenon from getting worse.

The solution to monoculture in education isn't more monoculture (which will be just as flawed, just in different ways). The solution is an even mixture of political positions and tolerance from all sides.

>That is a big part of how the US thrives.
No, it isn't. It's a big part of how the US has been falling apart.

In 1960, the average American worker over earned twice the price of the average car. In 2015, the average American worker earned under half the price of the average car. A two-income household today has a harder time making ends meet than a one-income household did half a century ago. While new luxuries are available and many goods are of higher quality, necessary expenses have exploded in cost relative to compensation.

This is the result of a protracted campaign to devalue the American white working man, by both flooding the job market with foreigners, blacks, and women and interfering with free association and the right of employers to apply their own standards of merit and understanding of reality, in favor of mandatory distortion and mismanagement.

Foreigners teach in universities not because they're better qualified, but mainly because they're the low bidders, even though they're a lot less competent than native English speakers with a shared cultural background at communicating with their students, and care less about America's future in general and their students in particular, since they're just doing a job in a foreign country, not taking care of their own community.

and how are liberals gonna fix this monoculture problem when all they do are to yell you are racist, sexist, xenophobic if you don't accept our ideology?
I don't care about creationism being taught in school. if parents are stupid and think that's good for the child, let them do it. then, at least we are going to have real debates between science and religion instead of calling other people names.

>they're the low bidders
...and I don't just mean in terms of salary, I mean in terms of what they'll put up with from the college administration, which prefers (at least on the STEM side) people who are just there to do the job as it's given to them, rather than people who might push back against lowering standards and fresh absurdities.


>forcing favoritism towards americans.

Implying foreign born professors are not American.

Can you just go shoot yourself now? You don't deserve to be part of this country.

This thread gave me about six unique types of cancer.

They are literally not.

I was listening to NPR earlier, some Iranian (undisclosed subject) pHD holder was complaining in almost broken english. I can't help but wonder how someone can have a pHD and still be either incapable or too lazy to learn the basics of the language they are going to speak presumably for the rest of their life.

>They are literally not.

How can you be this stupid though? I really don't get it.

Again, you don't deserve to be an American.

>six unique types of cancer
no need to be so hard on yourself, just fuck off to where you belong.

have you never had a chinese TA? they are in this country for years and still can't speak english. a chinese guy in my lab has been here for a decade and he still has difficulty formulating a sentence. it takes him at least twice as long to say anything that it would take a native speaker, and he understands almost no slang, and virtually no idioms.

lol cunt, I deserve to be in the US far more then you and foreign brethren. Fortunately we now have a government which will now work to benefit Americans.


Define it. Tell me what you mean when you say innovation and progress.

I was at first, and wrongly so. I actually looked at their credentials, and they're way qualified.
My current professor worked on the curiosity rover, and ISS power system. Based Armenian.

How is this not a POLITICAL thread that belongs in /x/?

I got temporarily banned and my thread almost instantly got deleted for being a racist faggot? Why is this type of garbage allowed to stay? I don't get, but I guess I am only a pleb.

what are you, a communist? fuck off. the best person to perform the labour will take it. if you retarded white americans don't like it either get better at your job or realize you're not worth as much as you think ("but... but PBS tells me i'm a snowflake!")

That's because the US education system is one of the worst in the world for science. Michio Kaku said this during an interview as well and the majority of Americunts didn't understand what he meant and went, well, full American.

You wanna know how I can tell you go to a shit school?

>This is the result of a protracted campaign to devalue the American white working man, by both flooding the job market with foreigners, blacks, and women and interfering with free association and the right of employers to apply their own standards of merit and understanding of reality, in favor of mandatory distortion and mismanagement.

Not that user but who exactly are you blaming here? Because you do know the reason why America is in this situation has a lot to do with the employers having free agency right?

The blacks didn't come to America on their own, the Chinese didn't jump start their economy to become a economic super power and foreign workers weren't prophets who could foresee the future to know there would be job opportunities in a distant land. All that shit came about because wealthy employers and companies (who were ran headed by white Europeans) who had free agency wanted to get richer and sought more labor for cheap while avoiding citizen right/ human rights violations that early America and European nations had. Don't forget it wasn't that long ago that children under the age of 10 were working 10hr shifts in the West.

The only demographic that was introduced en masse by non-private employers (aka the government and interest groups) was women. But that's mostly because the employers who were supplying resources for the world wars couldn't hire enough able bodied men since they were going overseas to fight. After the war when men were coming back the private employers realize that they could get relatively equivalent competent works for cheaper wages and then all of a sudden women in the workforce was a thing.

Where do you think this fight for women equal pay comes from?

>who were ran headed by white Europeans
"nuh uh they were jews" is how /pol/ would respond

oh, are you one of the lucky ones to be in a top school with a 40 member group where you get to speak to your adviser twice a year and other than that you work under a post doc?

or are you some shit brain undergrad that thinks he knows what grad school is like?

>but I find it disturbing that essentially large swaths of intellectual development in the US is being controlled by what amounts to foreign people. It cant be healthy for the country.

i disagree.

my dynamics teacher was a hard core chink engineer from the old school who ass kicked his way out of abject poverty into a million dollar consulting firm and tenure track position. to quote him: "stop whining and do your homework".

we need more of that shit in our schools tbqh.

It is a top school. My group's just big enough to register as a softball team, and I speak to my adviser on a weekly basis.

If you're in a 40 member group and speak only twice a year, then I understand where your bitterness comes from.

>Where do you think this fight for women equal pay comes from?

Mainly social engineering. They distort the facts surrounding it to make it seem like a far bigger issue than it is and to outrage women to give them more power. Women spend more money than men in the economy despite making less. Attempting to shift more money into women's hands is simply a way to keep the wageslave class from accumulating capital.