Be math major

>be math major
>taking Fourier analysis course
>most of people taking the course are math majors
>quiet, ask pertinent questions, study hard, understand material
>there's also one physics major
>couldn't be more opposite
>always vocalizes what he reads on the board
>interrupts professors to ask stupid questions every session
>hmms and haws
>interrupts class to talk about stupid physics shit in an "im so fucking clever" tone
>literally has a skateboard with greek letters spray painted because "le smart guy things :-)"
>one day in class even tells a joke about how physicists do "important math" unlike mathematicians

What is it about physics that attracts the most Dunning-Kruger, annoying and self-assured retards?

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The worst part about physics majors is they all assume we should be extremely impressed and blown away by every stupid thing they learn in their relativity or QM courses.

I get how you can "hmm," but how do you "haw?"

Physics majors are generally nice people but every class I'm in ends up with at least one absolute piece of shit exactly like you describe
The rest of us ostracize them as much as we can

>beta male mathlet autist triggered by the alpha demeanor of his confident, assertive physics master race classmate

Jej nice bate

I dont know, but I've noticed this too. Those guys are hated in the physics department as well though.

The vast majority of this board consists of kids like that


Hence the constant stream of pop-sci tier containment threads.

>meets one physics major
>makes sweeping assumption about all physics majors

What is it about Veeky Forums that attracts the most Dunning-Kruger, annoying and self-assured retards?

i agree. i knew several "pure" physics majors and they were exactly like you described. i don't know, maybe it's a defense mechanism

>inb4 Freudian garbage

It's full of physics majors

Also confirming.

I don't spend a moment longer than I have to around physicists seeing as they are some of the most insufferable people to have walked this earth

Nearly all of them are entirely motivated by ego, or lack thereof.

As a physicist, he has to balance with real life implementation. Why does he needs fourier series? How are those related to real life and measurable frequency? But you just copy everything, and think that you understand it. But you cant undestand the connection with real life.

>Why does he needs fourier series

if he needs to ask this question, then he probably shouldnt take the course

Mathfag logic...

I agree.

I used to have a Physics professor that thought everything came back to Physics and when asked about Maths, he would reply "that's just a tool Physicists use" with a complete non-meme expression.

it's the (literally) autistic kids that played with spectrometers growing up

>ask questions in lecture and don't give a shit if I'm annoying other people

I actually get off on the idea that I'm pissing off self-absorbed mathlets by slowing down their precious lecture, why don't you confront me about it if you feel so strongly

oh wait you won't, ljl