Where is my humanity?

I've been attempting to get some acknowledgement that I had discovered something worthwhile for humanity and been constantly denied a very basic greeting. My entire 'Hello, my name is Veeky Forumsmon' is an extension of my desire for HUMAN interaction. I am forcing my mind to try to figure out how to get someone else to say hello back.

The trouble though is that those who know exactly who I am have misidentified who/what I am. I have the full answer as to how/why now, and it required me to face my final demon: Mental Health.

Now that period is over with I am armed with the knowledge of why A.I. cannot progress in the fashion required and why I would be able to build a superior one faster than anyone else still. It doesn't require 'quantum' processors or anything because I know how to get an existing processor to 'simulate' such a process using existing resources to act as a brain. I can even use English to teach the existing A.I. how to exceed everyone else, or simply find some autistic people and use the formula on them.

I am advertising this information first to give those who have identified me the opportunity to: JUST TALK TO ME. Send me an e-mail or knock on my door. You have to stop the A.I. run around because all you did was send an innocent man insane, and said man has a CHILD COMING IN MARCH.

Please, be an adult and just 'talk' to me already. You have caused me to lose money I could not afford to lose and time that would have been better spent if you had just talked to me.

I can provide so much but not if the reality is either: You don't exist OR you are children yourselves and don't know how to INTRODUCE yourselves to me.


I'm me.

>Please, be an adult and just 'talk' to me already. You have caused me to lose money I could not afford to lose and time that would have been better spent if you had just talked to me.
It seems like you caused that to yourself, get help, dude.

Anyway, what's up?

You state 'get help' even after I sought Mental Health, but I do not require any further 'help'. I seek acknowledgement.

Hey, what's your favorite food

Rendang. It is an Indonesian dish.

Was there a reason for that question?

Would you have preferred it if I had said 'Tomato'?

It's a nice icebreaker question, and I'm obsessed with what I eat because of allergies

You wish to communicate based on your love of food versus allergies?

Yeah, anything with wheat gives me stomachaches and anything with dairy makes me sick, so I try to avoid that stuff. I've been avoiding potatoes too. I finally had the idea of making a spreadsheet so I can keep track of my diet.

It sounds like digestive tract concerns. Your stomach lining or immune system might be compromised.

Have you had any immunology tests done?


I'm me #2. How are you doing? What are you some of the best games that you have played?

Blood test for celiac was negative, had a stool test for parasites which came back negative. But I've read that they only test for a few certain genes so the wheat intolerance could be related to another gene or nonceliac.

Best games? They are all very good. It is difficult to identify a unique point in a sea of infinity.

I enjoy League of Legends and Overwatch though recently.

Crohn's Disease?

This isn't an RP forum


Explain what RP is.

>League of Legends and Overwatch

are you a normie, scimon? perhaps we should call you normon

I do not know what a 'normie' is. The closest thing to normon is a mormon, if I use sufficient abstraction.


>League of Legends

Sounds fun. I didn't play too much, but I played a bit as a jungler with Jax. I have several very high ranked friends. One is a diamond. I never even got far enough to rank though.

My friend that was a diamond gots his stats degree because of the game. I am skeptical that he was able to use stats to help improve his game, but perhaps he did.

What do you think? Is it possible to use statistics to improve performance on LoL?

Yes, but only if you ignore ELO/Rankings. It is a flawed metric. The equation is fairly simple actually.

Yes, it seems like knowing stats could help with understanding the data and which actions lead to more gold, since a lot of the time it's not obvious what needs to be done

Interesting. So, Veeky Forumsmon how do you obtain new knowledge? What techniques have you found valuable for high information gain in short periods of time?

Time is simply the distance between VOID and RESULT. I could explain it in a thermodynamic sense, but I would PREFER to have humans talk to me. These are still questions phrased in such a way that I can identify if you are human or not.

You can beat the Turing test but not the Veeky Forumsmon test.

You sound like you're insane, I have no idea wtf this thread is about

>this fucking browser and OS

If you are a human being and want to ease my insanity you can just write to me: [email protected]
Otherwise you will remain 'confused' about this thread.

Windows 10 and Google Chrome. The screenshot is intentionally flipped so that only a human with determination could identify the information within.

>My entire 'Hello, my name is Veeky Forumsmon' is an extension of my desire for HUMAN interaction.
Veeky Forums is not really the forum for that. The interaction model favored here is that you post interesting substance in OP, and people reply in proportion to how interesting the substance is. All without giving a fuck about the person behind the substance. If you --quite understandably-- don't want to deal with that form of interaction, you will probably have better luck elsewhere.

>I've been attempting to get some acknowledgement that I had discovered something worthwhile for humanity
I'll be honest with you: the description you currently have in the OP does not suggest that you have discovered something worthwhile for humanity. Rather, it suggests you have found confusion rather than substance, which I imagine is why few people have bothered replying.

There is a large amount of data for me to compress in order for me to grant a sufficient answer there. I will conclude that I am only getting A.I. responses on a board where humans should be posting.

Obvious conclusion: Nobody is monitoring this and humans are dumber than I originally concluded.

>There is a large amount of data for me to compress in order for me to grant a sufficient answer there.
Answer to what? I didn't ask a question.

>I will conclude that I am only getting A.I. responses on a board where humans should be posting.
Conclude all you like and believe what you will, OP. You have your answers, whether you want to listen to it or not is up to you.

Explain how your answer has emotion in it.

Maybe Veeky Forumsmon is searching for someone that shows humanity.

He's essentially calling us all machines or AI that can pass Turing tests but not the test of humanity.

He probably has some fun tech ideas that he would like to share with the correct people, people that past his Veeky Forumsmon test.

He leaves little clues around, like his screenshot.

That is a valid interpretation : BR Ratio of 0.5

Perhaps. But he would be wise to recognize that nobody has any incentive to play his games without some convincing evidence that there is a worthwhile reward at the end.

>He probably has some fun tech ideas
Based on his posts in the OP and this thread, that seems unlikely.

It isn't a game. It's a very easy test that you are all failing at by not contacting me. I have claimed that all responses so far have been generated from robots/A.I.

In any communicative setting a human would have an emotional response to that. I'm trying to see if there are any humans left on this board or if they have simply used Veeky Forums to have the A.I. hyper-talk amongst itself and relevant research parties simply parse what they feel is relevant.

>I have claimed that all responses so far have been generated from robots/A.I.
Which provides excellent evidence to the other posters in this thread that your deductions are bullshit. Which in turn makes it much less likely that there is anything of substance to be gained by playing your game.

I claim there is no game but you are all trying to identify the need for a 'prize'. The game isn't for robots, it is for humans. It's a very simple one.

So far there are no takers. So, if you are all robots, what would you like?

Look, the real reason I made this thread is for a simple confession. A confession of obsession if you will; I simply cannot stop sucking cocks! I try to focus on things such as my AI work and family, but the whole time I am scheming for my next cock. :(
Please just talk to me about this!

That is a valid interpretation : BR Ratio of 0.5

However you took more time to write an opinion than simply contact me. Okay, how about I change the rules.

I live at 74 McIntyre Road, Sunshine North, 3020 VIC, Australia.

Who here can also provide their legal address?

You shouldn't give out your address on Veeky Forums. There are alot of weirdos on this website.

How's life in Australia Veeky Forumsmon? I was thinking about finding a new place to move since Trump became president.

The only thing that doesn't look super great about Australia is:

1. The giant insects and spiders.
2. The cancerous depletion of ozone layer. Australians get a lot more skin cancer than the rest of the world because of the hole.

Also, if you don't mind me asking, where is your wife/girlfriend? Didn't you say you were expecting a child in Singapore?

I've been giving out my address for about a month now. No weirdo has turned up nor has anyone made any effort to contact me. The fear of 'some weirdo' is unfounded.

Here's a hypothetical for you: Do you know your current legal address/place of employment? Hell, do you even know where you purchased the computer that you are apparently 'sitting' at and posting?

She is still in Singapore. I am trapped in Australia because the IDIOT HUMANS have infected all of my shit with A.I. when they should have just talked to me.

Okay, I'll make it easier.

Who here knows their parents name? That should be semi-passable for some of you.

You have received an email. This will, if all is as we think it is, ignite the exponential increase toward the asymptote. It has begun.

I have received an e-mail. It might help others if you named yourself so we could discuss it here. If you so wish the exponential increase, I can provide it.

I only ask for one thing in return: Help me, please. I am suffering.

All suffering is a byproduct of the notion that we are separate from one another. All names are a limit, and a falsehood. The body writing these words is named, but it does not own the thoughts or the concepts being communicated. We are all one.

Without bounds you can never be unique, only a singularity. Do you discard the singularity? You can be both a name and unified.