Well, Veeky Forums?

Well, Veeky Forums?





3b = 30
b + 2g = 20
g + 2m = 9
g + 0.5m * 10 = ?

b = 30/3 = 10
g = (20-b)/2 = (20-10)/2 = 10/2 = 5
m = (9-g)/2 = (9-5)/2 = 4/2 = 2

g + 0.5m * 10 = 5 + (0.5)(2)(10) = 15


>g + 2m
Look again :^)


Fucking multiplication


turning all the variables into gun paraphernalia won't help rednecks do math.



no u

The answer is really obvious,every american school ever.


bullet equals ten
gun equals 5
clip equals 2

>clip equals 2

If you take a closer look between the 4th answer and the 3rd you'll notice that there in only one mag in answer 4 thus making the mag =1

Plus you forgot to consider order of operations


If you take a closer look between the 4th answer and the 3rd you'll notice that it's actually a magazine

bullet 10

gun 5

mag 1

bottom question 15

unsolvable because magazine is undefined ,
2 magazines cannot be assumed to be 2 magazine

if you had two magazines, you would have twice the capacity to hold ammo as you would with one magazine

you are stupid


math is hard

lol one mag not two

>showing up to Veeky Forums with algebra 1

o shit did not notice the different mags

na, just noticing minute details when you don't typically need to for an online Chinese tapestry weaving appreciation club

>implying this system of linear equations is defined over the natural numbers

its 15 wtf Veeky Forums is retarded

this. Fucking brainlets.


Wait a sec i just got 90, ohh i see what i was doing

Well, Veeky Forums?


If you can't solve this, then you're officially a brainlet.

your sum is undefined

we have a winner

>post this to leddit
>someone instantly solves it
>post it to Veeky Forums 5 times
>nobody can

Jej, when did you realize that Veeky Forums is nothing but brainlets posturing like they know math?



when redditor transplants suffering from dunning kruger effect started flooding here.

the x operation has not been defined, and the + operation has not been defined properly. we will never know the answer.

jesus christ youre right what a meme

nice try, there's nothing stating otherwise

implying the field of naturals implied


To be fair when it's clips instead of beers and the picture is sort of blurry you can't really make out that there is one clip instead of two. It just looks like a squished version of the double clip picture done in photoshop.

So anyone answering 25 isn't necessarily wrong mathematically, they could just not be seeing what's there.

given they're always binary operations in any algebraic context and they're equal to a number, any respectable mathematician will treat them as variables.

Its 17.
Bullet are 10
gun is 5
ammo is 2

16, only one magazine

I read that wrong it would be 5 + (1x10), so it would be 15

Out of this board motherfucker.


Answer = 15



you can't put magazines in a revolver.

20 dead students

That isn't math so much as trying to notice things in a grainy picture.


17 -_-

Three .380 acp rounds=30, so one .380 acp round = 10
Two .357 or .44 revolvers, probably S&W, equal 10, so one S&W = 5
Two 5.56 AR pattern magazines = 4, so one magazine = 2
One S&W+one AR mag x one .380 acp = no solution.
.380 acp rounds do not fit inside any standard AR magazines in production, and revolvers do not accept magazines. How could you be this retarded

There are four magazines, not two.

>going to reddit

brainlet spotted

15 it's that stupid shit where they try and get you by only having 1 object at the end when they previously showed doubles and they swap + with x