Brainlet feels

Can you even get a good education in engineering/science without going to MIT/Caltech?

also how many adderalls does it take to kill a 220 pound man?

on the second question, it varies, dropped from what height? Are they loose or packed in sacks?


No, op - the only degree in stem ever worth having is only from mit or caltech. There are no other schools in the universe that could possibly string together a program in such a way that it's meaningful. Not Stanford, GaTech, ut Austin, ucla, Berkeley, umichigan, random state school, etc, etc. Undergrad education totally hasn't been standardized and anyone who graduates from anything but #1 has no idea what they're doing.

this obviously. also the only degree you should go for is math or physics because you can do literally anything with that degree, even in areas you never learned about. you'll just automatically know everything because those proofs you did transformed you into a literal god

OpenCourseWare and Khan Academy are a thing, and then there are the books recommended on the Wiki.

Really you just teach yourself, The best MIT students are probably teaching themselves anyway, you're just looking for excuses OP.

I taught myself a lot

and got so far

but in the end it doesn't even matter

all of those schools are basically kindergardens compared to MIT

random state schools and Georgia tech probably spend more on football than anything else

Yes and yes

>Can you even get a good education in engineering/science without going to MIT/Caltech?
all undergrad programs are the same, typically. unless you go to a particularly shitty school, and I'm talking about some for-profit place or something of the same caliber, the programs 95% the same.

and no that last 5% doesn't make or break anything before you try to claim that, you fucking faggots.

sorry, but the actual person is what matters, not where they came from.

North Carolina state has an a engineering robotics department

I have a friend there who is building a robotic army with which to conquer the world and the nuclear reactor on campus is a great source of energy for the prototype death lasers

The hardest part about any undergraduate degree is simply understanding the material available to everyone, solving the problems and fucking reading.

This desu, the education at all decent+ universities will be similar. Schools with bigger names or departments may make it easier to land opportunities in research or internships though

So do I have any reason to go to Boston University or Northeastern over University of Massachusetts- Amherst?

I work with dudes from MIT, I'm skeptical.

Why don't you decide for yourself

Any way you choose you'll just be cucked by MIT

> you work for some dudes from MIT


undergrad physics, mathematics, CS, etc... all the same as far as that goes. just do the reading, actually do the problems, be a real full time student and you'll get an A. and there are so many goddamn resources available to you too.

No we work on the same project. Hell I supervised two guys with MIT undergrad on their resume when they started.

linkin park

It is not about the school. Its about the individual and the courses. The correct school

>The correct school

OP here

this is I'm saying

how can anybody claim "hurrr undergrad doesn't matter" when yes it fucking does

t. engineering technician

Duh they post their courses for free. You could be a jerk off without moving from your couch and become on the level of MIT/Caltech. Just need discipline and a good work ethic

The courses on MIT OCW are not a substitute for an MIT education

You don't get internships, a degree, networking, access to facilities, research opportunities, or the street cred

All of the schools I listed are globally ranked top of some area of STEM. Not every department at MIT is the best. You'd be lucky to have a degree from any of these schools, desu, but especially Stanford, ga tech, or Berkeley.

And I can assure you the quality of education at Stanford, Berkeley, mit, cal tech, and ga tech are very, very similar, especially for undergrad.

In engineering nobody gives a flying fuck as long as its ABET accreddited and you have the internships

If you are doing more than 40 mg of adderal something is very wrong with you.