how the fuck did i get lung cancer at 25?
i only smoked sometimes because i thought it took 30 years to develop
what the fuck went wrong?
How the fuck did i get lung cancer at 25?
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At least it isn't your pancreas anymore.
wtf is this guy's deal any way?
that is a bonus i guess
At first I thought he was mentally ill, but now I think he's trying to force some kind of bizarre meme.
People are predisposed to certain things regardless of outside influences. You might have got it anyways even if you didn't smoke, or you could have smoked for 90 years and been healthy. Bad luck really.
OP go out and get as many women pregnant as you can so that you can take your revenge on the next generation who inherits your shitity genes.
Gun in the right hand, put it to the left side of head, tell me how?
if lung cancer is in your family then dont fucking think about smoking dude
some people can get away from it better than others
Maybe you shouldn't have smoked to begin with.
no one else in my family has got it yet
maybe, but people do stupid things when they're young, i had never heard of anyone else my age getting it
It's different for everyone because there's an infinite number of factors involved. If our immune systems are deficient from malnutrition we are more susceptible to a wide range of diseases. And if our bodies are stressed, and especially when we're in denial of childhood traumas, we're more likely to suffer protein infections (prions, malformed cells). Eat lots of vegetables and find a positive winning attitude towards survival and beating cancer (all the time people do go into remission and live decades longer than predicted). Boil all fresh vegetables to avoid acrylimides. Avoid canned, packaged and frozen. Use a lentil, pea or bean base for vegetable stew and mix in soft vegetables (cucumbers) rather than boiling them. Chew vegetable stew thoroughly and swallow only vegetable juice, mixed thoroughly with saliva (more nutrition absorbed in your small intestine and less wasted as poo). Eat lots of vegetable stew breakfast, lunch and dinner and as many times between as you can. Avoid chemicals in or on your body. Stop using deodorant: It's a scam that only damages your immune system (lymph nodes). Wash with cloths, rather than using toxic chemical soap to do your cleaning for you. CEOs are whores: they don't care about people; they merely lust for money without care of their karma and spirit or your life. Stay away from drugs: sugar, fat, salt, fructose ketose alcohol, etc. Have all your important nutrients tested, but strive to get them from vegetables rather than a plastic bottle.
OP, Can you define "sometimes"?
How often did you smoke? what age? what did you smoke, etc?
buddy of mine got it at 17. it was susceptibility and substances. doesn't have to take decades. he has maybe a few months left and atm his mind's stability is for shit. anyway it couldn've happened to anyone but it happened to you. try to see it from an objective point of view. do what needs doing, all that bucket list shit. you could even go full druggie mode like my friend. of course i had to excommunicate him for it and i do feel guilt but i never could blame him.
Were you diagnosed by an MD?
from the age of about 17-25
mostly like 40 cigarettes a week, with alcohol when socialising
i did go through a year long period of smoking like 10-15 a day, just out of boredom really
i mostly smoked marlboro lites
still, its so exceptionally rare in people my age
It wasn't suicide...
[spoiler]DUN DUN DUN[/spoiler]
You forgot alu foil
>8-15 cigarettes a day
If you deliberately expose yourself to carcinogenes dont be surprised if they give you cancer.
Some people just lose the genetic lottery.
I found out I have vitiligo a couple weeks ago, it's awful. No one in my family has it.
maybe not at age 50, but at 25?
I assume you mean not at 25, but 50.
Its too bad user, but you just lost the lottery. Your own fault is that you entered the lottery.
i swear if id heard of even one person under 30 getting cancer through smoking i would never have done it, or anyone under 40 who wasnt a chain smoker. it was a lottery i suppose but the odds were approaching zero as far as i was concerned. so many young people smoke and i planned to quit completely at age 25
boolean developedCancer(int cigarettes_total)
int cig;
for(cig = 0; cig < cigarettes_total; cig++ )
if((rand() * 100)>99) {
return true;
return false;
foreach(day d in year) developedCancer(15);
Do you see what you did wrong now?
LMAO strong bait
smoked? yeah, i know smoking is retarded, but i'm not even sure cancer is more common in under 30s amongst smokers than it is amongst non-smokers. i think its harsh to really blame me for this, probably about a quarter of the population smoke as much as i have. i think its really just unlucky
pretty much
Vitiligo isn't a disease, it's a cool oddity. You're a rare spotted duck
Yeah.... a cool oddity, I'm sure this guy agrees.
Waking up every day seeing new patches have formed is fucking hell.
Yea you're a fuck that shit would be fucking brutal
do you live in an urban area?
Do you live with pets, like cats?
What else diseases do you have or had before?
Finally, you are slowly becoming a white male. Not many have the privilege to actually become one, most just try hard at pretending.
That's why you should have vaped
how do i go out like a based user?
i still feel pretty good, desu im up for anything, i still feel pretty good and im not even sure what is going to kill me exactly, my lung primary seems to be growing so slowly and my lungs still seem to be working fine, i dont think it will be the brain mets either as im having radiation on them hopefully. i guess maybe the lung problem might get suddenly worse soon and my breathing will be compromised, but right now i can hardly believe some rogue cells are going to kill me in 6 months or so, as the doctors imply
can any medfags shed light on what will actually kill me?
no, a village
one dog
none, always thought my immune system was pretty good lmao
that's not just sometimes, that's far from any kind of moderation, bud
if you really need to rationalize it somehow you should first look into your family history, as I'm sure your doctor would have discussed with you extensively. if you have a lot of relatives who had cancer then it's much more likely you are just unlucky with your genes instead of unlucky with your smoking.
not sure how that would help you but there you go.
how did they find it OP? What stage?
Did you live in a basement for a long time? Probably radon gas induced lung cancer. It's still debatable if cigarettes even cause cancer in a young healthy smoker. By the time most smokers are dying of lung cancer they are dying of other things anyway.
this isn't what excommunicate means
for about 18 months i did
no relatives really
chest x-ray showed a mass, but id been ill for months, doctors overlooked my lungs
ok, even so, as ive already said, im not sure lung cancer in under 30s is more common amongst smokers than non-smokers, i literally thought i had next to zero chance of getting it
I had a brain tumor at 20.
It gets easier.
I'm 23 now, and most days it doesn't even cross my mind.
>Boil all fresh vegetables to avoid acrylimides.
" It was not found in food that had been boiled or in foods that were not heated"
think of the positive side then, at least you should be able to recover from some pretty drastic treatments and then you can reminisce about that inspiring time when you "defeated" cancer.
I see these "I'm dying threads :'(" on a daily bases on this board.
Is Veeky Forums a dead board, is that why these annos come here to die?
I believe you OP,
because this is the first post of its kind and a person who is diagnosed with cancer would first shitpost on Veeky Forums in an attempt to spread it.
Who the fuck structures their code like this? This shit looks awful.
Here, I redid it for you.
boolean developedCancer(int cigarettes_total)
int cig;
for(cig = 0; cig < cigarettes_total; cig++ )
if((rand() * 100)>99)
return true;
return false;
foreach(day d in year) developedCancer(15);
Why are you returning false if just one iteration gives you nothing?
Well, you will die soon. There aren't consequences now, be an hero.
>lol I can do whatever I want because in invincible!
Every young person's mindset. You only have yourself to blame.
yes mr edgemeister i get the point, i smoked for a bit when i was young and now i have lung cancer. well sue me
as i say, i doubt lung cancer under 30s is any more common amongst smokers than it is amongst non-smokers
You can get the place you lived tested for radon levels if your are really curious but it takes awhile. I learned about radon gas decades ago and it should be common knowledge nowadays to avoid living below earth. It's not healthy for other reasons as well. Good luck! Maybe try smoking a shitload of weed, you never know!?
>as i say, i doubt lung cancer under 30s is any more common amongst smokers than it is amongst non-smokers
I'm sure it's a little bit higher, even if it's just by like 10%. Anyways, telling yourself "this could have happened even if I didn't smoke" isn't productive, it's just a coping mechanism. If you really want to know if it was your fault, ask your doctor. Certain types of lung cancer are highly linked to cigarettes while others are linked to radon or other exposures. But it doesn't really matter whose fault it is. Finding out your cancer isn't your fault doesn't give you a magic 'get out of death free' card.
I hope this works out for you. Focus on staying positive.
the sad truth about cancer is you could essencially live a 100% perfectly healthy life and the cells in your body could still fuck up and mutate into a cancerous cell.
Every time a carcinogen damages a cell you're rolling the dice on the possibility that the damage won't turn that cell cancerous.
Cancer isn't a matter of time nor is it a disease that you can be resistant to be being healthy. Cancer is a DNA programming bug that throws the cell into an infinite loop. As other anons said, you gambled and lost.
>current year
>Smoking the nicotine jew
You dun goofed OP
i'm shunning a dying person, then, with an almost religious necessity
>It's your own fault you entered the lottery
First of all, that's a real dick thing to say to somebody. Not in the funny way -- in the autistic neckbeard kind of way
Second, anybody with a brain would be able to see from the context that there were other factors at play here, which were probably shitty genes.
How does it feel? Are you going to die now?
biggest fear of my life is I get cancer, I did a lot of research chemicals from 18-20 which I regret and hope I don't get any health consequences later on. I'm 21 atm.
Same here smoked hookah and drank a shit ton of vodka at 19-20. 21 now too hoping for the best
>and the cells in your body could still fuck up and mutate into a cancerous cell.
that happens every day, the only ones who actually get cancer are the ones with the equivalent immune system of a hamster due to not being Veeky Forums.
>mfw mis/fit/s actually believe this.
It's all just a random chance, but you upped your small odds considerably. They were still relatively small but it was proportionately significant, and you rolled poorly.
Diet mostly. And you know smoking. But above all God wants you to have it. You can heal it but he wants to see you do it.
in 90% of cases it's due to smoking during adolescence. it's because it fucks with how your lungs develop cause they're still growing
t. my aunt who is a doctor
>he fell for the smoking meme
>this isn't the 50s, information about its effects is widely available
not even sorry
it's because you're either a genelet or a lucklet
and because you couldn't understand that, you're almost certainly a brainlet