Red pill me on engineering

red pill me on engineering

Other urls found in this thread:álmán

Manliest stem field. Mathematicians will hate you because you don't have to take snorefest proof heavy courses.

Literally gayer than Comp Sci.

Seems like there is a big job market for engineers though. Im interested in ee

hope you like math, looking at 1s and 0s, looking at waveforms, and programming

>snorefest proof heavy courses
spotted the brainlet

It's literally just doing puzzles. Meanwhile engineers are learning things that will drive civilization forward like making bridges safe or ships seaworthy.

I tested your mums vagina for seaworthiness last night
She sprung a leak
You piece of shit

Case in point, mathematicians will hate you (while reaping the fruits of all the well engineered things in the world of course)

>but it's a le good job meme

If you don't innately love ee you will fucking hate your life as an ee

I assume by red pill you mean you want the truth. Well the truth is that if you can work hard and you know how to work with autists and normies you'll go far.

I studied computer engineering and ended up working as an embedded software engineer in the automotive industry. It's really cool shit and it's the best education imaginable because I get paid to learn new shit every day and solve problems. I improve drastically after every new task I get a real world challenge to.

But some days I want to fucking stab my eyes with a fork and slam my face on the table.

Fuck excel

Oh and now I come home and I don't want to work or study at all. My after hours are spent playing video games, smoking weed, reading books, playing music, watching shit, socializing and working out. The stability it's brought me has helped me become more well rounded but I'm done with school for now. Though I do miss formal education. I really should get my masters at some point, I just want it to be research and I want to get 3-5 years of experience first so I be a licensed professional engineer.

extremely applied physics and mathematics to a point where it's almost more of a vocational degree.

if you talk people majoring in all of these fields and you're in physics or math, you come to realize that the engineers all learn extremely narrow versions of what you are learning. engineering degrees are paths to half assed math/physics educations, and are mostly concerned with spatial ability.

Engineers always design everything to fail frequently so that they get more work fixing it.

As an EE major, it's fucking d o p e

no purity

unless youre a freelance inventor or some shit, engineers are the biggest cucks in the world.

>work for company
>fix their issue
>you get your turkey
>the company gets 100 more turkeys than you did for something that you fixed
>rinse and repeat

engineering is legit cuckoldry the job.

how many embedded systems courses did you take in uni? how did you get the job?

sounds baller

Absolute autism

>the company gets 100 more turkeys than you did for something that you fixed

Can't this be applied to literally every salary job, and isn't this argument the basis of communism?

shit-tier math
its not physics or pure math therefore bad
its not absolute autism, its just fucking retarded.
All engineers are dick loving faggots, don't become one.

I'm not seeing much of an argument in this post

>shit-tier math
its not physics or pure math therefore bad

Tell that to pic related or him:álmán

>Schlomo Engelberg
How Jewish can you get?