What factors other than genetics determine penis size?
This might sound ridiculous but, I have a feeling there's a correlation between chronic anxiety and inhibited penis growth.
If someone tends to be anxious more of the time and has higher sympathetic tone, less blood is in the dick on average so it doesn't grow as much.
Also is there a correlation between hand size, finger size/length and dick size? Seems to be.
What factors other than genetics determine penis size?
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>chronic anxiety and inhibited penis growth
Would make sense. I kinda support your theory.
Look at how chill most black men are and its beyond confirmed that they do have bigger penises so there has to be a reason.
>I have a feeling
Correlation something something causation
Everything scientifically proven starts with a hunch. I'm not claiming causation, just an idea.
I was going to write that in the OP lol.
Black men seem to never care about anything to the point of having anxiety and yup.
Assuming your hypothesis is true, I would argue having a large penis would have a larger affect on your levels of anxiety than your levels of anxiety would have on your penis.
I know you said MOST black men, but I'm saying it anyways: I'm black and I have OCD, which means I'm anxious as fuck. I have a borderline small dick (just under 6"), so that supports you hypothesis.
kill yourself lol
I'm a lot smarter than most blacks and my dick isn't so small, so no.
I'd agree. I think having a large penis would make one less anxious. Maybe?
I have a slightly above-average penis and I still have chronic anxiety.
Anecdotal but i know a guy who has a very big benis and he's diagnosed with anxiety.
Does masturbating through your childhood have an effect? I began masturbating everyday since I was four (not even lying) and I have a just below 7 inch dick. Though I tended to be an overall anxious guy growing up.
Did you have anxiety growing up?
Has he always had anxiety?
How big is the benis?
Also, it's possible someone just doesn't reach their genetic potential because of it.
No worries it's all anecdotal and won't my dick grow so whatever.
My situation counters your. I posses an above average penis length.
This thread is clearly shit but I'll share what I know.
Gay men have larger penises: 6.3" on average vs. 6" for straights. Fairly significant considering there is no correlation between race when erect. Being gay is thought to be correlated with higher testosterone levels in the uterus. So it's quite possible development and the female has a lot to do with penis size. We often think of male traits as being inherited from father to son due to the Y-chromosome but to my knowledge there is nothing suggesting penis size is any way inscripted in the Y-chromosome.
For these reasons I want to marry a thick girl with broad shoulders and the biggest clit I've ever seen.
Very interesting.
Why don't we know what gene affects penis though
>I want to marry a thick girl with broad shoulders and the biggest clit I've ever seen.
So your potential son will be well endowed?
Developmental nutrition.
Japanese men who grow up in California have larger penises than those that grow up in Japan.
What types of nutrition contribute/detract from?
Just so we are clear, are you talking about erection length/intensity or like overall growth?
Overall growth, not quality of erection
Penis size is all genetics.
Nothing you do (short of physically injuring your cock) will determine how long or short it is.
Being fat doesn't even make your penis smaller, there is just so much fat around it that it appears smaller. Lose all the fat and it'll "go" back to normal
>Why don't we know what gene affects penis though
because gene research is difficult and expensive and people who do it are concerned about other matters
>So your potential son will be well endowed?
That would be the idea. I'm happy with what I have but I think being in the 8" range would do wonders for your self-esteem and make you capable of doing many other things. You just want the best for your unborn children, ya' know?
It looks like a diet higher in fats are good, and that a vegetarian diet is the worst.
Well what the hell, I ate a lot of fat and shit, dick didn't grow enough. My body did, everything did, except my dick,
>being in the 8" range would do wonders for your self-esteem
I'm sure it would for christ sake. I feel like I should have had that. Capable of other things secondary to your high self-esteem?
Are you well endowed? If not, you need to post results in 20 years when you marry your large clit wife and have a son. For science
Genetics plays a big factor too. Thank your clever, tiny-dicked ancestors.
t.white woman
they were clever?
Explain this
>every penis enhancement ad claim ever.
You know something is legit when it claims to achieve results that are beyond impossible even with surgery
They managed to breed despite their small penor.
Veeky Forums is dumb.
>What factors other than genetics determine penis size?
Having foreskin stem cells.
It's not entirely proof-worthy, but apparently numerous (researchers) have determined that 2nd digit- 4th digit, 2D4D ratio, on men has an inverse correlation with genital size.
Something to do with the development of a child in the womb and the effects on the ring finger and index finger of testosterone during development.
Higher testosterone, lower ratio, big dick
>t. someone with lowest fence of average ratio and 7.8 x 6.2 inches of dick
>A study in the UK concluded there is no correlation between Africans and increased Penis size
I was a didaster growing up, always anxious and alone, i have a 7 inches donger now
Everyone should post their dicks and hands, I am working on a s..study
Are you gonna link it wite boi?
I was an extremely anxious kid and my dick is nine and a halfinches. I had a shitty diet filled with sweets and junk food because I'm black. I am also a virgin because I live in a neighborhood with no singe females.
That's really hard to believe (no pun intended). You seem to be saying that just for the sake of the rebuttal.
But I don't want any proofs. I'm giving you the benefit of the doubt.
the intellectual think tank for black dick
I'm still a virgin at 23 because I had no social skills. Mom didn't want me corrupted. I only learned how read body language as an adult
But can't it be possible.
Billions of Asians manage to breed despite their penor's.
Maybe I'll get asian girls.
I'm barely under 6 though. Not horrible