>Still not realizing that Schrodinger's cat is supposed to be a criticism of quantum mechanics

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Still not realizing the quantum state is the only reality

I really hate thought experiments.

I vaguely remember that.

I don't know. Anytime I hear people start talking about Schrodinger's cat or wave functions collapsing, I just assume they are a laymen. I think they are too much of a pop-sci meme to be disentangled from the actual science.

>criticism of the copenhagen interpretation

Well then, does the falling tree make a sound?


you didn't word the thought experiment properly, but if you did the answer would also be yes

>Schrodinger's cat or wave functions collapsing, I just assume they are a laymen
>I think they are too much of a pop-sci meme

This is exactly what I think

I think pop science has romanticized quantum physics to get people more interested

Sunday physicists doesn't like philosophy. They rather talk complex numbers and function collapses.

The coppenhagen interpretation is bullshit.having interference on probabilities is nonsense.

It's just a vivid method of describing probabilistic superpositions. I don't really see it as a criticism.

But Schrödinger sure did.
Claiming that a cat can be both alive and dead at the same time just sounds ridiculous.

Yeah, but his criticism was the description we still use. He was just in disbelief on how counter intuitive it all is.

Shut up. If you are able to somehow see that cat, light escapes from where the cat is in. You would still see a dead cat. The cat is as much alive as pic

Those examples have been proven bullshit.

>Well, well, well. Turns out that not only did the regular McDonald's burgers not rot, but the home-ground burgers did not rot either. Samples one through five had shrunk a bit (especially the beef patties), but they showed no signs of decomposition.

>So there we have it! Pretty strong evidence in favor of Theory 3: the burger doesn't rot because it's small size and relatively large surface area help it to lose moisture very fast. Without moisture, there's no mold or bacterial growth. Of course, that the meat is pretty much sterile to begin with due to the high cooking temperature helps things along as well. It's not really surprising. Humans have known about this phenomenon for thousands of years. After all, how do you think beef jerky is made?

Has nothing to do with "preservatives" or "chemicals" in the fast food burgers

No one ever claimed it did spaz.

Shouldn't we be focused on the "travelling back in time" phenomenom observed in the double slit experiment?

We've already figured that out in the future, why worry about it now?

>place a sound recorder near the tree
>nobody around
>after it falls retrieve the recorder

Yes it makes a sound.

I need this kind of positivity in my life. Thanks.

I mean... the digits don't lie.

Is it really that hard to explain what quantum is all about?

Mirrorverse. It is nothing more than observing a light going out,and at the same time realising that the light went out. The superposition that is the light switch, wil instantly be off when you observe the lights go out.

Mirrorverse is the reason light takes so long to travel here. It gets reflected a lot on the way here, thus creating a longer wave length.

Logica 1 - 0 brainlets

Subjectively-fabricated objectivity.

The theory works fairly well, experimentaly. Its the interpretations that are batshit.

This begs the question

If you cannot measure it in any way, does it exist?

How do scientist manipulate subatomic particles if you cant even see one? Like they say they shiot a single photon to the slits, how can they know its just one? Just curious

Also about that thing saying they managed to get some bose einstein atoms in 2 places at once 54 cm apart, what the fuck does that even mean.

The photon reflected towards 2 places, or 1 of the 2 was the shadow of the other.

Logica 2 - 0

And the exact centre of an atom is prob just vacuum created between the stuff that is rotating around it (magnetic field)

1: Replace device that kills cat with device that pulls pin on grenade.
2: See how many physicists will keep the box in their office.
3: ?????


Found the pop sci brainlet

It was in some book I read back when I was 16.

Are burgers really this stupid?

There is absolutely no reason or evidence to believe that there is a mechanism that stops sound being produced when there is no immediate observer.

Mold can form on bread, you fucking dolt

Here's another fascinating thought experiment you can do:

Imagine if you were flying head first through a pipe filled with pig shit at a million miles per hour, head first.

rly makes u thingk

If you look toward the tree that fell does it sound like it's coming from the tree? If you turn your head toward the tape recorder does it sound like it's coming from the tape recorder? So which object is making the sound?

Trees always make sounds, when they fall.

>Cat is alive and dead
Bullshit. You just don't know, because you are too pussy to open the box.

Wow that is unproductive and wrong. Don't post stuff like this because we all know that's wrong.
>We need bovine fetal cells and aluminum and formaldehyde injected into our bodies. It's saved millions of lives. Most public health places agree.

I fucking hate pop sci kids.

Atheism at its finest. We don't exist and there's no point in believing we exist because if we exist god exists is now a fact.

It isn't though.

It's supposed to show that quantum state changes have an actual impact on the observable world.
This whole "half-dead and half-alive" bullshit is retarded popsci


Never understood why people always regurgitate this "If a tree falls..." meme

It's fucking stupid

This, times 9001. How can probability interfere with itself? It doesn't make sense at all. De Broglie's pilot wave is the true solution.

It gives one beep in only one sensor.

Single protons can be made by ionising hydrogen (heating it/exposing it to a strong enough electric field that it loses its electron)
Once the hydrogen is ionised, i.e. once you have a gas of just protons, you can manipulate them with electric and magnetic fields because they're positively charged

Electrons are even easier to make because you just have to shine high enough energy electromagnetic radiation at a metal (usually ultraviolet or above, depending on the 'work function' of the metal) and you get electrons being shot out, which you can again corral with electric and magnetic fields

In terms of particles being in two places at once, it's really that the wave function of the particles is spread over those locations - that is, there is a probability of the particle being in those locations. So if the atoms in the Bose-Einstein condensate (itself a complicated thing) are in two places 54cm apart, what it means is that you could look in either of those locations and have a chance of the atoms being there, and you wouldn't know which until you did. You might think that's just the same as them only being in one already and you just not knowing which, aka there being 'hidden variables', but some complex mathematics and experiments have shown that there can't be hidden variables and that the particles really must be in both places at once.

Really it just provokes the realization that a non observed particle and another non observed particle interact fundamentally differently than a non observed particle and an observed particle.

Observed interactions rely on various energy exchanges.

Non observed intersections are ONLY probability.

Could you excite quantum fields without matter?

>every particle instantaneously knows exactly what is going on everywhere else in the universe at all times

Yeah that makes much more sense

1/10 trolle gud ser


Duh, becouse universe is a clockwork guided by the pilot wave.

Yeah but it turned out to be the definition of quantum mechanics
Schrodinger was blown the fuck out

no pun intended


>believing pilot wave theory

Pilot wave was a proof of concept (that there can be a deterministic QM). No one could possibly believe it, surely?

"The misnamed many worlds" - better named the relative state interpretation - is the answer. Read "The Everett interpretation of quantum mechanics".

By the way Everett saved the world by convincing the US military that a first strike against the Russians would end badly for everyone. They were all set to do it.

No it wasn't. If you actually read the paper, you'd know this.

That's what I thought too, but I assumed it was me being a brainlet. It's like he was saying "yeah right, as if the cat is alive and dead until you open it, that's whack".


So that's the moron that ruined the world by letting mordor live and spread it's poison.
A hero in the eyes of orcs I guess.

>implying the Soviet union didn't collapse
>implying capitalism isn't king today
>implying this isn't the future you choose, capitalists
don't call it a grave

You mean local hidden variables.

t. brainlet who doesn't want quantum mechanics to be real

does observing only 1 slit produce the same pattern as observing both slits or none?

How does it know it's being observed?

Isn't it a photon, not an electron?

What if I do one slit for awhile, ten replace it with another slit for awhile later?

Has anyone tried it with a machine gun?

Having it fired by a cat who may or may not be alive is not required, but would certainly be a plus.

But semi-seriously -- has anybody TRIED it with large observable "particles?" Don't expect it would work, but then I'm not sure I would have expected it to work with photons and such, prior to it being tried.,

>still not realizing that there is no reality

both works
The largest entities for which the double-slit experiment has been performed were molecules that each comprised 810 atoms (whose total mass was over 10,000 atomic mass units).[13][14]

so does no one know?

Literal oxymoron. Yeah I fucking hate the idea of ``````thought experiment'''''' too.

It'll disappear. After all, if the detector didn't measure anything when you launched a photon, you 100% know it went through the other hole.

Realism >>>>>> locality
Fuck off with your Copenhagen shit.

How many people know that The Hard Problem of Consciousness is suppose to be a criticism of dualism?

Pretty much everything from Descartes that is not his method or mathematical works is bullshit.


How many people know that Godel's incontinence theorem is supposed to be a criticism of logic?


also, every single person who has ever heard of it?

good god yes. it grinds mygears so hard when people know two terms of qm and think they know the whole goddamn deal.