Why or how is there something rather than nothing?

Why or how is there something rather than nothing?

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Why the bias?

I'm biased but you're not? Go ahead and enlighten me then.

There are both. For there to be anything there needs to be nothing for it exist inside of. I tried to explain it in a way a brainlet would understand but it just muddied it up.

Your intuition that "nothing can't make something" is entirely built on your life experience. So your intuition fails.

Trying to make logical claims about "nothingness" also fails since there's never been an example of nothingness that we can run tests on.

Saying "Nothing means that nothing happens! If there's nothing, then that means there can't be any physics or anything arising from it!" is flawed, because you're making a claim about something that currently doesn't exist, and has never been observed, just because your intuition says "Yeah I must be right".

There is matter and there is the lack of matter. That is enough to have everything moving. The void attracts everything to become something

Don't talk about the tao !


We don't know what is outside of the observable universe.

There may be something there. And in this context I mean something as in stuff as opposed to an infinite stuffless creator.

There might even be a lot of something outside of our universe. So much stuff that in comparison our universe is a joke because of its smallness. Our universe might be a small particle in cosmic poo at the bottom of a big toilet bowl ready to be flushed by an invisible hand.

When we ask "why something rather than nothing" we're posing the question inside the bubble of our cognitive limitations which in turn takes place inside the bubble of our universe.

As much as we labor under the illusion we can somehow transcend our humanity by the power of our rational mind, we're transcending as much as ants transcend antness. We're trapped.

Many things are not conceivable to us, and hence we don't even have a clue what those things could be.

I believe that's the Taoist way of thinking about this problem (for anyone who's interested, look into the Tao Te Ching).

I don't fully understand this idea, but I find it comforting.

ah, someone got there before me


Nothing is a vacuum

What does a vacuum attract
With how much force?

Is a vacuum gravity?

Well the concept of things stems back in language to reference to the male genitalia so in a literal sense nothing would be in reference to a female genitalia which has existed for as long as man needed someone to contradict them in front of the kids.

Because logic allows it to be. Numbers and logic are the only possibility.

Who says there is something? Actually it is quite probable that there is actually nothing.

The answer is always all of the above, and none of the above, and any in between when we are confronted with a paradox.

Because nothingness is probably the only thing that is truely impossible think about it for one second, nothing existing. As far as your brain can go you would imagine a blank void filled with nothing but how it can be filled with nothing if its a blank void? Its gotta be made of something.

Having nothing rather than something implies the existence of something. Nothingness is the lack of anything. For there to be a lack of anything there needs to be something. Simply put, 'nothing' does not exist and has never existed. The fundamental material that constitutes the universe has always existed and will continue to exist for eternity. Zero, the state of nothing, a lack of anything - these concepts do not exist in reality, and therefore, your question is nonsensical.

My "way out" of this question has been to rewind cause and effect to the point that the only "things" left are the "rules" reality itself is based on.

Without any rules or guiding logic there's just primordial chaos and anything is allowed regardless of how batshit it would seem. As such "nothing" is, in a way, impossible. Not that it couldnt exist but that the primordial chaos is just more likely to make something else pop out than that one specific thing. Laughable since technically statistics wouldnt apply at this point so really Im just talking out my ass at this point. But here we are, so, guess nothingness didnt get its chance to be?

It feels right as an idea in my head but I always sound like a crack addict trying to communicate it.

Now where did I put my pipe again?

Wonder why water 'boils' in a vacuum

It is the lack of oxigen that pulls the oxigen out of water. The moment you would let air in is when the oxigen returns to the water