Things that combobble your noodle

>Electrons don't actually orbit a nucleus and can only be represented as a probability distirbution cloud for where they might be found
>polynomials of degree less than five have general formulae
> Until the 1960′s, the only reliable pregnancy test was to inject a woman’s urine into a female African clawed frog. If the woman was pregnant, the frog would ovulate within 12 hours.
>The human brain takes in 11 million bits of information every second but is aware of only 40.
>gonorrhea bacteria can pull 100,000 times their own body weight.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implications of existence of basis theorem
if this one doesn't blow your mind, you don't understand algebra
>QR factorization can determine roots of all polynomials in seconds, typically thousands of times less than 1 second
>constructing symbolic logic systems can predict reality

>Electrical charges are the reason "you" exist

>rats with maternal deprivation stress show enhanced LTP in the hippocampus in response to stressful stimuli in adulthood
>same rats extinguish stressful associations more slowly
>social isolation in development leads to social deficits, increased acquisition of drug use, and working harder for drugs in adulthood (rats)
>morphine administration in socially isolated juveniles reverses adult social impairment (not sure on amount, saved paper to read for later, wasn't relevant to my literature search)

>I was a maternally deprived socially isolated mammal

Ask me how I know you're a sophomore

Humans are not that different from fruit flies,

>Shohat-Ophir G., R. Azanchi, H. Mohammed & U. Heberlein (2012). Sexual Deprivation Increases Ethanol Intake in Drosophila, Science, 335 (6074) 1351-1355. DOI:

>tfw Voyager Golden Record has old representation of an hydrogen atom
>tfw some passing alien ship, 50,000 years from now, finds the record and chuckles

how desu

I'm a senior though

also you clearly haven't taken advanced linear algebra

>also you clearly haven't taken advanced linear algebra
kek that is first semester of second year at my uni for math majors

literally noone cares about your glorified Gram-Schmidt

>Why people are mean to me.
>why people on sci argue the earth is flat or photons don't exist.
>why I haven't ended my fucking life already
>Whats going to happen down the road 5 years when everything's to shit and all our brains are filled with micro particles of heavy metals from chemtrails and the whole next generation minute the super elite are autistic because of vaccinations and systematic poisoning through food water air
>Why I still haven't killed myself because it's going to get so rough to bear I should just do it now.
>why God takes the best people first.
>how people got to taking the Bible literally when they want and figuratively when they want and how churches perpetuate this.
>thinking if I'll ever reach the kingdom of heaven which is within us through meditation because of the dmt LSD and fluoride damage to my penial cerebral spinal fluid and brain in general.
Going to kill myself now.

You sound like a complicated individual. Interesting.

>electrons don't orbit the nucleus

then explain spin and magnetism

Richard Spence wearing a PEPE pin in front of the media.

>is aware of only 40.

Are you telling me my awareness is at 40 bps? That doesn't seem right. My vision alone seems way higher than that.

electron orbit themself

wait are you saying an electron is orbiting itself? how? you need to have two things to have an orbit.

>sexual deprivation increases ethanol intake
kek, i can relate

>Veeky Forums is a terrible influence, that does nothing but constantly reinforce a cynical outlook of life.
>i can't leave

Yea that is a totally made up number. The awareness of touch down to the precision of micrometers and temperature simultanously across an entire hand is easily exponentially higher than 40 bps.
The thalamus filters out an incredible amount of sensory information, but theres no way the difference is between 11 million and 40.

>The human brain takes in 11 million bits of information every second but is aware of only 40.

This is why I think we sleep: our brain leaks memory so we have to sleep to do proper garbage collection.

>100 years ago you could have a degree in mathematics if you understood trigonometry. Now, we start to learn calculus in late middle school (at private school anyway as far as I know).

The numbers OP gave are very deceptive and a bit garbagy because the brain is encoding, compressing, and transforming data along the way.

The biggest problem is that the encoding is unknown, so the way the author is measuring and calculating that number is extremely significant.

For example, we can easily identify high resolution objects in images that flash before our eyes in fractions of a second. That implies much higher throughput than OP suggested.

Here is some conversation around the topic,

OP just regurgitated a "fact" from an author who made up a really, really bad calculation. We do not leak that much.

Pretty much garbage collection. It probably is a little more like defragmenting a hard drive though, a consolidation/optimization of sorts.

>Endogenous retroviruses make up 5% of the human genome

i love how you're trying to suggest that OP regurgitated facts when you're making baseless claims.

I had an interesting realization on the comedown of an acid trip. While my thalamus was largely inactive I noticed the color of the hat being worn by a man driving a pickup truck no less than 100 meters away from me out of the periphery of my vision. I asked my sober friend to look directly at it an verify that it wasnt a hallucination. I then realized how vividly I clould hear distant sounds such as the construction on the other end of the neighborhood, the subtle vibrato of a birds song, the engines and wheels of cars quietly roaring in the distant traffic, and the conversation between my friends around me, all of which I was aware of simulatniously. The absolute clarity in the comprehension of everything in my field of view was passively intriguing, and Ive since sought a sober repression of thalamic activity.

Why are people who take acid always complete retards?

>>Electrons don't actually orbit a nucleus and can only be represented as a probability distirbution cloud for where they might be found

it's actually really easy to comprehend when you learn about maxwell's demon

> The human brain takes in 11 million bits of information every second but is aware of only 40.

doubt it

>I had an interesting realization on the comedown of an acid trip

This is how I can tell this post is going to a 5 star, two thumbs up, top quality post.

>and chuckles
Why do you think aliens would have humor or the ability to laugh?

You're right, you have clearly evolved beyond that ability.

Shut up.

>Electrons don't actually...
...exist. Electrons are MERELY a model of Reality.
Atoms and molecules present a model for why carfentanil, for example, kills people. It is very useful, no doubt, if only people would be open-minded and intelligent enough to see it is ONLY a model; which is why nothing can be shown or answered "exactly." Even 2.0 is exact to an infinite number of zeros: and this NEVER happens in nature. Nothing can be definitively defined by length or any other physical property.

>light has energy but no mass
>energy and mass are equivalent
>total universal energy is a constant
>kinetic energy is based on speed
>light moves at constant speed in a vacuum regardless of viewer speed
>this doesn't somehow increase the energy of the light

Might be stupid, but I'm always surprise by how much of the world falls into differential equations.

>slight discrepancy in the helicity of the quantum weak force means homochirality and by proxy you exist

>> Until the 1960′s, the only reliable pregnancy test was to inject a woman’s urine into a female African clawed frog. If the woman was pregnant, the frog would ovulate within 12 hours.
how would you even discover something like this?

t. brainlet

Selmar Aschheim and Bernhard Zondek introduced testing based on the presence of human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) in 1928.[14] Early studies of hCG had concluded that it was produced by the pituitary gland. In the 1930s, Georgeanna Jones discovered that hCG was produced not by the pituitary gland, but by the placenta. This discovery was important in relying on hCG as an early marker of pregnancy.[15] In the Aschheim and Zondek test, an infantile female mouse was injected subcutaneously with urine of the person to be tested, and the mouse later was killed and dissected. Presence of ovulation indicated that the urine contained hCG and meant that the person was pregnant. A similar test was developed using immature rabbits. Here, too, killing the animal to check her ovaries was necessary. An improvement arrived with the frog test, introduced by Lancelot Hogben, which still was used in the 1950s and allowed the frog to remain alive and be used repeatedly: a female frog was injected with serum or urine of the patient; if the frog produced eggs within the next 24 hours, the test was positive. This was called the Bufo test, named after the toad genus Bufo, which was originally used for the test. Other species of toads and frogs have been used later on.

Took some time apparently

u have the electron and the electron.

Ok Descartes, so what DOES exist?

i do

>Even 2.0 is exact to an infinite number of zeros: and this NEVER happens in nature.
2.0 is "two of ones, zero of everything else". It is just as complete and finite as saying "one apple = an apple and zero of other objects".

>>Electrons don't actually orbit a nucleus and can only be represented as a probability distribution cloud for where they might be found

Honestly, I think this makes more sense than the classical picture in hindsight. Electrons behaving like miniature planets raises the question of what holds them together and makes them keep their shape. It seems more reasonable to me that the fundamental constituents of reality are fuzzy.

Ok, can you prove it?

not to you


God loves me

What's the realization though?

Ik bro! Most scilicone valley billionaires are SO RETARDED! hahh ahaahahHahahahhahAHAHAHAHAHA

It makes more sense if you think about time as a spatial dimension and realize that you're just describing the shapes of things.

>Klein-Gordon equation isn't well-posed
>an interaction picture does not exist for Wightman QFT
>there exists a nearest-neightbor Hamiltonian on the square lattice for which the spectral problem is undecidable
Nature: 1
Math: 0


>Electron has no mass

>Electron has momentum

I can derive it mathematically but it just bamboodlidoodles me

>J. Arthur Rank Presents

Even fruit flies get henpecked it seems.

Why is that so true? It's irrational to be addicted to something like this, but that's what happens.

>>light moves at constant speed in a vacuum regardless of viewer speed
Why should the speed of light change with the viewer speed?

Because generally if you're moving it has an effect on other objects' relative velocities.

Or that everything is harmonic motion.

>Nothing can be definitively defined by length or any other physical property.

The golden ratio would like a word with you


Nothing does not exist. That is exactly what that word describes no-thing. So your statement is only true in that nothing cant be defined by length or any other physical object.

Everything can be defined by length and other physical property's. Here are a few:

>everything creates a shadow. And egyptians used it as time
>water 'boils' in a vacuüm. The lack of oxigen in a vacuüm pulls oxigen molecules out of water. The water is less dense.
>everything you can see around you is a reflection/fraction of the sunlight everything gets. From your perspective

the forces of nature is a fucked up concept.

Do all liquids boil in a vacuum. Even something dense like mercury?

Does the absence of particles in a vacuüm allow light to exist? You cant see it as the observer because you cant be in that vacuüm. (It would be less vacuüm).
If light has nothing to reflect on if there is an absence of particles, light could just as wel travel instantly in a vacuüm.

Special relativity.
If I moved in such a way the light would appear to be moving faster (due to a combined velocity) Then it would be faster than the speed of light, which nothing can be, not even light.

Dont know that honestly, a guess would be yes.

>kinda confused between gravitational force add the force of a vacuüm. They both attract mass. i wonder, what would the effect of a void centre in the middle of the earths core be like

you know that looks retarded, don't you?


>english is not my first language.


Perhaps if the voyager returns to earth somehow after a long time when the voyager has long been forgotten, the humans might ridicule the aliens that sent this message, ironically unaware that they're ridiculing their ancestors.