Charles Darwin was a racist

its a shame, what a great scientist.

but unfortunately, had terrible racial views.

It's called racial realism. Everyone is not created equal.

Thats no racism. It's a commonly used strategy by almost all peoples around the world, when they are tech superior. Also darwin did not exclude the possibility of intelligent design.

...which is a word that was literally invented in the 60s or somesuch, for the sole purpose of emotionally blackmailing and shaming opposition to the strange, sudden and arbitrary decision to start filling western nations with less civilised people from all over the world.

Do you ever wonder if this is the bad timeline? Biff got the almanac and everything since was just... cancer. That's how I feel sometimes.

No one's perfect, so I imagine all of us are racist "to some degree."
I'm not that familiar with his personality, but if you're referring to the words in the related pic I can't see how they identify him racist (though I'm reasonably certain he was).
It seems, actually, a good description of what is happening today (has been for many generations). The first-world countries have certainly devastated china by getting them to pollute their own country and to kill themselves off with environmental pollutants. Have you seen the hell that is china today? And all because they were so desperate to be american.

charles darwin died in 1882 this quote is fake.

Wrong. The words "racism" and "racist" were invented in the 20s by a Jew.

BuzzFeed: Here's 20 occassions where Charles Darwin was wrong
Salon: Charles Darwin was a racist and we must not teach our future children about his racist theories
MSNBC: Thousands rally in New York to demand schools to stop teaching about the theory of evolution after Darwin's controversial remarks.
Fox News: Liberals are bashing Charles Darwin's once revolutionary theories.

>quote is at year 1952
>darwin died at year 1882

really fires up the neurons

when charles darwin himself and the man who discovered DNA both believe whites are superior maybe its u thats wrong OP

delete this.

Veeky Forums should not tolerate such bigoted hateful views.

genetics is not real science.

Scientists have never been wrong, you say?

I'm surprised nobody's brought up social darwinism yet, used as a criticism of Darwinism after WWII, which is claimed that Hitler used to justify his contempt for the the Jews

no im saying charles darwin and james watson are genius therefore i'd believe them over OP

Everybody in the 1800s was a racist asshole by modern standards. Abe Lincoln ended slavery but believed in segregation. By 1800s standards he was very anti-racism. By 2017 standards he's a white supremacist.

also to be fair the north only bothered taking the high ground about slavery because their economy didn't depend anywhere near as heavily on slaves aka wasnt as agriculturally based

>the descent of man AND world book encyclopedia 1952

>terrible racial views.
Its called "truth".

It should be obivous to every rational being that the wester societies are superior to all others.

Doesn't really matter desu. Most people were racist and his racism had basically no effect on the world compared to his revolutionary scientific insights. Also reminder that someday people will look back at things you and I currently believe and think it was a shame people thought that, it's just the way of progress.

wtf I hate evolution now

Racism is pretty scientific

Everyone who read this quote and automatically thought that "the civilised races" were White, and all the Blacks, Browns, Yellows, and Reds were "the savage races" are the REAL racists ;^)

Racism is a crime.
And crime is for niggers.

>Sweden has the highest standards of living in the world
>decide to breed with Somalia, one of the shittiest places in the world
If they are so smart, why do they do this?

Checkmate atheists.

Does this graph prove that Argentinians are, in fact, white?

Were, they are in an advanced stage of brazilification right now, much like brazil is in an advanced south africanisation stage right now.

by calling someone a racist, you actually admitted that race as a distinguishing feature actually exists, and admitting that different races exist makes you a racist yourself.

Well, the 2017 standard is retarded, so I'm not sure that's a bad thing.

I'm absolutely for equal rights as humans, doesn't mean we're equal as races and that should be obvious to anyone who doesn't drink the social marxism kool aid.

>Equal rights
>for unequal people

>Charles Darwin was a racist
your stupid attention-seeking assumptions are stupid, he is long dead and cannot defend himself. criticizing darwin ad-hominem style is a century old technique of reactionary trolls. it's safe to delete your thread now.

they are autistic smart, they don't realise they are controlled by an illegitimate elite doing everything to ethnocide them.

>people with Downs and normal people shouldn't have the same rights

wew lad

AI will replace humanity anyways bro, all the intellectual capabilities of humans without the biological dependencies that make space travel impossible-tier.

They shouldn't.
Should downs syndrome people be able to vote, or drive cars, or become teachers or run for elected office?

This is funny, because right now the "savage races" are replacing the civilized.

I'm obviously talking about basic human rights.

Furthermore if society was a meritocracy they could have all those rights but not be on par and ultimately fail, which is okay for normal people, Downs is just a more extreme argument.

well they shouldn't have the right to live in the first place.

Okay I was 4 decades off but still though.

And it's a bit suspicious that all this multicultural shit began just after WWII (more precisely just after the formation of Israel).

Then add to that the fact that Israelis are so fucking "racist" they make South Africans look liberal.

What's good for the goose...