My professor draws sigma notation unironically like pic related, should I drop the class?

My professor draws sigma notation unironically like pic related, should I drop the class?

That's half a Schutzstaffel sign right there boy

Perhaps the professor is sigmafying the difference between convergence and divergence with the top and bottom lines of the sigma.

Actually I happen to know he had a stroke some time last semester, I think he used to draw them normally.

He is trying to tell you something.

You sound like the biggest dick in the universe now.

>indexing by k
>not by i
Drop that shit

It's a lot more common to need 2 indexes than 3, so it is more logical to use k and j (because they do not look alike), rather than i and j. It is still going in alphabetical order, just reversed.

Index by i, then k, then m, then j, then l, then n

You have to do it in alphabetic order to make it clear or it will be a hodgepodge of chaos.

>finite sum
yeah okay

>indexing by i
>not by k

Good luck indexing complex expressions by i

My professor draws sigma notation unironically like pic related, should I drop the class?
I'm a jew and that's seriously unsettling because I'm the only who is taking that class

>not indexing by j

>not indexing by n
You people disgust me

>not indexing by x


>not using non-latin and non-greek symbols for indexing
literally a pleb

איי למאו

oy vey user, oy vey

It's more like איי אהתש

>that guy who draws his 1s like As

I never understood this meme

the fuck?

i,j,k are indexes, m,n are the upper, last term,. (is there a name for that part?)

Better than ones looking like a single stroke, good luck finding out if it's one or modulus sign, or if it's comma or one in subscript

>better than

It's not

this senpai, although sometimes j is used as te complex root of -1 to avoid confusion

I kek'd

Good luck indexing quaternions by k


Holy kek

>not indexing by pepe

Isn't that a hate symbol, user?

>showing up to lectures
what kind of pleb are you?

Tы шyчeшь?

Strokes can have very strange effects on people.
Look up hemispatial neglect, for example.

>not indexing j instead of i

Only is you're a liberal faggot