How does she do it?

how does she do it?

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Unparalleled autism.

That's OP, reposting this shit month after month.

>mash a bunch of strange functions together
>find the derivative
>ask for the integral from other account
>enjoy eternal Ron Gordon buttmad

by not giving all the steps to her solution...dont see whats so amazing about explaining nothing about the solution, just throwing it in the room


It's a bot that computes the answer, hence the lack of explanations and no personality.

but those accounts have tons of others answers and questions

what are you nerds talking about

Some poster on quora, I think. God knows why anyone would care.

It's on stack exchange.
>God knows why anyone would care.
It's interesting to think that some weirdo autitstic girl is crushing math problems, but it's also equally interesting if it is a bot.

I'm in love with her.

I had a dream that I had a girlfriend in the 70's and she had curled hair

What's the difference?

Can one of you faggots post an example of one of these problems she solved?

I think she is just particularly good at using computer algebra systems. For these level of problems its not a completely automated process to do those integrals, but she also obviously isn't doing it all by hand.

Sounds very comfy.

Cleo is no longer a girl she's a 52 year old smelly disabled woman, she's been doxed before

i don't believe you

it was :(

Why do you fags have such a hard time admitting she is just good at calculus? Its not like others don't solve the same problems, she just solves them sooner.

I think you are wrong. She even had a couple questions,

The answer is pretty obvious. Cleo claims to be female. That drives males crazy knowing that a female is better than them. Sexism is strong in math and science, especially in some countries more than others.

>Sexism is strong in math and science

[citation needed]



tfw no math gf

Computing power and an undefinable Error function.

math grad student here
so i just looked up the person you mention OP. what's the big deal, she seems kinda good at Analysis, but not any better than average.

is this person a meme or something?

The thing is that she does really complicated integrals in 15 minutes, so people get flabbergasted.

ah, so the hardest parts of the easy part of Analysis.

i found two integrals she solved that another user hasn't given a proof for yet. can you figure out how she did one of these?

This one is fucking ridiculous

to be fair, it probably took a whole day to write all that latex

> last answered question Dec 31 '15

Maybe she died after people doxed her and gave her a heart attack bad stalking her and badmouthing her.

Now people are badmouthing a dead genius?

Y'all going to hell.

cleo just hasn't found any good integrals to solve lately

you could probably summon cleo by posting an extremely complicated integral on stackexchange

Only engineers thinks algebraic manipulation is hard mathematics.

heh in undergrad I would be screeching autistically to this

But out in the real world, solid mechanics and fluid mechanics are rarely applied per theory, and reference manuals have all the properties and values I would need to perform an analysis

t. Civil Engineer

>people doxed

Did that really happen? Why would they do that?

I think it's strange though that someone on \sci\ keeps drawing attention to her old posts, cleo is probably a Veeky Forumsentist with multiple accounts who posts a very specific problem and then uses his cleo account to post the solution after a couple of minutes. For example, the arccos(phi) problem is way too specific, as if he just posted it for cleo.