I would like to make or see a Ulam Spiral made with a heptagaon instead of a square...

I would like to make or see a Ulam Spiral made with a heptagaon instead of a square. What is the easiest way to make or find one?

Come on nerds I don't want to have to draw one. :(

Can it be done? Heptagons don't tesselate. It can be done square or hexagonal because those tesselate.

2d opengl, with a geometry shader that converts single vertices into squares

good point

What if you did it on concentric polygons of sides n where n was the prime numbers increasing from the center

That's a very pedantic way of saying tiling. Do you feel superior for using hard words when they aren't needed? They do tile in the hyperbolic plane anyway, and that combined with the primes would make a nice picture

>Do you feel superior for using hard words when they aren't needed?
I remember seeing a TV show about tesselation (using that word) in school when I was about 8. I'm sorry I didn't say "tiling" but the word "tesselate" was simply more immediate to me. Should I not expect people on Veeky Forums not to be familiar with this word?

Of course, the main irony is that you chide me for that, then go on to use a term like "hyperbolic plane".

And, yes, I am aware of the double negative I just used here.

Do you feel superior for calling people out on anonymous discussion boards for the way they choose to word sentences?

you learn tesselation in fucking 7th grade geometry you dolt

tesselate is a far better word than tile in this sentence, and I think more than half the people I ask would be able to tell me what it means anyway.

I'd start at a point and shift along the angle of the side you're on, and draw a point if you're on a prime. Then increment integer and side, and once you finish a heptagon you increase the step length.

wow you sure are smart, knowing hard words, yet you didn't understand a word because your useless suggestion doesn't take int account that the heptagon doesn't fucking T-E-S-S-E-L-A-T-E
You're not making spirals you're making rings.

I dunno

>I don't know this word, so it must be one a them big fancy ones

Exactly. Tesselation means you can make an infinitely repeating, regular grid of that shape (essential for making a spiral surely).

Ulam used a square grid but I'm sure it could be done with a hexagonal (or more accurately equilateral triangle) grid.

You might want to look at the definition of an ulam spiral before you call my suggestion useless. OP is obviously asking if the entire shape can be a heptagon, not if each individual point can be.

Is that a Poincare disc?

Here's an attempt, OP.

How are nodes between corners defined?

Each side contains one more integer than the previous, and the distance between each integer is roughly one pixel in the direction of the side.

Thanks mate!

No worries. If only I understood that heptagons don't tesselate :p

>If only I understood that heptagons don't tesselate :p
That's probably why no real patterns present themselves in this view.

I see some lines tho

Still though a spiral is probably more intuitive on a regular grid.