Opinions on thunderf00t AKA Phil Mason?

opinions on thunderf00t AKA Phil Mason?

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looks like shit
allegedly does a lot of work on a lot of related fields (alleged by him), but not being a physicist/chemist i really have no idea if his contributions are real or just Q4 meme science
too lazy to go and check

god-tier youtuber.
excellent scientist
brilliant physicist
all-around excellent guy (even though he got Brexit and Trump wrong).

ps: only retarded SJWs and feminazis hate him.

his reasoning is ok sometimes but is mostly for the masses.

a hack "scientist"

also tired of hearing him go off about feminism...

Have you published in Nature, you stupid low-IQ retard?

>also tired of hearing him go off about feminism...
if truth triggers you, don't fucking watch it. it's not like his anti-feminazi and anti-SJW videos aren't titled properly. fucking child.

He's either politically illiterate, or he makes his political videos solely to shill for science funding.
>need mo money for dem programs
The EU was the most glaring example of this. The funniest thing about it was the Sargon stream he was on the morning after.
>I wasn't "actually" being arrogant and condescending. It's just easy to paint the remain camp that way.
>He said that a little under half of the UK's adult population "didn't have the skills to stack boxes" a few days before the referendum.
His fawning over TYT's Ana Kasparian is also more than a little disgusting. She's arguably the worst person in that dumpster fire, but he talks about her like she's the straight man of the group.

I'm sure he does good work in his field though. No one's giving that neck a free ride in life.

Not him but

>have you even published in nature?

There's no fucking way he's published in Nature. Link to paper if true.

Overall he does cool science. I genuinely enjoy watching his videos. But it's just absolutely cringeworthy the way he treats SJWs. You don't need to make video after video mocking them. Just shut the fuck up and do science for me.

I stand corrected. The video I watched was actually about his nature publication. That was a fucking awesome video

He's good at communicating most aspects of evolution, but he does make some mistakes in his videos. He's far from perfect, though, as others have pointed out.

Ana Kasparian drives me nuts. Her "GMOs are dangerous, there are no studies that prove they're safe, evil Monsanto has paid off all the scientists" schtick is quite possibly some of the dumbest shit I've ever watched.

Not him, but if you want the citation for his Nature paper, here's the DOI: doi:10.1038/nchem.2161

He's really obnoxious, thin-skinned and likes to hear himself talk. He was a shit tier atheist youtuber and now he is a shit tier anti-feminist youtuber.

>There's no fucking way he's published in Nature. Link to paper if true.

>Mason was the lead author in a paper, published in Nature Chemistry, that argued that alkali metal reactions with water can cause a Coulomb explosion.


>hurrr everyone who disagrees with me is politically illiterate

He does lots of science videos. He only makes videos trashing feminazis to rake in the dough (and I'm glad he does)

He's an alright guy, but he's probably autistic.

Lol butthurt alt-right faggots got his videos shitting on hack journalist Lauren Southern removed

Proof that alt-right retards are literally no different from sjws


Tillmann Buttersack

>slow-mo/infrared videos of everything he can think of

And the other half of his videos are pure shitposting about SJW

fucking Tillman Buttersack

He looks kinda bright. I bet he scoops a mean ice cream cone.

his 'why do people laugh at creationists' gets pretty good after the first few, and his science vids are cool.

but to me he seems to spend way too much time whining and complaining/responding to tards who just obviously arnt worth the effort.

and all that anti-feminism shit got old real fast too.

I don't really watch him, but I've seen a few of his videos. I avoid the ones on feminism and whatnot because I could care less about it, but his videos on creationism are pretty good. Aside from that I haven't seen much of his content though.

a man has to entertain himself


he could at least make a separate channel for that shit
the venn diagram cross over of 'people interested in science vids', plus 'people interested in long winded repetitive bullshit about angry feminists and SJW shit' is EXTREMELY low.

clearly more people are interested in teh SJW stuff so maybe he should move the science to a different channel

Well if Veeky Forums didn't mock philosophy and actually learned something, they'dknow why. Thunderf00t is a modernist, which puts him in direct conflict with post-modernists such as the alt-right and SJWs.

it was a science channel first, the SJW shit should move.

and people only like it coz youtube tards love going full popcorn on angsty drama and people getting mad at each other, same reason /b/ is more popular than Veeky Forums

doesnt mean it's better

Actually it was originally a channel for shitting on anti-science retards. It's just that the current anti-science retards he wants to talk about are SJWs rather than creationists

I like his science videos.

But his anti feminism videos are horrible. There are much better channels for this.

He looks somewhat neanderthal. I wonder what's the amount of such DNA he has.

People liek Sargon and TLDR are probably better at it, but there's nothing wrong with having another voice.

they're not anti-science though

one recent one he was whining about some guy who shopped his face onto a masturbating monkey, then that other one where he goes on and on because some reporter said
'this is what the anti trump movement is'
about a bunch of anarchists. made another fucking video about it as well

has nothing to do with science or anti-science, it's just boring pointless shit.

TL;DR is pretty good.

>but there's nothing wrong with having another voice
Maybe not, but most of his anti feminist videos aren't of that high quality.
We also don't need a dozen videos on Anita Sarkeezian.

It's a trade off, time he spends on feminists is time not spend on science.

Supporting Trump is definitely anti-science at least, and it's understandable that he'd respond to people who attack him.

I don't think he's made any vids on her recently. Also the streams where TLDR and Bunny pick apart postmodern feminist papers are really funny, especially this one: youtube.com/watch?v=0_6jcypsPy0

no it aint.
trumps not actually as anti-science as most people think, it's all just political maneuvering.

for example, he knows full well that climate change is real, but it helps his agenda to ignore it and make policies that boost the american economy despite the impact on climate change.

when he was campaigning he also NEEDED to get votes from the shithead christfag anti-science republican crowd, it's actually kinda big chunk of them.
he had to dumb himself down to their level to seem relatable and have a chance of success.

hes not as dumb as he plays it though.

Where are the proofs? Stop white knighting without evidence.

lol wtf??
how is that 'white knighting', retard?

You're white knighting Trump by claiming that he's not anti-science even though he says anti-science thigns and enacts anti-science policies.

i don't agree with phil moriarty politically but he's a brilliant physicist

This video is particularly good BTW because you get to hear TL;DR laughing for real rather than just his douchey smug fake laughter

Which anti-science policies has he put in place?