YLYL Veeky Forums ed

Veeky Forums humor aka ylyl sci edition

Other urls found in this thread:


also im looking for the train dilemma with the 1+2+3 people bunched up and then the -1/12 meme, anyone have that?

in addition to that, i'm look for the one with the same riemann zeta function continuation meme with someone asking whats practical in math, with someone answering with "someone in the street gives you 1 dollar and says they'll give u an extra dollar on top of that value the next day, and so on. a mathematician would know what he is trying to do - steal -1/12 dollars from you. theres a real life application"












I got you bro

I keked heartily at this


Good thread so far

It actually doesn't look that bad. I'm curious as to what theta sub 12 in the bottom is coming from though.


This isn't that far off to how he acts lmao. I'm loving the change from in to on, it satisfies my autism

Might be a bit autistic to ask, but is that discrepancy just floating point error (assuming they did the division with a computer)? If it's not, it could continue to diverge after some arbitrary number of terms.


That's the joke

My bergs knows no boundaries

we need to stop posting this

Next time we should have a only Veeky Forums greentext edition.
I love those.

>just floating point error
It's not.

I'm not familiar with summation notation, so would you please help a guy out? Is x left as a variable, or is its values implicitly or explicitly stated in the summation notation?

>Veeky Forums - Science and Math
>I'm not familiar with summation notation
Story of this board

Yes it's left as a variable the sum formula is for e^x, so e^x is described by an infinite sum of terms for every possible x

It's the same value

It's left as a variable. so e^x=x^0/0!+x^1/1!+x^2/2!+x^3/3!+...


Please elaborate senpai

hahahhahahahhahaha engineers are gay holy shit you are so hilarious that's really funny I had never read such a FUCKING FUNNY jjoke hbahahahahahhahahahaah HILARIOUS LOL you're such a funny comedian I bet girls love you because tou are so straight and not an engineer and ALL ENGINEERS ARE GAY HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHABAHABAHAHAHAHAHA XDDDDDDDD HILARIOUS

t. engineer

why are engineers so easy to trigger? trying to repress something? hmm?

You should be able to solve this..






There's no way this isn't a joke.

It's not though.


All of those classes to learn medicine, but they couldn't sneak in basic calculus?

All of those classes to learn English, but they couldn't teach you to read?

It clearly says she's an EdD not an MD.

Does anyone have the parody of this that was posted in the last thread where the first answer is -1/12 and the second question's answer was -1/12 rotated 90 degrees?

because mathematica says so

its from the cosine law



doesn't mean he gets to count forever?


800*1*2*.2=320 kg
60*4=240 kg
(mg)/g=560 kg
x=.28>.2 the raft would sink when full
x=.25>.2 the raft would sink with 3 refugees
x=.22>.2 the raft would sink with 2 refugees

I have never heard of any trigonometric law combining subscripts like that, cosine one included.

This can't be real, most of the wars are fought over resources and religion is just an excuse so that you don't feel bad for killing your fellow man.

Me neither. Maybe it's the difference between angle 1 and angle 2?

Most wars are fought over social power and information monopolies.

>This can't be real

The greatest physicist of our times.

How does this makes sense?

Proof that if there IS a god, that god is Eris or Sheogorath.

Oppsing sides both believing they their God is the true one
Opposing both belieing they should control those resources


But where should he start? Suppose he starts at 0, what comes next?

The number that goes after 0 is 1-0.999...

>opposing sides both believing they their God is the true one
*religious leaders wanting more power
>opposing sides both believing they should control those resources
*opposing sides both wanting the resources

My first guess too, or the sum.

Actually topologically equivalent to a quintuple torus, so that's why your deformation doesn't work.

R is not countable :(

The locus of the lava looks more like a hyperbola.

good one



why you guys are so harsh with greasy weesy?

D4 or C3?

me got a pen and a paper, is right

>those resources should be mine
>no, they should be mine
sounds like a disagreement to me

>resources and religion
Group A believes the resources should be theirs so does Group B.
Group A believes this god is real group B believes another god is real.

His tweet is literally a tautology. All conflicts are about people having different belives of the world, if you agree on everything there is nothing you can fight over.

why are so many cunts arguing over this cunt? let it go jesus christ is this what people hold on to these days? trivial comments? there is no fucking hope man

Use choice to fix an arbitrary well-order of the Reals, and go from there.

I wish this was truer. So many good-looking guys here in Engineering, I'd choke in cocks.

I see you are new to Veeky Forums, welcome

All general statements are retarded.


These threads always get filled with off topic drivel


Density of seawater is about 1020 kg/m3
1020 - 800 = 220 kg/m3
220 * (1*2*.2) = 88kg (that's the raft's displacement)
There is room for just one.

>Not "It's on the order of 10"

So close, yet so far.

i know lots of physicists who think "a few orders of magnitude" is close enough

>Opposing both belieing they should control those resources
indeed it is
>muh riteful clay

Diamond is not a metal as far as I know.
Hard materials tend to be very brittle, so on impact the wall and car would shatter into pieces.

Heh, I kneejerked for a second before it dawned on me.

I don't want to believe this.


kek, a professor showed us this with a 4, guess he lied and it is a known joke between mathematicians

also, it's not entirely accurate
from 8+ it goes to infinity, but from 8- it goes to minus infinity, therefore the limit does not exist


maybe i need 5 pl8 after all (after some suitable identifications in an arbitrary base point on each pl8)



Why none of my textbooks have this kind of funny remarks

can anyone explain whats wrong with this?

a jagged line isnt a smooth line