How do I become smart? I'm average but how do I get smart

How do I become smart? I'm average but how do I get smart.

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Blunt trauma to the head can unlock a person's full intellectual potential.

jog 30 minutes every day

be in a major that requires you to think critically like physics

play a musical instrument

be social

eat a nutritious diet

that's literally all you have to do


also vote for Bernie Sanders

go to your doctor and get percsribed an amphetamine. Ignore the memes or stigma, if you are responsible with it you will unlock your true potential.

Think unemotionally. Emotional thought is why so many IQ 100-120s are so much further from truth than the people on either side.

40mg of thc gummy bears

this is what autists actually believe

This is what naive college students really believe

shut up, cuck

It honestly has some merit to it but not in the way its coming across.

The vast majority of people have an extremely difficult time with intellectual honesty - to them, though they might claim otherwise, there's literally no difference between their belief and what they consider fact. They live their lives through rhetoric and how they convince themselves rather than what's the most reasonable based on the absolute facts.

Its why we've got the entire fucking climate "debate" and why science is "just an opinion" for a large part of the population.

Learn to think with a naive mind. Learn to let go of assumptions and start from the most basic observations you can create. Poke holes and criticize your own theories until you can't anymore, regardless of how you reexamine it.

You won't be any more intelligent, but you'll make far more intelligent decisions and present a far more intelligent voice in conversation and debate than many.

Also get sleep, sleep is good.

Thank you; this is what I meant. Now that you put it like that, my rhetoric does look pretty poor

>4 find-the-street signs CAPTCHA
Even reCaptcha revolts at serendipity on Veeky Forums lol

Oh, actually, Is good advice. Just generally taking care of your body helps. (One prominent follower of that philosophy is Magnus Carlsen if OP needs some inspiration)

how to get a script

>I.Q. meme
>Commodified intelligence imagined by a capitalist society that only relates to one's ability to create doodads.

Enjoy being suckered into considering your human values as being profit-generators and worthless for anything else, fellow self-interested profit-maximizing agent-automaton.

That might be the nature of its invention, but that doesn't necessarily make it the nature of its use; I certainly didn't have that in mind. In my experience, IQ does roughly correspond to intelligence, but if you contrary evidence, I would be quite happy to drop the notion altogether.

The "playing an instrument makes you smart" meme.

This is aristocraticism and nothing more. Back in the Victorian era and before children of the rich learned to play instruments for social reasons, demonstrating that they had the free time to learn such things and to entertain high-brow guests. Because the rich control cultural development (having the resources to do so,) especially in earlier times, the meme that it made you smart came about because the proles wanted to be like the aristocrats (because the aristocrats naturally thought they were superior and spread this meme.) Before the rich liked something, it was ignored; this was seen with novels which were considered low-brow trash until the rich started liking novels, then all of a sudden they became high art and good for one's intellectual development. Exercise was frowned upon until the rich engaged in it to show status (they could afford to work out recreationally while the poor did it for a living) and tans were thought to be low-class, a sign of outdoor labor until after industrialization being able to spend time outside recreationally to develop a tan was a sign of status. Now having pale skin has again become a sign of status as it shows that you work in an office.

Stay cucked by the rich, prole.

Newfag here, is Veeky Forums always this political?

Socialist scum

>he thinks Veeky Forums is about science
You have much to learn.

no, it's just an autist or a copypasta

Tell your doctor you can't focus and that you are unable to do basic adult things. It sounds really easy and it is if your convincing, even easier if you are autistic. I went from being a complete brainlet to now being able to understand and comprehend complex things on the spot.

Op here thank you Veeky Forums this is very helpfully



Veeky Forums has been invaded by /pol/ regulars who think they are """red pill""" everybody but really they're just showing everyone how stupid they are. I wish they'd stay to their containment board.

There's all kinds of research suggesting music and instruments improve mental capacity. Get the fuck off this board

can someone redpill me on meditation?

What specific benefits did you notice? Just focus, or were you actually quicker in solving problems?

I think there are 2 parts. One is a fundamental level of intelligence, which is genetic.

If you really can't follow the hard classes and really can't catch up with the smart guys, give up and find something you can do instead.

Another more important part is simply concentration and method of study, which you can obtain by being willing to learn and change your way of doing things. A good education and working with already successful people helps a ton. Even if you are smart you can't do shit without the right attitude, methodology and knowledge.

Jog and do bodyweight workout every other day

Plus this

Plus being patient and knowing that role wasnt built in a day

Plus continue looking up things on self improvement, never think that you've reached a point where there's nothing more to learn

Honestly, there a lot of different ways to practice it, with their own benefits.

At the very least, it helped me a lot with controlling and figuring out my emotions, being more mindful of them and myself, and a great deal with learning to better focus and concentrate, in addition with learning to relax much more deeply.

So yeah. I wouldn't say it directly helps you solve problems faster, except in that it helps you focus better and clear the shit out of your head so your brain can actually do what its supposed to, and solve the problem.

A good phrase I've heard is that " the brain is not literally a muscle. You cannot strain your brain and force it to solve a problem or understand a concept. You just get better at letting it do what it naturally does, without effort".

this, you become smart by training your brain and body to an optimal state.
Also do not be afraid to read books/ebooks on topics that interests you.

>i took the time to write an extensive paragraph because somebody on an anonymous image forum had a point within an array of other arguments that I disagree with

aal roads lead to role


basically just try really hard

not on the show off cringe shit (however you may define that), but on the hard stuff (consistency, thoroughness.. everything that boils down to patience and discipline to the bone)

>Voting for a literal socialist who went back his promise to take on the establishment when the most corrupt presidential candidate was nominated instead of him