Is reincarnation possible?

Is reincarnation possible?

We live in a computer simulation, so yes.

No. Not as an animal, not as another human, just, no. When you die your brain stops, it doesn't get cut out and transplanted somewhere else (and what even would you transplant?). Anyone who thinks otherwise doesn't have any good idea of what they're saying, they just have very motivated reasoning. Don't doubt what humans can do with that. But reincarnation? For real real? Fuck off.

>if we live in a computer simulation, then yes

Yes. You reincarnate into a corpse.

>Yes. You reincarnate into a corpse.
Top kek.

Alright lets take it a step further. Let's stay with absolute physicalism where there's nothing beyond the physical.
Saying that we are nothing but our brain is inherently false, since all the cells in our body gets replaced. It's the ship of Theseus problem. Not to mention that we all started from a single sperm and egg cell. Now imagine this, if we melt our cells down and rearrange them into something else, wouldn't we be the same as that new thing?

So in a way, the infinite does exist. All living organism came from the same matter. Return to the same matter. And emerge again from the same matter. This is a sort of reincarnation.

All the cells in the body are replaced, but the structure remains the same. The ship of Theseus remains a ship regardless of how many of the timbers you replace, and the timbers you've extracted don't retain a magical 'shipness'. Just as a standing wave in water is independent of the specific water molecules it's formed from, the function of the brain is independent of the specific components it's made up of, but if the structure degrades then only components remain; the ship is now just a pile of timber.

In theory yes. Your consciousness or parts of it could be frozen and reborn in a different body with identical interface that allows you to continue where you left off reborn.

Odds of this happening naturally in our universe are near zero, though due to neural deterioration and worms eating you alive and pooping you out as fertilizer when you die.

Matter gets recycled all the time, so that reincarnation is indeed possible, even commonplace and demonstrable.

Reincarnation of the spirit, however? If everyone was someone else at some point in time, wouldn't the logical extreme of this conjecture be a single human consciousness/spirit fractured into different corporeal bodies in all points of time and space? We'd essentially be sharing the same soul and not knowing it (a la Andy Weir's Egg)

Your personality and self is determined by how your brain is wired (see cases of brain damage/surgery changing brain function memeories and personality for proof) and since your brain decays when you die your personality and self goes with it. If you did reincarnate 'spiritually' then you'd know nothing of your past life and never could get your memories back.

But if you were to transplant your brain into a cloned body or something then in theory i guess you could reincarnate, but not in the traditional sence.

Dats data spiral energy boyo

Yes, this century technology will have progressed to the point where we can revive everyone who has ever died.

Your personality and self is determined by how your brain is wired (see cases of brain damage/surgery changing brain function memeories and personality for proof)

Not necessarily. That no more proves that the brain is the seat of consciousness than me reading this on my phone proves that my phone is the source of the Internet.

I don't believe in reincarnation obviously but I wouldn't rule out shit at this point. As other posters point out reincarnation is quite reasonable in a simulated world.

You can prove this by smoking DMT.

>mfw people will think this is a shitpost but its actually true

I sure as hell wouldn't want to be reincarnated as one of those dogs or cats who got set on fire and filmed and posted all over the internet...

>but the structure remains the same
yes, people neither age, nor grow, nor does the brain change in any way.

No Joe Roganposting allowed. Read the rules.

The ship may change a bit but at the end of the day it's still a fucking ship.

You mean the FUNCTION remains SIMILAR to what it was not too long ago. You cannot say that the function is unchanged from when you were an infant to when you become an old person. You change so much you're practically a different thing/person.

It's not "a bit" see You are the autism

Dr. Ian Stevenson's research work sure seems to support that idea.

>reincarnation is quite reasonable in a simulated world.

If it is indeed possible i probably wouldn't want to do the same thing all over again if given a choice.
Would like to have some improvements made by the programers, like increased intelligence and a better body.

I really hate pooping everyday.

OK let's say you die and you're reincarnated. What exactly is retained between your original human body and the next life form you're reincarnated as?

Your will.

I haven't drawn up my will yet.

identity of consciousness

Just consciousness. So basically nothing, as you are not your "self" without your memories and personality. You likely got reincarnated into your present form, but it doesn't feel like you did, because you have no memory of your past life.

Most current theories suggest that we live in a block universe, or that the underlying structure of reality is "static" and unchanging, and time is just something you perceive as a conscious entity. Time doesn't really exist in reality. That would mean that we are all doomed to live and relive all the lives of all the beings that ever populated the universe. Next time you talk to your friend, remember that you may be him and live his life at some point after the death of your current body.

No. No identity. Just consciousness.