Does Veeky Forums believe aliens exist?

Does Veeky Forums believe aliens exist?

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Veeky Forums does not believe anything.
Veeky Forums thinks, based on probabilities and observations.

Veeky Forums thinks it is very likely that there are extraterrestrial life forms which are as hilghly or even more developed than our species is.

They've had the entire history of the multiverse and an eternity to develop the ability to know about our existence.

They have no reason to ignore us.

Since we haven't been contacted yet, that means they don't exist. It's just no likely we'd not be visited.

My speculation is they reached a point where they decided to end it via voluntary extinction.

How likely is that given the entire span of the multiverse and an eternity an alien species wouldn't reshape everything so that we notice them at least?

You're a fucking retard

no need to be rude, sir. what exactly did you not like on my statement ?

Those are all phake tho

>saw a ufo
>contacted by aliens
not the same thing

it took 3.8 billion years of evolution to get modern people and the universe is only 13.8 billion years old, i'd say the chances of contacting intelligent life are pretty slim

You are assuming time travel is impossible.

if it was, there would be evidence for it.

Given the size of the universe, it's almost impossible for there not to exist another form of intelligent, conscious life. They will never, ever, ever, ever interact with us though. Not only are distances within galaxies too huge for travel, but galactic clusters themselves are moving apart from each other faster than the speed of light.

They might have plenty of reasons to ignore us.

Btw, during the last few decades humankind has learned the importance to lessen their footprint on environment. It could be well imaginable that _really_ advanced civilization leaves no signs for us to observe.

Why can't they just bend space so we can interact then? They'd just be teleporting over here.

Because it's not possible to fucking bend space, retard.

Universe is expanding, that means it's basically bending right?

not possible to bent space
>inb4 mass bending space everywhere

Yeah and that's the universe. We and every other lifeform are not the universe. Shit, we haven't even mastered fusion yet and you're talking about teleporting.

At the border of the Universe lies an horrific creature, dark with thousand limbs the size of stars. It hibernates until life has begun again.

This problem is way too large to be awnsered properly but here is what i thought first reading this question
assuming teleportation doesn't exist, and that we can't use wormhole to travel trough space.
assuming time travel doesn't exist when it's about going back in time.
We don't know anything about what caused life appearance on earth
We don't know if there's another universe right next to ours, nor if they're joinable in exemple imagine if there were millions of universe wouldn't the awnser be automatically a big yes ?
I'll consider a perfectly spheric universe.
Now consider that human could send robots into space ( this is way easier like this, so I don't have to assume we can create robots that can create and educate humans )
Well the universe is expanding, but let say it's not, assume we're at the center of the universe and we send some spaceships right now, with robots that are capable to land on a planet, gather ressources, and send again a couple of spaceships almost instaneously
Assuming we can send those at half of lightspeed ( we already reached a fifth i believe ), we'll a radius we know of the universe being around 45 billion of c, it would take 90 billion of years to cover it all.
This is very approximate result, but since the universe is like 15 billion y.o and we took over 3 billion to reach our current state of evolution.

I won't do any conclusion about all of these, and I din't verify any of my informations here, so feel free to insult me if anything went wrong with this big reply


Fermi Paradox

they probably don't

even if there are, they are almost certainly nothing like your picture

Aliens, as in biological life outside the Earth, most certainly exists or has existed in the past. It seems highly unlikely this is the only biosphere in the known galaxy, let alone universe

An intelligent, spacefaring species though... probably not. See the fermi paradox.

My pet theory is there was a civilization or civilizations, in the ancient past, and they are long dead. If we're lucky we'll find their relics.

time travel backwards is impossible

time travel forwards is just relativity