How old can you get if you're 28 and stop eating trash food, coke, never smoke or drink...

How old can you get if you're 28 and stop eating trash food, coke, never smoke or drink, do cardio and go to the gym three times per week, eat healthy and take multivitamins and also fast once in a week?

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You'll be dead by morning

Not very long. The average life expectancy of a person with a stick up their ass is 30.

I'd say 140 with luck and science

As long as it takes for cancer to get you.

Anyway, you don't need to go all the way, but those are some good life choices. Not all of them are worth it though, i.e. alcohol. I used to abstain from it for years, but eventually got back to it because you are literally locking doors with that decision. It's sad and wrong, but our society is dominated by alcohol. It's not even so much about getting drunk, it's more a symbolic gesture to express friendship etc. You can get through life without it, but believe me, you will miss out without getting anything in return at all. You don't need to be some fucked up alcoholic, just drink those three beers with your pals and enjoy the evening.

The rest though, go ahead. I'm doing exactly that pretty much and it adds a lot to your life, it's insane.

This. Alcohol aids social interaction not just because of dis-inhibition, but just holding a drink at a social function opens you up to other people in a way.

Aside from that, I notice that drinking helps maintain my personal checks and balances. The longest I went without drinking was 8 months. I'm a very active person, exercising 5 days a week, eating well, etc. but not drinking almost gave me an excuse to avoid productivity. Like "oh well I didn't go out and get drunk last night so I can play videogames all day instead of studying." Now as a senior about to graduate, I've found myself being the most productive after going out and drinking with friends the night before. Of course if you got trashed and are hungover then you won't accomplish anything after, but maintaining a good equilibrium of work and pleasure is essential IMO.

Being an alcoholic is not the same as taking some drink with friends.
Holy shot.
You're retarded just kys
>I have withdrawal
Congratulations, you're alcoholic.

If your goal is to live as long as possible, it's better to reduce your input and output as much as possible. Exercising a lot will just speed up cell division and take you to your limit faster.

You just restated what he said

Congratulations, you're retarded

so sit on your ass all day drinking water and eating salad?

As long as you don't sit on your ass all day and at least walk often, you'll live longer if you don't do cardio and go to the gym.

Look at all the people that lived the longest and those that are still alive but very old. Even if people like to say otherwise, to live long you need to live slow

Basically, yeah. Maybe not salad though because you'd have to eat a lot to get your caloric needs.

He literally said you can't live without alcohol.
I don't like alcohol it taste like garbage and I don't like the taste of such garbage.
He's clearly an alcoholic.

I thought fasting once a week was a meme

Fasting is a meme is a meme.
Is pretty good

Just do your radio calisthenics with your village's elder group and take a long walk every day.

>tfw never do any drugs, including caffiene, alcohol, or illegal ones
>tfw fit and never eat horrible foods
>tfw get auto-immune disease anyway, through no fault of my own

It doesn't matter how well you plan -- the universe will fuck you. Just learn about nutrition, don't be a fatass, and ride a bike or jump rope or something.

Hard to say

Definitely longer than if you did all of that shit

and you would be less fat too

People often confuse the effects of alcohol with longevity when it's really the social interaction and positive experiences. He's saying for a lot of cultures it's hard to survive without alcohol because it's a staple of adult society, which it is. That doesn't make him an alcoholic and he never mentioned withdrawals. A hangover is a normal part of drinking too much.

You can still consume a minimal amount without having hungovers.
Also nobody will see you wrong if you refuse alcohol citing some personal reason.
It seems you're trying to justify alcoholism like a fag.

>We need (((money)))

You really shouldn't drink if your reading comprehension is this poor even when sober.

You can live without it, but you won't live very happily considering how important it is for social interaction. But somehow I don't think that's important to the kind of Puritan that'd sperg out on a stranger's life choices.

Well there are people who have done a lot worse things than that OP, and lived until they were 92 years old.

Ernst Jünger survived 2 world wars as a soldier, earned himself several medals for bravery, and spent his free time afterwards smoking pipe and writing books for 50 years.

I would rather die of having fun than forcing myself to live a longer life that I don't enjoy.

No dude he's saying that you can live without it but it will impact your social interactions. He's clearly not an alcoholic or he wouldn't have said "just drink a few beers with your friends and that's all" he'd be openly exclaiming his passion for getting hammered or at least putting more effort into justifying it.

Hahaha what a fucking joke. You can't be happy without alcohol? Fuck off. I'm perfectly happy not drinking and my social interactions are quite fine.

>you can't live without alcohol
>you need alcohol to be happy
LMAO fag.
Nice projections.
I'm not even religious.
I drank twice in my prom and got drunk there.
Don't see the appeal in alcohol.
It tastes like shot, worse than piss, I don't need alcohol to be more sociable and never looked down by my friends that I don't drink.
Is a poison and no different from drinking bleach to your body.
I'm sorry you can't see a life without that garbage.

What the fuck m8, I literally said that it's about a compromise, you can perfectly live perfectly well without alcohol, but the thing is, the outcome won't exactly be optimal for you personally.

Alcohol is a poison idiot.
No different than drinking bleach.

>Bleach: There are no reasonable amounts, you drink it, and you damage your body, without getting shit in return. Just feels miserable.
>Alcohol: You drink it in reasonable amounts, and you may feel a little bit better (personally, I never felt that way, but whatever), but much more importantly it opens up doors in social situations. No significant physical damage or pain given you know what reasonable amounts are for you.
Can't tell those two apart man

>It tastes like shot, worse than piss,
sorry you got a shit mixologist
my regards

1000+ if you support SENS

>tfw eat like shit and do drugs
>will probably live to 90 (or longer cause of medical advances) anyways because genetics
feels good

Sorry, I'm not some useless piece of shit that needs a drug to meet new people.

I think the two may be the same for some people. I, for example, abstain from alcohol because there is a history of addiction and alcoholism on both sides of my family.

Perhaps my absolute potential roof is lower, but abstaining from drink is helping me to reach it.

Those are good reasons to abstain anyway

This is just superiority complexes for something that is absolutely no achievement. I used to feel the same way as you, but then reality kicked in.

It IZZ a meme thou

Nobody will stop to be friends with you if you decline a drink fagot.
I don't need drink to be more sociable because I'm not a loser.

All we know about longevity from research is that you need to:

Walk a lot
Drink moderate coffee
Drink moderate alcohol (but do not binge drink)
Eat primarily a vegetable diet with meat on occasion
Lift weights a couple times a week (not to get jacked, but to aid in reducing muscle loss as you age. Doesn't make you live longer but increases quality of life)
Don't do drugs beyond coffee and alcohol
Avoid depression and have some purpose in your life

If you do these you can live a while

You clearly don't know shit about life kid

sorry, nobody has stopped of being my friend because I refuse politelly to drink, not even in parties.

Sorry that you have shit family or alcoholic friends.

I'm sorry for you.

Also I don't need to drink like a retard to meet new people, I can meet new people outside college parties.

>take multivitamins
That's the only one that will not improve your lifespan.

Anyways, if you add not being in stress constantly then you should be expecting 80-100 years of life for sure.

It depends when you die.

Most diets are usually lacking quality nutrition, better be safe.

>both grandmas made it to mid 80's before dying of breast cancer
>one grandpa died at 92, had severe alzheimers
>other one is still alive at 97, but he also has severe alzheimers

Do I even want to make it to 90+ with genetics like this?

>when you so black you have inferior genes on every relative