A-user would you tell me some interesting scientific facts before I sleep ?

>A-user would you tell me some interesting scientific facts before I sleep ?

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Hippo's milk is bright pink.

>Hippo milk


Sorry, sorry, sorry.

Hippo sweat is pink.

Methylating enzymes in the blood give more credit to the theory of internal production of DMT in homo sapien sapiens.

Have fun in ur DMT dreams.

P = NP

I learned the pink sweat fact from Mameshiba. He's the most informative dog bean ever!

Like, did you know that squids have three hearts? Me neither until Mameshiba taught me!


African-americans have lower IQs on average which explains their tenancy towards violence and higher crime and incarceration rates

niggers have lower IQ

A trap with a feminine penis is female.

Golden Record Confirmed

Pluto isn't a planet anymore because it didn't clean up his path properly

Flamingo milk is pink


The state of equilibrium of a body is not changed when the point of action of a force is displaced to another point on its line of action.

Did you know that koala appendix is 2 meters long?


Low IQ is not correlated with violence and incarceration rates psyop peasant.

holy shit, every day I learn something about koalas that make me fucking hate them more
stupid little buggers

The tides cause a phenomenon called ocean loading where the redistribution of water causes a change in the force on the ocean floor locally. This leads to a vertical displacement of the underlying tectonic plate by a few cm which can actually be measured in a slight change in [math] g [/math] of up to [math] \Delta g \approx \pm10^{-7} m/s^2[/math] (in addition to the effect of the moon of course [math] \Delta g_m \approx \pm1.5 \cdot 10^{-6} m/s^2[/math]).

Limes are actually female lemons

did you just assume the lime's GENDER??

Non sequitur


Speaking of which female mantises eat male mantises.


As you can see here,


Oh, interesting... Oh God... No! Ughhg! The horror! The horror! For the love of God why did I watch that?.... *sigh*

I have now watch insects having sex and then eating each other alive. Checking that off my bucket list.


Grab a potato, a plate of zinc, a plate of copper, and you've got yourself a fully functional battery.

The chemical/physical process behind is probably one of the most intuitive and helps a lot to understand harder concepts.

if you have a gas made of 1 particle in an invincible piston, to measure exactly were the 1 particle is you would have to use all the energy in the universe to push the piston

one consequence of this is you can't know a particles momentum and position at the same time

how does anything ever get done?

Camel Milk never curdles.


Banana oil is made from petroleum

The universe is so big
Some light will never reach the other side and remain obscured forever
Also you're tongue is made of some stomach lining mixed with cartalage and little hair

0.999 = 1

The angle from the horizon to the north star is the same as your latitude.

Nice sig figs retard

You can always find a convergent susequence

If you compress a gas hard enough while keeping it's temperature constant you will make what's called a supercritical fluid, which is about the best thing ever

vaccines cause autism

Sorry I gotta read your sister a bed time story first.

Seen this one before can anyone explain?

uhh because every sequence has a finite subsequence?
Or did you mean every bounded sequence has a convergent subsequence?

I prefer "you can always find a monotonic subsequence"


P=NP is an unsolved problem in computer science, if P=NP than every mathematical problem can be solved by a computer in the same time it takes to verify. Currently some problems are hard NP, and if a solution is never found as quick as the answer can be verified N!=NP. Mathematics is still far from "complete", assuming that is even a valid statement, and computers are still essentially in their first technological generation, there is much debate around P=NP.



>if P=NP than every mathematical problem can be solved by a computer in the same time it takes to verify
Yeah, this is what a pop-sci monkey thinks.

The reality is only that it would meant that every mathematical problem can be solved by an algorithm in the same complexity class as one that verifies it.

Complexity class characterizes how the cost of computation grows with some variable aspect of the problem (typically a single natural number, referred to as "N"), like the number of bits needed to describe a number you're factoring into primes, or the number of records you're searching through for a match. But it only characterizes the cost of computation very loosely.

For instance, O(N^999999999999999999999) is polynomial, while O(1.0000000000000000001^(N/99999999999999999999)) is exponential. Anything in the exponential complexity class will eventually cost more than anything in the polynomial class for some N, even these extreme examples, but not necessarily for any N with relevance to possible real-world cases. For instance, N might need to be much larger than the number of atoms in the known universe.

Therefore, P=NP wouldn't necessarily have any practical implications at all. Theoretical scientists like to work with complexity class because it's relatively easy to prove things about, but for real work, it is at best suggestive.

Look again at that dot. That's here. That's home. That's us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. The aggregate of our joy and suffering, thousands of confident religions, ideologies, and economic doctrines, every hunter and forager, every hero and coward, every creator and destroyer of civilization, every king and peasant, every young couple in love, every mother and father, hopeful child, inventor and explorer, every teacher of morals, every corrupt politician, every "superstar," every "supreme leader," every saint and sinner in the history of our species lived there--on a mote of dust suspended in a sunbeam.

The Earth is a very small stage in a vast cosmic arena. Think of the rivers of blood spilled by all those generals and emperors so that, in glory and triumph, they could become the momentary masters of a fraction of a dot. Think of the endless cruelties visited by the inhabitants of one corner of this pixel on the scarcely distinguishable inhabitants of some other corner, how frequent their misunderstandings, how eager they are to kill one another, how fervent their hatreds.

Our posturings, our imagined self-importance, the delusion that we have some privileged position in the Universe, are challenged by this point of pale light. Our planet is a lonely speck in the great enveloping cosmic dark. In our obscurity, in all this vastness, there is no hint that help will come from elsewhere to save us from ourselves.

Too many great minds have been lost to pneumonia.

America has private incarceration contractors, whose lobbyists continuously push for longer minimum sentences. You won't gaslight me with that picture of a fucking leaf you shitwit.

I meant ^^ this.

Serious question: how much of /pol/'s userbase is on Veeky Forums? This isn't a "DELETE POL"-type question, I'm legitimately curious.

Sure, honey. Here you go:

Anime is for sexual degenerates

Oh man, there are some things you just don't say to an anime.

Too much

If you give hydrogen atoms enough time, they will ponder over their existence.

I think relatively few of the people on /pol/ come to Veeky Forums, but most of the people on Veeky Forums visit /pol/ sometimes.

It's like /b/. Practically everybody on Veeky Forums visits /b/, the most famous board, sometimes. /pol/ isn't as famous outside of Veeky Forums, but most other board regulars know about it, and check it out.

Whatever else you think of /pol/, it's a good place to get the real news. People point out whenever anything is bullshit, and share everything they've dug up. Which is why /pol/ wasn't surprised when Trump got elected, while everyone who depended on the mainstream media was shocked.

really activates your almonds

/pol/ is the biggest board
only takes a couple of people cuz this bored is dead as fuck

Transsexuals are just mentally ill.
Homosexuality is a disease and a choice.

also explains the shitty state of Africa, given its abundance of natural resources
/pol/ here, I post on Veeky Forums sometimes

If you're defining "/pol/" as right-wing and alt-right political orientation, then very few visit Veeky Forums regularly, probably something like 1-5% of the poster count judging from political tests taken from time to time on Veeky Forums.

It probably looks worse to you than it is. I sometimes ironically shitpost alt-right opinions, I find it oddly funny for some reason, the way people here respond to otherwise absurd opinions so seriously.