How do fans make air?

How do fans make air?

They don't.

The angled blades creates a pressure differential that causes air to be drawn to the region. Air on the blades experience higher pressure and tends to push the air in a direction perpendicular to the blade

the same way a vacuum cleaner removes it, but upside down

They steal it.

Thats only the black fans, the white ones worked for it

inside the fan box theres a machine that makes air from electricity

i only have masters degrees in physics, electrical engineering, and mechanical engineering, so i don't really know how it works, but im pretty sure it uses quantum mechanics in some way.

the air flows into the fan blades through tiny tubes and out of tiny holes in the sides of the blades.

you must never touch the sides of the fan blade while the fan is on, since the 'new' air from the fan is still quantumally unstable and may cause a miniature black hole on your fingers.

>make air

Fans actually consume air
Look up fan death.

Nice bait, but that only occurs in humid areas and they do not "consume."


and then they got cucked by black male fucking their gf

They cut air particles passing through them in half, doubling them up.

There's a little gypsy inside that turns the propeller and he blows air from his mouth after eating ice cubes.

Very carefully

Best explanation so far.

This is why you can't make the fans spin too fast, otherwise you might cause uncontrolled fission and start a nucular explosion.

Also the low pressure-high pressure switch(between two blades) gives the air a curve towards the center, which explains how the air moves forward and doesn't scatter around

the fan is programmed by a software that takes the total sum of every finite number which when calculated gives you -1/12. Then it proceeds to blow the air that it had made.

Maybe if the white fans didn't forcefully bring the black fans to their room to fan the cotton fields then this would have been avoided

> gives the air a curve towards the center
Thanks for explaining, but how can the air curve?

Well maybe the black fans shouldn't have sold the other black fans to the white fans.