Mfw knowing and using integral notation makes me look smart

>mfw knowing and using integral notation makes me look smart

integral notaton 0
inaugural notation 1

>integral notation
You mean drawing a big S that stands for "sum?"
It only makes you look smart to normies.

i wonder how many girls have texted you this week.



what are you like 13

>keep thinking integrals are some crazy shit
>actually read a calculus textbook
>it's the simplest shit ever

I am acually so smart I use telepathy to talk to them

>drawing that first integral sign of the semester

Feels good man.

For you. My handwriting sucks.

> tfw to smart two text

>then read an analysis text
wat dafug :D

clearly you've never done a triple integral before

(i'm currently doing my PhD in triple integrals at MIT)

nice one

>tfw I would draw my integrals as long as I could, taking up 3-4 lines on my paper for my calculus homework in high school and felt like hot shit
>always 'accidentally' leave my homework laying out to impress normies in other classes
>still a sperg

10 times the amount I did last week.

[math]\int_{0}^{2\pi} sin(x) dx[/math]

Sometimes I hear little personal anecdotes like this, particularly on Veeky Forums and /r9k/ and I really really ponder about the authenticity of them.

mfw when I was a drug dealer scumbag in highschool, and now I'm a 23 y.o. taking Calc II at CC. Am I gonna make it???

holy shit are you a genius??? what does "sinx" even mean???? how do you even say that?? "shin-ex|????

so 0?

No it's clearly pronounced like it's spelled, sinx, like lynx.

Im 20 and taking calc 2 at cc so im 1000 days+ ahead of you dirty negroid druggie

Heh kid, it's okay not to know. Get back to me if you can handle tan(x).

what's not to believe? I was an autistic 10th grader and thought integrals looked cool, and I would leave my calc homework showing to try to impress people. it never really worked though.

sometimes I go to wikipedia articles of advanced concepts that i don't understand and copy down the formulae on paper just to see how it would feel being able to write them

thats so sad
how bout u lrn them


>why are you doing math in an english class?
>Oh this is your homework?
>Wait why are you looking at your math homework in english?

You fucking moron.

When I was in calc 3 I would write lots of integrals/partial derivatives on my paper for homework and would make it very neat then Snapchat it to everyone in my phone saying "you'll never be able to solve these" hahahah holy fuck I'm autistic

I had 2300 tinder matches though so I'm decent looking but super autistic

wow you sound realy smart

reminds me

How does it feel that your work is soon to be obsolete? I'm doing a PhD at Harvard on quadruple integrals.

>not tg(x)

>he doesnt know about super secret "quintegrals"

>be 16
>israeli fag
>be taking 4 points in math
We had difficulty levels and 4 points was like standard to get into any decent college
>didnt bother to take 5 points cuz too kuch homework
>3 years later be me in college
>electrical engineering
>gonna learn integral (that hard stuff i always heard about)
>mfw i learned it in school when i was 16
>mfw the calc 2 class aint got shit on me
>mfw i also learned electrical engineering 1 and 2 in school because the education system here is very advanced
Still giggle like a little school girl when our professor is explaining about logical gates