I've been listening to female propaganda all day, claims that they are performing just as well as men at math...

I've been listening to female propaganda all day, claims that they are performing just as well as men at math, abstract and innovative thinking.etc and I'm almost starting to believe it. Please ensure me that this is not true. Please post proof/memes whatever.

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they are now doing better in the american educational system, yes, after years or pushing it to helping women do better than men. it's nothing surprising.

talk to a female and you'll feel more secure in your superiority


number of women / number of men = X

If they were just as good then X should be around 1 plus minus an expected variation. Let's just say the number isn't quite there yet.

that's only because of the patriarchy, stupid

>tons of genius men doing incredible feats
>no congratulatory clap on the back
>some pretty girl does math right
>everyone loses it

i know WHY this happens and its still annoying

Well then maybe women should start their own math prizes. But they aren't creative enough for that apparently.

they couldn't start their own math prizes because of the patriarchy, stupid

academically distinguished women deserve more praise because in addition to having to do the work to get the actual achievement, they also had to overcome the patriarchy to get there

>Girl failed programming class three times
>just scratched by with a C-
>no relevant experience, no projects
>friend in software dev. company told me that she was given the job instead the other applicant with 4 years industry experience and a solid portfolio
>he just told me that it's nowadays normal


Hmm, so they are inferior to the patriarchy because if they were not it wouldn't have been a problem?

I want to have sex with women.

>if women weren't so inferior they would change the long standing foundations of the society they were born into LMAO

I honestly don't think women are underrepresented in science, at least not anymore. Look at Rosalind Franklin: at first no-one gave her any credit for helping discover the structure of DNA but nowadays we recognize her contribution.

nice. me too

>stories that never happened: the post


>"On average, males excel relative to females at certain spatial tasks. Specifically, males have an advantage in tests that require the mental rotation or manipulation of an object.[43] They tend to outperform females in mathematical reasoning and navigation. In a computer simulation of a maze task, males completed the task faster and with fewer errors than their female counterparts. Additionally, males have displayed higher accuracy in tests of targeted motor skills, such as guiding projectiles.[42] Males are also faster on reaction time and finger tapping tests.[44]"

>"One experiment examined the effects of stress on Pavlovian conditioning performance in both sexes and found that males' performance under stress was enhanced while female performance was impaired."

>"Amygdala volume correlates positively with fearfulness in girls but not in boys."

>"It was once thought that sex differences in cognitive task and problem solving did not occur until puberty. However, new evidence now suggests that cognitive and skill differences are present earlier in development. For example, researchers have found that three- and four-year-old boys were better at targeting and at mentally rotating figures within a clock face than girls of the same age were. Prepubescent girls, however, excelled at recalling lists of words."

>"The [Iowa Gambling Task] study suggests that decision-making in females may be guided by avoidance of negativity while decision making in males is mainly guided by assessing the long term outcome of a situation."

Anything to marginalize the contributions of Dr. James Watson

I can tell for certain that you've never conducted a shred of scientific research in your life. Everything you're citing consists essentially of comparing means of sample groups. While there may be a statistically significant difference, that doesn't say anything about effect size. And that doesn't say anything about the scores of individuals.

Yes generally speaking, men score higher than women on a lot of these things. that doesn't mean every man is smarter than every woman.

What about Francis Crick?
Also, from what I understand she figured out that DNA made a double helix then Watson and Crick figured out the rest based on her discovery.

I can tell you it happened. It was for a position for RoR web-dev.

I mean, more women attend college than men, but I wouldn't know anything about that :)

But it is true. Stop being sexist.

people should always respond to these women by asking them why the chess matches are still segregated by gender. i mean i can understand about physical sports, but why chess? if women and men are mentally the same then things like chess matches and such should never be segregated.

>that doesn't mean every man is smarter than every woman

kek, didn't say that at all. He didn't say anything, he just quoted a handful of studies.

yeah no shit sherlock nobody was saying that.

>that doesn't mean every man is smarter than every woman.
and we have an example right here.


Can confirm. I work for one of those "top" transnational IT companies with HQ in Silicon Valley and billions of revenue. The US government pushes to hire women, lgbt and other minorities if you take part in tenders. Read up on OFCCP audits. The result is that they openly prefer women and minorities - the interview bar is lower, dedicated hiring budgets, etc. Managers have diversity quotas they must fill. Women, transgender, etc ppl cruise through salary raises, promotion cycles, have dedicated offsites while all complicated meaningful stuff is mostly done by white and Asian men.

This is the reality we live in. People who deny this are either not smart enough to work for top companies or try to white knight in order to interact with women.