PISA 2015

Singapore tops latest OECD PISA global education survey, Japan, Estonia, Finland & Canada are the 4 highest performing OECD countries.
































Some countries achieve Excellence with Equity

Those countries tell the kids that their grades will be affected by the results of the exams.

Not true




That's cool. So will the Singapore government give me employment/a visa because I discovered P=NP?

Apparently having a Singaporean wife who is having a baby in March doesn't qualify. Then again what would I know. My name is Veeky Forumsmon.

get off my board you mexican faggot

Well I'm on this board because I'm trying to become a functional member of society. Having a hard time getting societies attention though.


Too bad the government of Singapore is shit.

Science only 3%. Should be at least 30 or 40%. Also if you want mathematical and scientific knowledge to prosper then show people how beautiful it is. Most people's idea of science and math is that it's just boring and without any meaning. I was able to teach my little sister the basic ideas of derivatives and integral and how powerful they are when used in science and engineering. And she thinks that math is cool now. It's not that hard to inspire someone in those fields.

>mathematical and scientific knowledge to prosper then show people how beautiful it is
Indeed, and actually, the students in some of the high performing countries in PISA don't wanna become scientists, for them science has become another subject to master

You would qualify, its relatively easy if you have "foreign talent"

.2 murder rate out of 100,000, crime free, extremely safe, great education, booming economy. Its give and take my dude

Fuck off with your asian supremacy

Yeah, these asian countries are so good at maths and shit.

But they lack creativity, I mean, when have they designed or innovated something? Hardly ever, it's mainly the west.

Well, i'm soorryy they taught us other things in school like RE, drama, humanities, history and other shit, and that we weren't forced into this stuff like they are.

Why is this faggot so buthurt?


lol, israel getting thoroughly spanked
