Why would there be nothing? Why is nothing the default? And what does this have to do with god anyway? You might as well ask why there is god instead of no god...
>I explain them because you clearly don't know shit.
I am a different user, so you are misplacing your anger. You probably should take some deep breaths anyway though.
>These labels, are called words.
What's the point of words that just obfuscate communication?
Plus, as I mentioned before, these words automatically imply that theism is the default and atheism is the abnormality. So, if you use the word atheist, you already lost the first argument by labeling yourself with a negative connotation.
That's a little bit funny that you misspelled that word.
Anyway, I suppose you should do whatever floats your boat, but I personally think using the word atheism is stupid and akin to using the word aleprechaunist.
>Calling someone autistic
>On Veeky Forums