What chair do you sit in when you read?

What chair do you sit in when you read?



can anyone recommend the best chair to read in comfortably for under $200?

Buy $200 worth of books and read in bed.

Buy $200 worth of bed and read in books.

my arms are weak though

Steelcase Leap V2

You don't need you'r arms.

what the fuck is eve happening here

Exaggerates my double chin, makes me feel like a slob, and my neck gets sore after 20 minutes. Also, doing this too much disassociates my bed from something used just for sleeping and it's harder for me to fall asleep at night knowing I spent a significant part of the day in that position.

Master race:
Patio, switching between legs resting up on the railing and sitting cross-legged. I can go 3 hours like this.

Extremely narrow bed and neck strain while wearing turkish slippers.

I pace

I used to read in a cheap chair but it was fucking up my neck really badly. I purchased a second hand HM Aeron from Kijiji and it fixed everything.

I highly recommend purchasing a good chair.

the nearest chair—and there's a reason for that.

Imagine you're having a great conversation with the most lovely girl (or boy, if that does it for you) you've ever met. Both of you are laughing, both of you are completely into it. Do you care what you're sitting on?

Conversely, you pick up a very dull book. Maybe it's a textbook and you need to study. Now your chair is making everything impossible. It's hard, it's too low, it's too plushy, you can't sit up straight, you're sitting up too straight, there's nowhere to put your feet, you need a table or something

It's all mental. If you are enjoying the book, any chair works (as long as it has a back, anyhow). If you are not enjoying the book, no chair in the world can make it better.

So if I'm trying to read, and I start thinking about my chair, I dismiss it as a distraction. It won't help any to find a better chair, because the chair isn't the real problem.

Used to have that exact chair. Spooky.

You are trying way too hard

fucking everyone owns a $500-$1,100 chair apparently

I listen to audio books in bed

reading is lame

I prefer like this preferable with one finger up my bum

Temporary, but what I wanted.

Someday in the future, I'll have a giant workspace, a table the size of fucking infinity, with cement floors, white walls, a wall of windows, and every wall taken by a bookshelf, or else some other media storage or tool storage. Closets full of files and office supplies. Etc. I want to have PhD knowledge and trappings without the bullshit of a degree, though I'm certain I'll end up back in school at some point to get that doctorate.

I want to be a professor. I want to be a writer. I want to be a lecturer and speaker. I want to create media.

And I want to do it all from a somewhat uncomfortable chair in a lavish-yet-spartan room.

The hardness of it keeps me focused, you know? The lightness and smallness of it make it very mobile.

I like to work in the cold, too.

Pic related is the best position.


good position

I like the aesthetic user

Thanks, man. It's just what happens every time I set up workspace.

I read on my bed in this position.


Your beds to small nigga or your too tall I can't tell

I read in a Ikea Poang armchair.

like this. it really helps you get strong glutes in case a situation comes where you need one

This is why I browse Veeky Forums


who 'lies prone with your head elevated on triple stacked pillows and the book on the bed' here

pace master race reporting in

who 'trying to develop forward head posture' here

>tfw have permanent forward head posture
>tfw i constantly look like i'm doing the costanza face

Yoga ball and neck thing

LOLMAO there should be a thread specifically for reading positions.

>tfw you keep reading that way despite all that

hanging off edge of bed?

Mate you know your stuff

Hammock, diagonally in front of my 27' screen. I turn the pages with a wireless game controller.

Is that meant to be a blonde woman standing at the head of your bed? Is she your odalisque?

I had to read this 5 times before remembering what a hammock was

literally that one

I also read in a hammock.

That hammock was one of the best purchases I ever made. I was sick of moving a bed around when I moved after every school year so I bought a hammock and started sleeping in that. Way easier to move around with a hammock stand when you gotta pack up and go. But it solved a back problem I was having where I would wake up extremely stiff in bed. When I slept in a hammock it went away.

that bed is like way too short

i need a little table for my lamp, at the moment i'm shining at the mirror at night and that manages to provide enough light

this is my favorite way to read so far

rate my reading position, Veeky Forums

>he doesn't read 5 books at once


i read all of IT like this.

none of you will ever be this patrician

good posture masterrace reporting in

bad posture masterrace reporting in

are you duke nukem?


>not sitting up while reading