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Literature #86
Alright Veeky Forums I have some money left to buy one book (total cost w/ shipping $15)
Can i ask a question to some of you philosophy majors?:
Has anyone here read this...
Which philosophers have the most accessible writing style...
Alright kitty, where do I start with pic related?
What is the most Veeky Forums mental illness?
The cause of rape
How large is the Veeky Forums community? How many people are there that check this on a regular basis?
Post Veeky Forums pics
Correctly identifies the cause of all our various social ills...
"Many people have written to me asking what they should read to properly educate themselves...
Jordan Peterson Suggested Reading List for Millennials
Whats the point of writing nowadays?
What's Veeky Forums thoughts on:
IJ "post irony"/new sincerity
Veeky Forums laptops
Are there any books written about the Trump phenomenon and the culture which made it possible?
Psychoanalysis thread. Discuss books, authors, questions, criticism, etc
Could Dorian Gray be read as a metaphor for modern NEET culture?
Chart thread
What does Veeky Forums read their girlfriends as you're cuddling up for the night? We started The Iliad the other day...
How am I supposed to enjoy literature from a time so different than ours?
Pick a side
Whats the most pretentious verb in the english language
Post a page of your diary (desu)
I want to write a prose piece that gets included in my school's publication. What sort of themes I write about...
Erotic literature cliches
(Pre)historical Fiction
What will you be reading Thanksgiving break?
Books that keep you company
Why does reading lead to such shit taste in cinema?
Seriosly guys, how is this guy so well known
/alternate history enthusiast/ here
Where do gen y, millenials and z start and finish? Not that relevant to lit but anyway
Sitting on the public transporter
The Cauldron Has Leaked
How many pages do you read in an average day? I usually read around 200, but if I'm feeling lazy I read about 20 or 30
Finally read The Brothers Karamazov
Samuel Beckett
In order to become a great writer, does one have to be eccentric?
Saw this at a local bookstore, and thought it looked really interesting. Currently in line with a copy; anybody read it?
Hey Veeky Forums
ITT: Name a movie and recieve some book recommendation
ITT: Post your favorite book that you read this year
You have ten seconds to post the name of the best prose poet you can think of
Why was this guy so based
What am I in for?
What is the opposite of the '-let' suffix? For example, if 'manlet' means a short guy...
Recent purchases thread, but write a poem for another person's stack telling them how good/bad their stacks are
How many books did you aim to read this year? How many have you read up until now?
Wtf is this shit and how is it comprehensible?
Could philosophy exist without language?
Do people here actually have diaries?
Get P r i n T e d
I dare Veeky Forums to write one paragraph about this picture
He was obviously not a human being
Why do i have to start with the greeks?
What comes after postmodernism?
Is this still the greatest poem of all time?
Is theory invented or discovered? like math, plato's ideals, that shit
Infinite JUST
So how do I find a Veeky Forums girl gf?
Why does being around young people put me in a good mood? I feel like I'm a teenager again
What is your opinion of the work of Hemingway?
What are some books with themes about alienation?
Still writing books on moral philosophy
Who here /penguinclassics/? Here's my collection, post yours
You can either have his brain and intellect
ITT: God-tier book titles
Is this literary Veeky Forums: The Game?
Lit Podcast
If literature is meant to express the human condition, could you point me to the books that:
What is the flaw in pursuing knowledge and logic...
Is he the greatest Black Magic author of our time?
So what collections of his should I buy?
I'm reading Brothers Karamozov for the first time. The Richard Pervear or whatever translation. A couple questions
Zizek: "I would vote for Trump"
What is Imagination?
Anyone care to explain the Author of the Quixote?
How is it that Russia produces so much great literature despite being a shitty place to live
Vaguely described books
D'you think it'd be justifiable to start having a /film/ general on Veeky Forums...
The great debate
Should I go through my novel and "trim the fat" as they say of all the flowery abuse of prose?
Rate my poem?
Post ur stacks, m8s. R8, B8, H8, 88
Critique thread
Lord of the Rings question
Are cigarettes and coffee Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you streaming yourself writing on twitch, Veeky Forums?
Post the last word you saw and had to look up
How do I find Veeky Forums guys to date? Where do you all hang out and how should you be approached...
What does Veeky Forums think of such mena thinkers as Fakhr Al-Din Al-Razi, Ibn al-Rawandi, Abu Bakr al-Razi...
Tfw your boss gives you nothing to do for a week and a half, so you just get paid $22/hr to read
How true is this Veeky Forums? I just want to stay with my books
What is wrong with the western world?
Ask me for a book on audible and i buy it and put it online
Sup Veeky Forums
How the FUCK does a first-time author get published?
Zizek affirms he would vote for Trump
Help me Veeky Forums
What shitty book series did you read back in middle school?
How long did it take you to get through this book Veeky Forums?
Fuck, he's right
Post the last three books you've finished and the next three you plan on finishing
Buying "rare" books
ITT: Favorite children's book series you read as a kid
Is the sentence grammatically correct in the picture?
Absolutely hated christianity
Do we like the Stoics?
Not judging a book by its cover
Academic world
Trying to get Veeky Forums
Emotions the product of linguistics, or inherent to humanity
I picked up some award winning writer and people were just like 'he's proust' and they were right...
Is it possible to masturbate to a book?
My teacher's face when we could choose any book to report on and literally everyone chose YA shit
Is this really the first great Millenial novel?
Debate over, Veeky Forums has its endorsement
Can someone clearly and concisely state his actual philosophy?
Books that need to be turnen into a movie/tv series
Zizek endorses Trump
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
What's the verdict?
Veeky Forums
George Saunders
What book will cure my depression and make me love life again?
Which is the better edition? I kind of like left cover, but it also costs more
So my friend and math tutor just died. I don't know how to deal with this feel...
It's a fact, I mused to myself, that in societies like ours sex truly represents a second system of differentiation...
I need books about nothing, about nothingness, about the idea of zero
Transhumanism and Post-humanism
Which do you choose? Hardcover or paperback? Mass market paperback and E-book readers aren't invited to this thread
New Joyce?
Anybody else here writing a manifesto?
Has anyone here submitted a manuscript to the 2017 Australian / Vogel literary award...
Which is better, Fahrenheit 451 or 1984?
I have only read >50 books cover to cover in my lifetime (24 years). AM I retarded?
Paradise Lost
Classical Music is Veeky Forums
Nietzsche is a joke
Poetry Critique Thread
Girl on Tinder says she likes books
How many pages did you read today, Veeky Forums?
Hey Veeky Forums...
Long S General
Who is the greatest villain in the history of literature?
Holy fucking shit Veeky Forums
I myself employ the John Green method where I read aloud or revise something in my head and if it could pass as...
If you could ask God one question, what would it be?
Every day with drift farther from the light of God
Which philosophers can help me find inherent value in life without being religious?
What are Veeky Forums's honest thoughts on John Green. I think he's not as bad as everyone says
When your always right in internet arguments and it makes you arrogant
Is Waiting for Godot a "slice of life"?
What is love?
His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling...
Tfw you realize the elevation of your pseudo-bourgeoisie revolution requires the cooperation of a bunch of peasants...
ITT: So called """""Villains""""" who did literally nothing wrong
What do you guys think of Jim Morrison based on his poetry strictly?
Emma Watson Has Taken to Hiding Free Books on Public Transit
What are some novels or stories that have a profound connection between a human and animal...
I just got my first Publishing Proposal and have no idea what to do
What is the most depressing book you've ever read?
When it comes to choosing what to read, I suffer from compulsive indecisiveness...
"I have finally become the Übermensch"
Is he right about both Capitalism and Marxism
How do I into writing?
Post the last book you've read that exceeded your expectations
Time to be honest Veeky Forums, do any of you read YA books and do you enjoy them?
How do I deal the fact I live surrounded by the intelectual version of fat people while I go to the mental gym every...
‘To the two fucking assholes who decided that screwing up my workout and touching me without my permission would be...
Did you know that Jack Kerouac was practically a NEET his entire life?
Turning 30
Who writes the best French prose?
What books should i read to obtain as much cultural capital as possible?
Review of this holy scripture, written by lord E.R
What did he mean by this?(unironically)
So Veeky Forums, what's some essential /kidcore/
The outsider
Any lawyers on Veeky Forums? What do you guys read?
Nietzschecucks, explain this
Two thoughts on this
The First Flawless Philosophy
You know what's really sad
Do you think my words to them will impart any sense of self reflection or self improvement? Did I do the right thing?
Does science require "deeper thought" than humanities/social science
Tfw want to get into American literature and philosophy but it all seems so boring to me
5 page essay due on the 5th
Hey guys, girls, and genderqueer friends. I have something for you to read
What is the best "Carpe Diem" book? A book that helps kick you in the ass and take charge in life...
Why do you hate this Veeky Forums?
Greatest mind of the 20th century?
We knew Harry Potter promoted childhood literacy, but we didn't know it promoted civic engagement
Are any of you reading this? I love it so far, probably the most relatable account of depression I've read
Am I missing something? I understand the focus on Stephen's intellectual development, and the writing is pretty great...
"If you want to be writer you must read 3 hours per day, and write 3 hours per day"
Better than Food
Is it satire or not?
Daily reminder prose is a poor man's poetry
Is new sincerity only possible for redditors and the like?
/OVERMAN/ thread
Literally utopia
Why is this obscurist blue-balled cunt so vague and what the fuck does he SPECIFICALLY mean with his claim that...
What are some other great epics such as Gilgamesh? This book has just blown my mind on so many levels
John Williams: Stoner
Tfw have sexual desires
What is the best study bible?
Which poet is like Bukowski but not as cringy?
Why should one care about politics? As an individual I can do nothing to change it...
ITT: Make a Pynchonian Character Name
Hello friends
Are characters in today's young adult fiction allowed to say "fuck"? What about the rest of the seven dirty words?
Why do non-philosophers makes the best philosophers?
The purpose of a chair is to be comfortable. If a chair isn't comfortable it isn't a good chair
Do you read more American literature or foreign literature?
What are the consequences of a deterministic world anyways
TFW too intelligent to be happy
Who here /norm/? This book was rather brief but hilarious and captivating...
Dostoevsky is objectively better than Tolstoy
I see a lot of people interested in Infinite Jest here. Some people are eager to jump in, others are intimidated...
Is he /our guy/?
Will it ever be topped?
What are some of the edgiest classic books out there?
Victorian Literature
Who is your favorite contemporary female writer?
Buddhism is the Stirner killer
What does it mean to "own" something?
Mishima seems like he was onto something with being a gay. What by him should I read?
I've been stuck on this question for a long time now and decided to revisit it...
Veeky Forums doesn't lift
What's Veeky Forums's opinion on audio books?
Literature Podcasts
Is this worth reading?
Is it possible to create a literary masterpiece out of something like Sonic the Hedgehog, or Ninja Turtles...
Atheistic literature
Sonic's first game is fast
The US election has me wondering. Are we all living inside of a Thomas Pynchon novel?
Is Nietzsche the most misunderstood philosopher in history?
My girlfriend just cheated on me. What are some good books on heartbreak? Thinking of reading Sorrows of Young Werther
So, would this be the old school death metal of literature?
Reading poetry
Yeah, ok
Veeky Forums confessions
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Most beautiful language to read?
Have you ever read a book you have no interest in before reading it just to say you read it?
Is death of an author the greatest lie of literary academia?
I used to dislike Ayn Rand -- until I realised that the only people that hated her worshiped Marx instead
Why are you still here? Why are you on a "literature" board of an anime enthusiast image board?
I want to learn about Zen Buddhism, which books should I read?
Best language to read translation of pic related?
Is fantasy the most fascist genre?
What is the biggest failure you've ever experienced Veeky Forums, or the lowest point you've experienced in life so far?
Lit thoughts about Tolstoj?
What are some good books about despair? Or themes where things seem hopeless...
Can someone be a great writer without having read too much in childhood and adolescence?
What is up with all the /leftypol/ morons that have been on this board lately...
Why is it cool to be a nihilist
Have you ever cried while reading a book? What was it?
Evil books?
Is he the most Veeky Forums person?
Books on Traditionalism
How did you get into literature, user?
What makes russian literature so god tier in comparison with the literature of most other countries...
Probably the worst book I've ever read about Islam
What does Veeky Forums think about this list Veeky Forums came up with?
Any /pioneervalley/ litizens here?
Are there any good poems that are 3 lines or fewer?
There can be nothing as immoral as those dreadful teachings according to which an angry and vengeful God punishes...
So my professor asked what I've been reading lately and I told her...
Greece had Socrates
Is it true that comics becomed new literature...
Kant, more like CAN'T
I had kind of a midlife crisis at twenty which probably doesn’t augur well for my longevity
Here a lil' post to all the spanish speakers of the forum:
What would you ask the greatest mind of the 20th century?
How do i prepare for this?
Is this good, lads?
Not sure what other board to look on so I'll start here
ITT we post hardly translatable words from our language
Which American city is the most Veeky Forums?
Tfw recently discovered the magnificence of literature and poetry
Literary confession thread
Can I get some help with writing an essay for Crime and Punishment...
An intelligent man cannot become anything seriously, and it is only the fool who becomes anything
Hey, user, is it true you're a philosophy major? Thats's awesome! Come, tell us something philosophical
Lewis Carroll
Tfw you finally shed all the alt-right indoctrination gained from years of browsing Veeky Forums...
Pro eugenics
Why do alt righters on /pol/ conflate liberalism with Marxism? There's a thread there right now calling Soros...
Write a post in your best prose
Guys I really fucking suck at reading. I tried picking maldorer and I read like 3 pages of it...
Lucia Joyce Chapter in Jerusalem
Tell us about your work. What are you writing about or have you written? Who were your inspirations?
They don't even know that the meaning of life is joy
I like Hemingway, Faulkner, and Steinbeck
Writing a kids show about a cow living on a farm
What are some books you would describe as a girlfriend simulator?
2nd wave alt lit
Top 25 in Spanish of the last 25 years
Bible translations
Post a writer you want to start reading but haven't yet because you're timid or unsure of where to begin
Sam Harris' and Daniel Dennett's views on free will are almost identical in consequence imo
Hey guys how should I start with Philosophy? What should I read first and why?
Is this a good guide? I've read:
Alan Moore - advice to unpublished authors
Meme Translations
What books are you reading right now?
How to introduce a 12-year old to literature?
God: Where is your brother?
Can someone explain this photo to me?
What are some good books about masculinity that you've read?
Is this sentence correct?
What's Veeky Forums equal to Bojack Horseman in terms of depression and self destruction?
How much better do you think you are than the people around you?
Best WW1/WW2 books?
If a tree falls in a forest but there is no one around to hear it, does it still make a sound?
Something is bugging me about this 'one ring to rule them all'...
What is the most Veeky Forums country on earth?
What are your best words Veeky Forums? personally, all words are equal to me
Why do we need extensive study of literature to be mandatory teaching in schools...
Opinions on Zemmour?
How do I overcome my compulsive perfectionism? Instead of writing something imperfect, I end up writing nothing at all...
How do you fix it Veeky Forums?
Post your favourite non-fiction
ITT: interviews you like
Books described badly
Share with us what you're currently writing, what you wanna write...
Recent Purchases Thread. How is this Stendhal book? I saw it in the clearance section so I grabbed it
You're taking a shit when you reach down in horror to find that you forgot your phone...
What facial expressions did you make when you realized that Dr Jordan B Peterson singlehandedly saved the Western...
Dylan accepts Nobel Prize
What's the best coming of age novel?
If I just wrote the next Ulysses/Gravity's Rainbow/Infinite Jest, which publisher do I send it to to get it published
See a university student holding her books in her hand when she could have just bought a larger bag
Who is the greatest living philosopher and why is it pic related?
What does literature do better than movies? why should one not just watch movies or theatre or listen to music?
I'm not sure what to make of this
ITT: Best IJ quote
Your desert island five
Whose the literary equivalent?
People in the cave could easily compare their own flesh to the shadows, devise a theory...
Give me your serious opinion of Max Stirner. No memes
Okay Veeky Forums, I'm gonna start with the Greeks...
Would this be a nice gift for a girl who likes Cortazar, Veeky Forums?
Wordsworth appreciation thread
Why is Theology accepted in Academia
Movies give me boners
What did he mean by this
Must-read books that give you madman knowledge
Sports, politics, and religion are the three passions of the badly educated
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
Post ur shelves
Confess your spooks in this thread and be free of them
Why are so many sociologists marxists...
What is best publisher?
Is this book worth reading?
Required Reading in High School
What would his suicide note have been like?
Anyone read this yet? Seems like it could be some extreme red pill tripe...
More books that are similar to the idea of this chart?
Why don't normalfags know how to use this word properly?
This is a good book
Ueueuueueueueu, fornec ailio jarana!
What are some poems that impress normies?
I have not set foot in a grocery store in years...
Hitler was a better writer than H.P. Cuckcraft. Prove me wrong
What the heck is up with all these advertisements? That fucking nip sold out on us...
Post your bedroom and others guess how lit your lifestyle is
Why does Veeky Forums hate genre fiction so much? I don't think there's anything wrong with enjoying it...
I fell for the meme and I feel like there is a lot of stuff I'm not getting, jokes and stuff
Teacher said this was an amazing book he rereads every once in a while. Recommended it. Should I read it...
Which books written this year will be remembered decades from now?
Our trolley problem is finally relevant lads!
Write what's on your mind
Why does Veeky Forums get so triggered that black writers write about racism and slavery and shit like that...
Women are massively over-represented in the humanities and in publishing
Book has sex scene
Any must read french books Veeky Forums? Looking to practice my french
Does the gender of a Main Character ever make or break the deal for you Veeky Forums? What are your preferences...
Lyrics thread
How come when people accuse Chomsky of supporting Pol Pot they dont quote him or cite the work?
"Sam Coll was born in 1989, in Dublin, Ireland...
Poe v. Lovecraft
What books take me away from this nightmarish reality?
How well-read are ya?
Religioud anons, why are you religious? And do you believe your belief is rational?
Do you think Schopenhauer wrote 'On Women' before or after he went bald?
Because of the incredible number of coincidences in my life and the sacred geometry patterns I sometimes see against...
Does my reading list get Veeky Forums approval?
Tsm: A more efficient language
I'm thinking about writing a book for 10 years and I still did not do it...
Which books do fascists read?
Is it narcissistic to think of yourself as the protagonist of your life and that your life is a story?
Brothers Karamazov > Crime and Punishment > Demons > The Idiot
Name one food more Veeky Forums than grilled cheese on sourdough bread. Go ahead, I'm waiting
He's really not THAT bad. Is hating John Green just a Veeky Forums meme?
Tfw your kid's school makes you sign a permission slip so he can read Fahrenheit 451
/critique/ general
So when did western education become shit
I only scored in the 88th percentile on the Reading and Writing portion of the SAT. How should I kill myself...
Aphantasic reporting in
What books should I read to get ready for my English Ph.D.?
Tfw to smart for hegel
You're working in a book shop...
How does one come up with a good title for a book?
Can philosotards explain this?
Is reading a good way to learn a language?
Mfw britbongs pronounce it "dan-tee"
I've just registered for NaNoWriMo
What is the most Veeky Forums drug?
Tfw you paid £9,000 per year for a Professor to ask you: "What did he mean by this?" over and over again
Is it possible to lift and still be Veeky Forums?
Kurt Vonnegut
How do I explain Nabokov's Lolita to my parents/relatives/friends, my dear friends?
Shakespeare Deniers Battle Thread
Which is the best book to film adaptation?
Too stupid to read poetry
How accurate is this?
Hey guys...
What does Veeky Forums think of Calvin and Hobbes?
Are there any books on loneliness?
Tfw too stupid for STEM so you have to settle with literature
Why are females so much better at fiction than men, Veeky Forums?
Handwriting thread
/lits top 100 chart disappoints another year in a row
So, it's spook season, and I've got to know; are any of Stephen King's novels worth reading?
Do you think making a movie out of Confederacy of Dunces might be interesting? Give your honest opinion
Shit, a qt grill wants to read the prose poetry I bragged about
ITT: literary characters that are literally you
Is she as good as they say?
How many of you honestly recommend starting with the Greeks?
So can we safely assume that if TWOW doesn't come out before season 7 we'll never get it?
Current study
Want to read the king james bible for literary merit
What are some good/important female authors to read, Veeky Forums?
Anyone doing it? tips? how bad of a time am I in for? how much prep did you guys do?
Kant argues that space and time are preconditions of experience, rather than something we know empirically...
What book best recreates the atmosphere of Dark Souls?
ITT: You write your will and final thoughts before departing this world forever
Rentboy does his favorite book
Who is your favorite philosopher?
Hey Veeky Forums
Have any of you guys read Ben Shapiro's first venture into fiction ? What does Veeky Forums think of Ben?
What book has the most boypussy which is actually a serious book and not just a porno with no plot...
What chair do you sit in when you read?
What one must read before Mein Kampf...
Who are the most powerful beings in the Lovecraftian universe? Are any of them benevolent...
What is the Veeky Forums approved translation of the Bible?
Who was the most Veeky Forums dictator of the 20th century?
Best opening lines
What's a Good book to read when your going to be high...
Leftist literature general
Paul Beatty is the first American to win the Man Booker Prize
Have sex with gf
Ernst Jünger
What does Veeky Forums think of the Veeky Forums-themed poetry of Rachael Allen?
Have you read the first Millenial novel yet Veeky Forums?
Greatest Thinkers of the Current Year
Veeky Forums's favourite 100
Prerequisites/starting points for:
The girl i love gave me her copy of pic related...
/vent/ general
When it comes to American literature, it seems Veeky Forums only cares about Moby-Dick, Faulkner, and postmodernism
/sffg/ - Science Fiction & Fantasy General
How's that novel coming?
Where would be a good place to start on Kierkegaard
Greentext the plot of your new novel
In this ITT thread: hardest books to understand
Happy birthday Max
Stack Thread
Drinking metaphors
Behold! I show you The Ultimate Man. "What is love? What is creation? What is longing? What is a star...
Original Poetry
What is the BEST book ever written?
Is he the greatest modern day philosopher?
It seems like everyone I know is on a constant quest to improve themselves, in a somewhat superficial manner:
Please recommend works that relate to the worldview described in this picture
Your age
Hey, Veeky Forums. Who's your favourite poet?
ITT: the book that sparked your sexual awakening
Writefag Thread
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games