Literary confession thread

Literary confession thread

I Stirnerpost without reading Stirner and jerked off to a Lee Child novel's sex scene once when I was a teenager.

Human garbage.

I have never finished a book but I discuss many of them here

What the fuck are you doing here you complete pseudo-intellectual?

woah there buddy i came here to confess my sins, and yes to confess the truth, i am

I asked you a question. Ignore the ad hom if that stopped you from giving a straight answer.

>that fat woman's posture

i like to discuss literature but my mind feels empty so whenever i get close to the end im not able to handle it so i close the book

Pipe down, basement dweller

I thought Life of Pi was a great book and did not see the twist coming at all.

Empty in what way? Empty in the not-filled-with-completely-read-literature way? If so you're going about it getting rid of said emptiness in completely the wrong way.

I like Trump over Hilldog but he is quite feminine. Weak jaw, bad posture, fat in all the wrong places, pear shaped figure, unable to grow facial hair, ginger, spraytanned, plastic surgery, golden tasteless house, slimey little mouth beard of a wife et cetera

>but he is quite feminine

small hands as well

/r/books isn't that bad.

I bought a book of short stories by H.P. Lovecraft, and I don't really enjoy and probably won't finish it, desu.

I hate on DFW without having read him. I judge authors harshly just because they have twat fanbases (Murakami, Vonnegut).

I'm basically a twat.

>visiting friend
>notice book on the sofa
>pick it up, start reading
>unsettled, look for the author
>written by a woman
>have a giggle and immediately put it back down

i fucked your mom

Tell me more

I studied French for 8 years but I'll still read the English translation if there is one

He literally released his health report and has high test.

It's confirmed by science.

i dont know how to read

If I find bugs around the house, I put them in my vagina.

Especially silverfish.

If it weren't for Harry Potter I would have never become a reader.
I got 200 pages into IJ and gave up.
Cetology is my fave chapter of MD.
My favorite author is Edward Abbey.

is this true? if so please expand, how many books have you tried to read and how far have you gotten?

new fetish

So how you read what OP wrote?

I think the Great Gatsby is severely overrated.

I agree desu

I only started properly reading when I was 21

I spend more time on Veeky Forums than i do reading