Literature Podcasts

Are there any literary-focused podcasts?

If the hosts are likable, that's definitely a bonus.

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bump th-th-there's gotta be ... one ... right?

Bumping for interest.

Wish l could help OP, but the only thing that comes to mind is In Our Time. They rarely talk about books, but when they do, it's surprisingly through given how short the episodes are.

guess i'll give u a bump too

Bookworm with Michael Silverblatt, though it's all interviews with authors about their work specifically.

History of Philosophy is nice.

New Yorker Fiction podcast
Lapham's Quarterly podcast
NYRB has one I believe
probably some others

Maybe we can start one.

>totaltundra audio edition
god help us

the dead authors podcast

BBC In Our Time is really good and honestly the only acceptible choice
Look it up

fucking love that guy

Otherppl is pretty good sometimes

Frank Delaney's re:Joyce. It's a very close reading of Ulysses. The host is knowledgable and fun and Irish.

>This Autistic Life
I'd listen to that though tbtruthful

I just got a proper mic, I could probably help.

OP here. Honestly, if you guys go through with this, I'll get in on it too

You could take 'callers' from Veeky Forums as well, just random anons skypeing in to shitpost audibly.

If you guys need someone who isn't afraid to say "nigger" a lot, I'm your man.

>Thank you for your contribution user

Should we use a Discord?

I like that idea senpai. It would keep some of the chaotic weirdness and trolling that makes this place feel alive.


Sure, I could get behind that

this better happen I swear to god I'm so fuckin bored

3% is a good podcast about publishing.

what are

if you guys do actually make one, make sure you make a thread posting it. id listen to it.


Unironically good postcast if you cherrypick the guests you like desu.

I like Otherppl.

KCRW Bookworms is literally the best. Michael Silverblatt is an incredible reader. You can hear how the writers are themself often excited or surprised about what he spotted in their books.


the pynchon in public podcast is pretty decent but we could easily do something better

weed out the plebs and start a podcast focused on a couple topics/books that we organize ahead of time, come together and discuss

It would be greatly appreciated.

I like the idea of random callers; maybe start a parallel thread here on Veeky Forums while the podcast is recording.

It will be done.


I envision a panel of 3 (though the number isn't rigid in my mind), with the readings being chosen by each member, with particular episodes devoted to a reading assigned to the panel (say by a Veeky Forums thread where the first dubs picks the selection).

I would use the experience to strengthen my practice of formalist critical methods. If there were no objections or superior recommendations, I would suggest an initial reading from John Fowles, maybe The Collector or The Maggot.

>formalistic critique

Jocko Podcast reads and reviews war books on his podcast often if you're into military stuff.

Entitled Opinions

The podcast would have to be independent from Veeky Forums. The moment you chose to be representative of anything related to Veeky Forums you are fucked, as it is impossible to integrate the chaotic nature of it.

Make it a thing of it's own. Young upcoming intellectuals that prove themselves to be great readers of literature, be it in their methodical thoroughness or their intuitive insight or sensibility are a must. (If you are ambitious, and capable of filtering out the pseuds)

There is enough on the internet where people take self-expression as a value in itself, and Veeky Forums is filled with people of this calibre.

I can already tell Veeky Forums's podcast (if there's going to be one) is going to flop.

I need the practice in close reading; that said, I don't see the podcast being a resurrection of OPOJAZ. I imagine the other contributors will bring different perspectives and have different goals.

Why is the host so insufferable?

Awwwwwww, the first critic!

It's officially happening, guys!


I think it's a Stanford thing... but it has gotten me on the subject of a title for this thing.

With respect to I'd like for it to be connected to Veeky Forums. If /pol/ can unleash the Alt-Right, Veeky Forums should be able to make a meaningful contribution of equal magnitude.

We're gonna make it...

Is it supposed to be about magnitude or is it about quality?

The contribution's magnitude will come from the quality of our work. As literature engrosses less of the population than politics, I don't expect the level of notoriety to be equivalent.

Though someone mentioned Entitled Opinions, I was actually thinking of something analogous to Partially-Examined Life.

thanks for this, looks wonderful!

Don't be stupid. If this Zanzibar-tier podcast ever starts, it'll be with the Greeks.
Ignore this man; he is a faggot.
Even fucking /leftypol/ got its shit together enough.


I'm not staying up 'till two in the morning just so I can call a bunch of mumbling faggots niggercucks.

This one is seriously great. He goes through Ulysses literally line by line and his energy is infectious.

>it's all interviews with authors about their work specifically.

This is what kind of kills it for me. He doesn't interview enough memes.

im fine with waking up early to chat with the patricians of europe, staying up late lowers your testosterone

we need to organize the podcast in advance around a few topics, any suggestions?>


suggesting a bi-monthly one structured around a specific work with say an hour of discussion by the "experts" on Veeky Forums then another hour of open lines where randos can come in and chat

yuro time for the first and burger time for the second but not the same topics for both

also, bi-monthly could allow people to read the work during the breaks inbetween podcasts. just announce the next topic at the end of every podcast so people could stick through the end too

Between the Covers is worth checking out. Unfortunately the guests aren't from the best class, but occasionally a good writer comes on, and in any case the host is excellent and extracts some insight out of everyone.

If we do Greeks, I'd suggest that we start with Hesoid instead of Homer. For a Greek circuit I'd recommend:

1) Hesoid, Works and Days
2) Sappho, Ode to Aphrodite & something from Pindar
3) Aeschylus, Seven Against Thebes
4) Callimachus, Hymn to Demeter
5) Daphnis and Chloe, Longius

I think that is a broad enough selection where the Greeks aren't neglected but also don't dominate the long-term prospects of the podcast.

yeah i just think we should start the podcast with the greeks to fulfill the meme then we can bounce around wherever we want after (maybe poll?)

>lifelong dream to be on podcast/radioshow to banter
>dont know enough about literature to banter
ill definitely listen to this though as long as there are some charismatic people to carry it

The easiest shit to banter about is politics

You also need to soliloquize a lot

Combine something well-known with something lesser. ex. a comparison of Hesiod and Homer, or Gilgamesh and Homer, to draw in people who have only read the Two Big Memes like me as well as those more versed. And hooking in people wanting to learn more.

I don't know enough about lit. to podcast, but I'll sure as sure show up to call them all Jews of the Trve Kvlt.

I vote the podcast be called Homersexuals.

So how many feel comfortable hosting? I just want a rough estimate for now. If we have a small number 3-5 that'll work fine, if a lot of people want to host 10+ we could work a way to cycle hosts with what they want to talk about most and have them skip sessions on topics they don't care so much about

>wanting to learn about literature while not reading
I am truly sad for young minds today

>I guess you can never interact with literature unless through literary means
>I guess you can never talk about literature EVER
>I guess you can never go to Veeky Forums for literature
I am truly sad for the autist minds today

Excited for this podcast
Excited to hear all kinds of voices, slow, methodical, fast, raving, and everything in between discussing literature and promoting board health
Excited to read the Greeks with all of you
creating a reading list following the Greeks can work, and I think going through Veeky Forums's top 100 would have the same effect. the reading material can be dispersed throughout the month in digital format, that way everyone has the opportunity to join.

I truly hope more people are interested, but with that in mind I'm completely comfortable hosting.

Side question:
tripcodes won't be necessary, will they?

We shouldn't (hopefully) have to use trips

Lame. Let's just talk about the big philosophers or Homer. Or interpretations of general Greek thought/culture as seen through later movements (neoplatonism, Thomism, renaissance, enlightenment, modernism, po-mo)

Face it, if you want to talk about those texts, you'd better read the greek original. In which case, have fun discussing by yourself. We'd be better off discussing the Odyssey, Plato and Aristotle, Heraclitus and his relation to Hegel and Heidegger.

Better topics would be
> modernist poetry
> post-modern novels
> Tolstoy and/or Dostoevsky

We could actually get discussion going

I'm ready, just call it Veeky Forums radio. Nice and simple. Maybe when on break, classical music can be played to compliment the literary lifestyle.

>classical music
That sounds unappealing actually, like some real pseud stuff
I doubt very many of us actively listen to classical music which is why I say that.

I thought starting something closer to the present, but there seems to be a consensus of sorts to start with the Greeks. I prefer Hesoid over Homer for the sake of brevity

The philosophical and theoretical frameworks cannot be ignored but they should not dominate at the expense of the literature. This is why I suggested Aeschylus and Pindar over Aristotle and Plato.

I dislike tripcodes but I imagine we're going to have to get a mailing list together so we can determine host schedules and parcel out the sundry little duties. It will be good to know how many people are interested in contributing to the work.

I don't even like classical music very much I just figured you guys would. I do like Clair De Lune and Canon in D however.

We're only starting with the Greeks to uphold memes
It really is a fine place to start and I have no problem with it so long as we don't follow into the history of the western canon.

this. do it for the memes but dont stick to it for long. its gonna burn the hosts, speakers, and viewers out

maybe shorter works in tandem could do too? i'm thinking of something like apology and the clouds paired together to give us a picture of socrates for the greeks since socrates is perhaps of utmost importance in the study of them. both are quite short, about 50 pages total which is more than enough given the suggested bi-monthly schedule.

this could also work with more modern works, by say contrasting two poets of the same movement


how can I help?


Just scroll through the archives, a lot of meme classics in there.

Though some episodes the host can sound a bit rude to his guests. I listened to one on Mrs Dalloway a couple of days ago and he sounded annoyed at the guests the entire time.

He interviews some pretty interesting people sometimes though, e.g. W. G. Sebald, Javier Marias, John Barth

Let's get a group going and then divide up into "specialities" and each can choose/prep for specific topics?

Just watch recordings of professors teaching. Podcasts are shit and the equivalent of someone at the supermarket talking to you about theoretical physics.

Better yet you can read the books, nigger. How crazy is that?

Yeah, I do this. Lectures > convert to mp3 = boss-mode.

There's too much banter involved in podcasts.

where can I find good lectures for this purpose?

For what purpose? Literally type up any topic/scholar you want and see if they're on youtube. Get an extension that allows you to download the audio.

obv you go to it for the bantz

We should do an episode on Hypersphere

would a discord b easier than tripcodes

No literary content.

just to get the ball rolling

err try this:

join this


>Are there any literary-focused podcasts?
i don't know

invite expired

this one won't:

i have a good radio voice and read a lot, i can also choose the music

join this chat to talk about it

tinychat / 4chanlit