So what collections of his should I buy?

So what collections of his should I buy?

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none there all shit

all of them

Learn spanish, translations are waste time better spent on books you can read in their original language.

>Learn Spanish

There are only like 10 Spanish books I want to read, fuck off Pablo


is Borges actually that much better in the original?

Ficciones and El Aleph
Don't buy Labyrinths

I thought Labyrinths was just another version of ficciones

you're an insufferable pretentious prick
I'm argentinian and reading Borges is really hard even if spanish is your native language

t. brainlet

Short Stories of Jorge Luis Borges - The Giovanni Translations

It's worth it just to read Don Quixote

Spanish speaker here.
Borges is perfectly readable in English.

His prose is about conceptual clarity, not about doing things with the Spanish language that are hard to translate, Borges wrote extensively against that practice which is common in the Spanish language because of the influence of XVII century Golden Age Spanish Literature.

As an adult, when he wrote his major works, he rebelled against the Baroque writer he was as a young man, and would have burned those books if he could.

Get Ficciones/Fictions, it really is his best collection of stories. It has Pierre Menard, The Garden of Forking Paths, The Lottery in Babylon, The Library of Babel, Tlön, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius, Funes the Memorous, his best stories by far.
I very The Aleph, as good as it is, a far inferior collection of stories.
In fact, his best work after Ficciones is his anthology of his poetry.


>I'm argentinian and reading Borges is really hard even if spanish is your native language
Pero que imbecil, lmao

Calladito te ves más bonito

Reading Borges in translation is fine.

Reading anyone else in translation by Borges is a less reliable experience but interesting.

He re-wrote them.

If you're a Jew like me, the most cost-effective thing to do is to buy Fictions and The Aleph. Labyrinths leaves out some good stories from the other two so if you buy that and want more, you'll have to spend the full price of a book on a collection of stories that you, but for a couple, already own. After Fictions and The Aleph get his Selected Poems, they're absolutely fucking brilliant.

Ya llegaron las princesas de /lat/

Fictions is generally regarded as his best collection of short fiction work. Labyrinths has a great selection from Fictions and The Aleph and also a few of his best non-fiction essays. Based on the inclusion of some his non-fiction, I'd recommend Labyrinths for a someone approaching Borges for the first time.

The other option following similar thinking is A Personal Anthology which is a generous and varied selection of fiction, non-fiction, and poetry chosen by Borges himself towards the end of his life.

Es bastante pesado Borges