Whose the literary equivalent?
Whose the literary equivalent?
The Bibles
Probably anything with a strong poetic value and catholic imagery. Paradise Lost, maybe.
Unrelated but what novels prevent a similar sense of empathy and brotherhood present in much Russian film aside from the obvious?
I'm always floored by their consistency in comparison to many an italian, french, or of course american cinema which can often turn a blind eye to cruelty.
a pseud. Tarkovsky is barely above middlebrow and I can't really fathom Veeky Forums's obsession with him
t. /tv/
He's one of the only filmmaker who truly understood what cinema was about. There might be like only 10 of them. Tarkovsky, Bresson and Antonioni are the best directors who ever lived.
Too bad their writing is kind of bad. Notes on cinematography and Sculpting in time are interesting, but not that great.
Really? you've managed to fathom the film worlds obsession with Tarkovsky for the past 4 decades but not Veeky Forumss?
Tell me what canonical authors you don't like that you simply can't conceive anyone else liking at all.
I'm sure you've got refined enough taste in Mexican noir films and Hungarian tv dramas to make your opinion worth shit.
And Milton, but catholics can be surprisingly inclusive sometimes, or grabby.
I obviously meant christian. Sorry, english is not my native language.
No, it's mine.
No one
That's why he's so great
>Tarkovsky, Bresson and Antonioni are the best directors who ever lived
you are like a little baby
Literally none.
Bresson's and Antonioni's understanding of cinema isn't as great as Tarkovsky, who is one of the most admired film theorist. Just try reading Sculpting in Time and Tarkovsky: Interviews. No other director has written anything as exquisite as those.
no one has elevated cinema as much as tarkovsky did in order to be art and not just a product.
Anna Akhmatova
This is why nobody decent discuses film around film pseuds. Book pseuds are bad but you can always embarassed them by actually reading unlike them. Films pseuds just namedrop tons and tons of obscure burmese metamodern nippletorture film directors but as soon as someone names a very competent, groundbreaking director, they chastise you for not "getting it." As if literatis don't understand your medium better than you: many are well versed in drama, have dabbled in art, have maybe even read some film theory. Meanwhile, the film pseud deconstructs Tarkovsky by saying that there was some Luxembourgish guy in the 1940s who also did something semi similar so clearly tarkovsky is a fraud and an awful director.
Readers read and read widely and praise all good books and lambast all bad books and pull the greatness out of each one. Film pseuds just keep going down databases of obscure old directors and come up with new ways of defending a director against being called middlebrow and claim him as their secret eidolon so they can laugh at people who dare say that Cocteau directed some great films.
to be frank this post should be stickied on /tv/
To be fair, the same qualities you chastise film pseuds for can be found on Veeky Forums too
>DFW is visionary omg
>Gaddis did it first
>Tarkovsky, Bresson and Antonioni are the best directors who ever lived.
lil embryo watches movies just like grown-ups!
btw you're projecting an awful lot