Sonic's first game is fast

Sonic's first game is fast,

His physics, unsurpassed.

His early games, really great;

But all too soon, out of date.

When "D" subsides to "3."

So fanboys can't concede,

So Sega lost their way,

Nothing fast can stay.

Other urls found in this thread:

what would Joyce think of think of vore fanart of Sonic the Werehog

send it to chris-chan

also, here is the first google result for your poem

Sega is obsolete you stupid fuck
Sonic fanboy? Shit, you're out of luck.
Modern video games are far more deep
It's not like sonic could snipe from a jeep.
Although I agree the games had their merit
A contemporary gamer couldn't bear it.
That's all I have to say, I'll let it be...
Perhaps you should just fuck off back to ?

What does "D" mean?

Hi there!

You seem to have made a bit of a mistake in your post. Luckily, the users of Veeky Forums are always willing to help you clear this problem right up! You appear to have used a tripcode when posting, but your identity has nothing at all to do with the conversation! Whoops! You should always remember to stop using your tripcode when the thread it was used for is gone, unless another one is started! Posting with a tripcode when it isn't necessary is poor form. You should always try to post anonymously, unless your identity is absolutely vital to the post that you're making!

Now, there's no need to thank me - I'm just doing my bait to help you get used to the anonymous image-board culture!

Now you leave kitty alone, fag.


Although you think your clever with this rhyme,
You need to brush up on your deeper thought.
For, sure this piece has flow to its weak chime,
But conceit it lacks on any testing block
While books and books may help you on your course,
I do suggest taking a walk outside.
Your feet shall do just fine, no car, no horse,
Here you might fancy meeting your new bride.
What would Sanic do or even Jesu
Who shall with his free time sit and shitpost
Of course not adolescent desu
'Cause he who spends his time well learns the most
Now off you go, make the world a better
Place by which your lines might then seem clever

Sonic kino


Speaking of this moron, whatever happened to Feminister and REI and butterfly?

Sonic is that you?
Hear me through
When at last
You see that craft
Flying to you,
don't be blue
Please be fast:
shave that mustache

This Shadow leads!
Chaos, it breeds!
The Emeralds cast their glow

And though I am blue
I'm burning through
the Shadow towards my goal

The Fatman appears!
Stoking my fears!
My Knuckles can crack his shell

The dark is now day
Eggman's my prey
I'm shouting now! "YOU'RE TOO SLOW!!!"

sounds as something lovecraft would write in his early days:

>The night was dark,
>O, reader, hark!

This makes me feel warm and fuzzy inside :)

Kitty has proven their worth with tangential quotes from greek/russian literature. You not so much.

You're hilarious.

One's capacity to regurgitate orthodoxy at others proves worth, eh?

I bet you're a professor/novelist and your opinion is quite exquisite, quite excellent, quite most superior indeed.

You probably sit on a shitter of platinum and wipe with gold leaf, issuing statements to your attendant with a seal he takes when explains to plebs, ex cathedra, of course, that their work is inferior, they have been judged inferior, and they shall not be tolerated.

I smoke caviar, myself. I mean, I roll caviar in my blinis, summon my brazier gimp, and draw on one end 'till the other is alight. I inhale deeply, breathe into the face of my filter gimp, and let him gobble my secondhand carbon emissions. I will later have his lungs scraped that I might use the tar patina to craft delicate prose simple ink simply can not convey.

You really are a faggot, though.
And you. But thanks for my (you). I like to know someone's eyes passed over even my worst poetry. Funny enough, Most of my private poetry is my worst.

>I smoke caviar, myself. I mean, I roll caviar in my blinis, summon my brazier gimp, and draw on one end 'till the other is alight. I inhale deeply, breathe into the face of my filter gimp, and let him gobble my secondhand carbon emissions. I will later have his lungs scraped that I might use the tar patina to craft delicate prose simple ink simply can not convey.
Hmmm. Okay, you can stay.

I didn't imply it proved objective worth. Simply that there is a place on this board for one namefag to quote tangential greek/russian literature. My opinion is far from exquisite; it is correct.

>How pleasant it is to squeeze out a limb with every fuck. I could pick the sounds of her mastications from a roomfull of masticating matrons, my god.

Don't you dare bully TWPoet!

Does someone have the spurdo with the kid that looked communism and sonic?